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Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.

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Sherri seems unable to remember the many previous discussions where the GC's were discussed and where it was determined that Israeli use of WP rounds in general did not appear to violate the GC's..... of course there are sometimes tragic errors and occasional wrong acts in the midst of a war, but those are exceptions and should not be mischaracterized as willful departure from GC protocols.

It is very sad indeed that children suffer, and that children in Gaza have suffered so because their HAMAS government chooses continually to permit rocket attacks upon Israeli children and other civilians. The children of Sderot and Ashkelon haven't done anything to excuse the attacks upon them.

And no, the amazing ineffectiveness of HAMAS terrorist attacks upon civilian Israelis in no way mitigates the act of launching a rocket INDISCRIMINATELY. Each one of those launches is a war crime, a crime against humanity, attempted murder of children.

There is absolutely no justification for those crimes by HAMAS. After a few THOUSAND such attempted murders, the Israelis chose to respond. The results are the responsibility of HAMAS.

Your post is complete BS. No human rights groups have found Israels use of WP to be lawful. Stop with the lies.

No amount of unverifiable 'testimonials' from Gazan civilians is in any way 'proof' of the Israeli intent or usage being *officially* in violation of the GC. That is a matter which cannot be determined strictly by accounts from civilians who were unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of combat.

And no amount of NOISE is going to change the fact that HAMAS committed THOUSANDS of exactly the same type of crime against the Israeli people and some refuse to acknowledge those crimes OR their effect in exacerbating the situation.

As everyone knows, laws are ALWAYS subject to some degree of interpretation: The words above appear to be a claim that no use of WP in combat is ever legal: that is a false. IOW, you appear to have lied.
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All of the human rights groups call Israels use of WP war crimes and violations of The Fourth Geneva Convention.
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I am hopeul one day the war criminals who orchestrated these war crimes against civilians and children will be tried for their crimes.
Professor Norman FInklestein speaks about the Gaza Cast Lead massacre and Israels unlawful use of WP.
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LOads of photos and videos from various sources that clearly show WP munitions being used against civilian targets.

The simple fact is; while ever Israel is supported by America blocking any action against Israel for its war crimes - Israel knows it can get away with anything.

America should be ashamed.
And we want that to be documented by the human rights groups, or it has no credibility.
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Post 145, in that video by Professor Howard Finklestein, he discloses as of 2010 over 300 human rights groups reports had been written investigating and documenting war crimes of Israel carried out during Cast Lead. Further, these human rights groups all concluded Palestinians did not use civilians as human shields or force civilians from their homes or force civilians to stay in their homes.

If it is true it should be roundly condemned.

The article does say however:
Two of the shells were said to have contained a phosphorus warhead. A 1980 convention outlawed the firing of phosphorus shells toward civilian targets, and in 2009 Hamas accused Israel of firing phosphorus shells toward Gaza City.

Is there any more evidence? There was substantial evidence as well as injuries to show that WP was used in Gaza.
There is absolutely NO reason to use WP on civilians.

Putting the issue of WP to the side for a moment, how do you define a "civilian" target?

If rocket launchers are, for example, placed on the roof of a hospital or school, is that a civilian target or a military target?

If a group of terrorists have their headquarters in an apartment building, is that a civilian target or a military target?

If a factory makes farming equipment on floors 1-3, and bombs in the basement, is that a civilian target or a military target?
There is absolutely NO reason to use WP on civilians.

Putting the issue of WP to the side for a moment, how do you define a "civilian" target?

If rocket launchers are, for example, placed on the roof of a hospital or school, is that a civilian target or a military target?

If a group of terrorists have their headquarters in an apartment building, is that a civilian target or a military target?

If a factory makes farming equipment on floors 1-3, and bombs in the basement, is that a civilian target or a military target?

I think it can be very difficult to define "civilian targets" in the context you are talking about and because, in a place as densely populated as Gaza - you have to be very careful about the methods you use.
There is absolutely NO reason to use WP on civilians.

And there is absolutely NO reason to deliberately target civilians and not the military as Hamas does. Plus they use kids and citizens as human shields from their rocket launching sites.

And this may interest some. Hiding within the Red Cross office, by force no doubt.


Unfortunately Israel also uses kids as human shields - a practice I find dispicable on both sides.

However - there is a difference between using WP and targeting civilians. WP has no business being used in urban areas and especially, in the daylight. Far less damaging smoke shells are an available alternative.
Amnesty: Israel, Hamas committed war crimes in Gaza assault | Maan News Agency

Post #150: Make that '299' HR agencies: "The group also said the military wing of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups fired rockets and other weapons into Israel, killing civilians and damaging civilian property."

PS: There is no reliable documentation for the HAMAS claims that Israel "...deliberately targeted and murdered Palestinian civilians....” as the HAMAS spokesperson claimed.

However, every unguided rocket sent into Israeli territory is exactly as much a war crime as the improper use of WP by Israel. And there have been *thousands* of such rockets.

If Israel were to send over small balloons with 'payloads' of sterile distilled water, that would constitute a border violation just the same.
Unfortunately Israel also uses kids as human shields - a practice I find dispicable on both sides.

You are, pardon my French, full of shit. Gaza clearly hides behind its own children to shield its "fighters" from Israeli attacks. Israel (despite the unsubstantiated claims you are referring to) has NEVER engaged in such a practice. Rather, Israel has been forced to build bomb shelters in all of its border towns to protect its children from rocket fire.

However - there is a difference between using WP and targeting civilians. WP has no business being used in urban areas and especially, in the daylight. Far less damaging smoke shells are an available alternative.

You couldn't answer my questions, so you're right back on your talking points. This is a waste of time.
Gaza: Hamas Report Whitewashes War Crimes | Human Rights Watch

"Hamas can spin the story and deny the evidence, but hundreds of rockets rained down on civilian areas in Israel where no military installations were located," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Hamas leaders at the time indicated they were intending to harm civilians."

"Hamas prepared its report in response to the findings of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, headed by Justice Richard Goldstone. The Goldstone report said that rocket attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups constituted war crimes and perhaps crimes against humanity."

If they are not hypocrites, the 'pro-Palestinian' posters here will acknowledge and condemn these attacks with the same intensity and frequency they do the alleged 'war crimes' of the Israeli government. When that has happened, I will begin to consider it worth my time to 'discuss' the topic with them.
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