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Palestinian Boy Allegedly Used As Human Shield Near Ofer

Funny how strickly Sherri is about the SUBJECT when it's against Israel. but any other threads which has nothing to do with Israel bash, she'll ENTER Israel bash.

Like the thread of mine about Ofra Haza, you put the Israeli Palestinian conflict trash in.

So your threads can be hijacked to, eh?

Israel's practice of using civilians as human shields has a long history thst has been documented by many human rights organizations, like Btselem.
Leave sherri alone----she has correctly stated that no organization
which is devoted to seeking out "abuses against 'palestinians' by
JOOOOOS" has reported any abuses BY PALESTINIANS"

now do you understand???
DEFLECTION !!!!! There is NEVER any report of abuse as long as its done by Arabs !! Never saw reports of "abuse" when it pertains to be headings, "Honor Killings", etc, etc . :eek:

The OP is about a Palestinian boy reported as used as a human shield by a children's human rights group! Deflection is you bringing up nonexistent events to divert from the topic! And accusing me of deflection when you do it is Hypocrisy!

Can you explain why you support Israelis using Palestinian children as human shields? It is a war crime!


Can you explain why I'm supposed to have " sympathy" for this kid when Pro- Palestinians don't have sympathy for Israelis who are Stabbed to death ? The OP is about a Palestinian boy being used as a " human shield" by the Israelis because there's a Double Standard. Are you O.K. with that? Apparently you are.

I'll " condemn" Israel when you condemn Hamas for Hiding out in Schools, hiding among kids, etc, etc. Not until then.:eek:

I have no ability to give another human being humanity they so obviously lack. Only God can do that!
The OP is about a Palestinian boy reported as used as a human shield by a children's human rights group! Deflection is you bringing up nonexistent events to divert from the topic! And accusing me of deflection when you do it is Hypocrisy!

Can you explain why you support Israelis using Palestinian children as human shields? It is a war crime!


Can you explain why I'm supposed to have " sympathy" for this kid when Pro- Palestinians don't have sympathy for Israelis who are Stabbed to death ? The OP is about a Palestinian boy being used as a " human shield" by the Israelis because there's a Double Standard. Are you O.K. with that? Apparently you are.

I'll " condemn" Israel when you condemn Hamas for Hiding out in Schools, hiding among kids, etc, etc. Not until then.:eek:

I have no ability to give another human being humanity they so obviously lack. Only God can do that!

You should try reading the bible----G-D as described by jews and real christians

conferred FREE WILL on humans . The early books of the bible are fascinating and
to a very significant degree a REPUDIATION of "fate" based theologies toward which
the theology of ancient greece tended. gee you are dim. I am delighted that I
do not believe that G-d made a piece of filth like you----the filth that you are
Israel's practice of using civilians as human shields has a long history thst has been documented by many human rights organizations, like Btselem.

I am looking at a report from 2006 and reading how soldiers went into Beit Hanun in Gaza on July 20, 2006 and seized two buildings and held 6 residents that included two children on the staircases of the two buildings for 12 hours. And during the time they detained these civilians there were intense gunfire exchanges. The soldiers also demanded one occupant walk in front of them during a search of the buildings. http://www.btselem.org/humanshields/20060720_human_shields_in_beit_hanun

Discussion of the law

"The testimonies taken by B'Tselem indicate that the Israeli soldiers who took over the buildings used the occupants as human shields. They placed civilians on the staircase, next to the rooms where the soldiers were located, with the intention of deterring the armed Palestinians from attacking the building and/or so that the civilians would be located between the soldiers and the armed Palestinians, should the latter manage to penetrate the building and try to shoot them. The soldiers used one of the occupants to open the doors of the apartments, apparently out of fear that other persons were hiding there and would open fire when the door was opened. International humanitarian law, which states the rules applying in armed conflicts, requires the sides to distinguish between combatants and civilians, and to protect the lives and dignity of civilians. The Fourth Geneva Convention, in Article 27, states that civilians who find themselves in the hands of one of the parties are "entitled, in all circumstances, to respect'… They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof'…" Article 28 of the Convention expressly prohibits the use of civilians as human shields by placing them alongside soldiers or military facilities, with the hope of attaining immunity from attack. The official commentary of the Convention refers to this practice, which was common in the Second World War as "cruel and barbaric." The Convention, in Articles 31 and 51, also prohibits the use of physical or moral coercion on civilians or forcing them to carry out military tasks."

Here is a discussion about the treatment of three men inside these buildings, one of whom was taken prisoner after the operation ended.

"Around 8:00 A.M., the three men were taken to the staircase next to the third-floor apartment, where the soldiers were gathered. The three remained on the stairs, their hands cuffed behind their back and their eyes covered, until 8:45 P.M., when the soldiers left the building. At a certain point, one of the brothers, Tareq, moved a bit, and a soldier hit him in the chest and threatened to kill him. While they sat there, an intense exchange of gunfire took place between soldiers in the building and armed Palestinians outside. In contrast to the situation in the other building, many bullets entered the staircase area via the window and struck the wall, above the heads of the three occupants. One of the brothers, 'Emad, was taken by the soldiers at the end of the incident and remains in Israeli detention."

We see that with respect to the issue of Israel using Palestinian civilians and Palestinian children as human shields, there is a long documented history of this practice, with findings by reputable human rights organizations, that Israel has an established practice of using civilains as human shields.

When the Arab women love their children more than hatred, then there will be peace. If this was happening in the civilized world, the parents of martyrs would be in jail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vi9oNs42hs]Son's death was "best day of my life," says Palestinian mother - YouTube[/ame]
Israel's practice of using civilians as human shields has a long history thst has been documented by many human rights organizations, like Btselem.

I am looking at a report from 2006 and reading how soldiers went into Beit Hanun in Gaza on July 20, 2006 and seized two buildings and held 6 residents that included two children on the staircases of the two buildings for 12 hours. And during the time they detained these civilians there were intense gunfire exchanges. The soldiers also demanded one occupant walk in front of them during a search of the buildings. http://www.btselem.org/humanshields/20060720_human_shields_in_beit_hanun

Discussion of the law

"The testimonies taken by B'Tselem indicate that the Israeli soldiers who took over the buildings used the occupants as human shields. They placed civilians on the staircase, next to the rooms where the soldiers were located, with the intention of deterring the armed Palestinians from attacking the building and/or so that the civilians would be located between the soldiers and the armed Palestinians, should the latter manage to penetrate the building and try to shoot them. The soldiers used one of the occupants to open the doors of the apartments, apparently out of fear that other persons were hiding there and would open fire when the door was opened. International humanitarian law, which states the rules applying in armed conflicts, requires the sides to distinguish between combatants and
civilians, and to protect the lives and dignity of civilians. The Fourth Geneva Convention, in Article 27, states that civilians who find themselves in the hands of one of the parties are "entitled, in all circumstances, to respect'… They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof'…"

Article 28 of the Convention expressly prohibits the use of civilians as human shields by
placing them alongside soldiers or military facilities, with the hope of attaining immunity from attack. The official commentary of the Convention refers to this practice, which was common in the Second World War as "cruel and barbaric." The Convention, in Articles 31 and 51, also prohibits the use of physical or moral coercion on civilians or forcing them to carry out
military tasks."

We see that with respect to the issue of Israel using Palestinian civilians and Palestinian children as human shields, there is a long documented history of this practice, with findings by reputable human rights organizations, that Israel has an established practice of using
civilains as human shields.


every arab child who dies as a result of israeli fire dies because
islamo nazi pigs are using children as human shields. In all
campaigns of "RETURN FIRE" in which Israel launched missiles
using the same trajectory which incoming fire traced---
arab children end up dead. The only persons guilty of those deaths
are the people shooting into Israel ------RETURN FIRE IS NOT ONLY
murdered hundreds of children JOYFULLY using the method of
launch from cribs and the run-----return a wave a baby corpse -----
-a well established islamic method of warfare
Background on Human Shields.

This is from Btselem, dated 1/1/2011


"On 6 October 2005, Israel's High Court of Justice ruled that it was illegal for the army to use Palestinian civilians during military actions. The court ruled on a petition submitted by Adalah in the name of B'Tselem and six other human rights organizations in 2002. The petition followed the army's use of Palestinian civilians as human shields since the beginning of the second intifada, primarily during operations carried out in densely populated Palestinian areas, as occurred in Operation Defensive Shield. The method was the same each time: soldiers picked a civilian at random and forced him to protect them with his body, and do dangerous tasks for them. For example, soldiers have ordered Palestinians to: enter buildings to check if they are booby-trapped, or to remove the occupants; remove suspicious objects from roads; stand inside houses where soldiers set up military positions, so that Palestinians would not fire at them; and walk in front of soldiers to shield them from gunfire, while the soldiers point a gun to their backs and sometimes fire over their shoulders. The soldiers in the field did not initiate this practice; rather, the order to use civilians as a means of protection was made by senior army officials."

Btselem goes on to state that in August of 2002, Nidal Abu Mheisen, a 19 yr old Palestinian was killed by Palestinian gunfire when soldiers forced him to serve as a human shield. And, despite the Israeli Court's decision and army orders, the IDF continued the practice of using civilians as human shields. In 2007, Btselem documented 14 cases of the IDF using civilians as human shields. In Operation Cast Lead, there were cases of civilians used as human shields. In one case, two soldiers were prosecuted for ordering a 9 yr old boy by gunpoint to open a bag that they suspected was booby-trapped. They were given a three-month conditional sentence and demoted from staff sergeant to private

Sherri leaves out the fact that COMBATANTS in war are required to
BE CLEARLY DISTINGUISHABLE as such thus in the world of
sherri a slut with a bomb on her stinking ass -----is not a combatant
---she is a civilians against whom acts of self defense are prohibited
and her actions are completely legal, In fact she is wrong---the
muderous sluts who DIE FOR ALLAH, ISA, AND THE RAPIST PIG --
are legal military targets In fact ----the fact that such sluts are
utilized by the kith and kin of sherri------renders all her fellow sluts---
with or without bomb on stinking ass----LEGAL TARGETS

Depending on how things go in the world of ALLAH, ISA, RAPIST PIG
terrorism ----there may come a time when every slut with a rag
on her head MIGHT be considered likely dangerous and a legal
Background on Human Shields.

This is from Btselem, dated 1/1/2011

Background on Human Shields | B'Tselem

"On 6 October 2005, Israel's High Court of Justice ruled that it was illegal for the army to use Palestinian civilians during military actions. The court ruled on a petition submitted by Adalah in the name of B'Tselem and six other human rights organizations in 2002. The petition followed the army's use of Palestinian civilians as human shields since the beginning of the second intifada, primarily during operations carried out in densely populated Palestinian areas, as occurred in Operation Defensive Shield. The method was the same each time: soldiers picked a civilian at random and forced him to protect them with his body, and do dangerous tasks for them. For example, soldiers have ordered Palestinians to: enter buildings to check if they are booby-trapped, or to remove the occupants; remove suspicious objects from roads; stand inside houses where soldiers set up military positions, so that Palestinians would not fire at them; and walk in front of soldiers to shield them from gunfire, while the soldiers point a gun to their backs and sometimes fire over their shoulders. The soldiers in the field did not initiate this practice; rather, the order to use civilians as a means of protection was made by senior army officials."

Btselem goes on to state that in August of 2002, Nidal Abu Mheisen, a 19 yr old Palestinian was killed by Palestinian gunfire when soldiers forced him to serve as a human shield. And, despite the Israeli Court's decision and army orders, the IDF continued the practice of using civilians as human shields. In 2007, Btselem documented 14 cases of the IDF using civilians as human shields. In Operation Cast Lead, there were cases of civilians used as human shields. In one case, two soldiers were prosecuted for ordering a 9 yr old boy by gunpoint to open a bag that they suspected was booby-trapped. They were given a three-month conditional sentence and demoted from staff sergeant to private


You support a sick evil culture that sacrifices their children on the alter of hate. Jesus is gonna send your lying ass to hell.

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getting a nine year old to deal with a booby trap suspected bag -is
wrong ----they should have used his mother
Btselem Report


Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields
in Violation of High Court of Justice Order

November ‏2002

This is a 21 page report documenting cases where Israel used civilians as human shields.

"In April 2002, the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch published a report on the IDF’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. Following publication of the report and the many testimonies received by Israeli and Palestinian human rights
organizations about the use of human shields, seven human rights organizations petitioned the High Court of Justice to end this practice. "

Here is part of the discussion of one incident.

"Jenin, 9 November 2002 Khaled Kamil woke up around 4:00 A.M. and heard soldiers’ voices near his house. Five minutes later, he heard an enormous explosion. Immediately afterwards, soldiers knocked on the door of his house, entered, and searched the premises. The commander ordered Kamil to go outside, where he questioned him about his neighbors. The soldiers continued to question him, and then made him go to the neighbor’s house. They threatened that, if he did not do as told, they would arrest him and destroy his house. Then the soldiers took Kamil outside and blew up one of the walls of the house. After that, the soldiers forced him to go back into the house and beat him. Then they demanded that he go through the hole in the wall into an alcove that had been revealed on the other side. They ordered him to call out to Iyad Sawalha, who was hiding in the alcove, and tell him to give himself up. One of the soldiers stood next to Kamil, with his weapon aimed at him. Kamil heard the soldiers question Iyad’s wife about weapons and explosives in his possession. The soldiers took Kamil out of the house and moved him to a house nearby. At the conclusion of the operation, in which Sawalha was killed, Kamil was taken to the prison in Sallem. He was released the following day.'"


Human shields, as documented by Israeli human rights group, Btselem


Soldiers occupy the Kasab family’s house, beat family members and detain the father and three sons, Jan. '09 'Izzat 'Omar Muhammad Kasab

Testimony of 'Izzat 'Omar Muhammad Kasab | B'Tselem


Army forces neighborhood residents from their homes, Jan. '09 'Abd al-Mu'ti 'Abd Rabo

Testimony of 'Abd al-Mu'ti 'Abd Rabo | B'Tselem


Soldiers Killed and injured dozens of persons from a-Samuni family in a-Zeitun neighborhood, Gaza, 4 Jan. '09 Maysa' Fawzi a-Samuni

Testimony of Maysa' Fawzi a-Samuni | B'Tselem

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