Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Return Week Inauguration Panel: 74 Years of Israel’s Denial of UN Resolution 194​

The sour grapes report.

Israel HOSTAGE CRISIS in Gaza as Hamas War RAGES; U.S. Sends Warships | Watchman Newscast LIVE​

Israel has been playing Whack-A-Mole with Hamas for years. They kill a lot of civilians, destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure, and Hamas is still there.
RE: Israel and Palestine • Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Supporting Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel has been playing Whack-A-Mole with Hamas for years. They kill a lot of civilians, destroy a lot of civilian infrastructure, and Hamas is still there.


You can attempt to justify this type of action all you want. But in the end, you are nothing more than an Arab Palestinian that supports Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.

There will always be Hostile Arabs of various varieties all around. All HAMAS has done is convinced a lot of people that within the region, Palestinians are a danger to peace. The Hostile Arab Palestines have just proven themselves (in the eyes of many) to be nothing more than criminals conducting terrorist acts directed against the Israel, intended or calculated to create an atmosphere in the minds of the general public that they pose a serious danger to humanity.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel and Palestine • Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Supporting Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


You can attempt to justify this type of action all you want. But in the end, you are nothing more than an Arab Palestinian that supports Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.

There will always be Hostile Arabs of various varieties all around. All HAMAS has done is convinced a lot of people that within the region, Palestinians are a danger to peace. The Hostile Arab Palestines have just proven themselves (in the eyes of many) to be nothing more than criminals conducting terrorist acts directed against the Israel, intended or calculated to create an atmosphere in the minds of the general public that they pose a serious danger to humanity.


Most Respectfully,
All juvenile name calling aside, I do believe that the Palestinians have the right to self defense as the UN states.

Israel-Hamas war: Palestinian ambassador to the UK refuses to condemn attacks​


Israel-Palestine war: Israel security forces face questions | Did the security apparatus break down?​

RE: Israel and Palestine • Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Supporting Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All juvenile name calling aside, I do believe that the Palestinians have the right to self defense as the UN states.

The various Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have been considered "designated Terrorist" by Europe and North America for more than half of a century.

They cannot claim self-defense. They have been attacking (aggressor action against) the Israelis. There is no such thing as —“terrorism for humanity”— when the HoAP attack for the sake of blood. The HoAP are terrorist when they assault those targets outside the definition of "Comabatants" (Rule #3), when they openly attack "Civilians" (Rule #5), or when they engage targets beyond the definition of "Military Objectives" (Rule #8) as outlined in the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

Now, just like we do not expect any psychopath or sociopath to understand moral and ethical values, similarly, we do not expect the HoAP that have for decades hijacked commercial aircraft, run-down men women and children aboard public buses, carried out suicide bombings, kidnapped and killed teenagers, run-down civilians in their cars, engaged in wild knifing sprees in shopping centers, launched indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks, etc, etc, etc to have an appreciation for these easily identifiable concepts. And we do not expect the HoAP to grasp the idea that the gradual increase in security countermeasures over the decades has been to mitigate these unjustified attacks, assaults and killing frenzies.

Those that support the HoAP use of violence (contrary to Customary and IHL) to intimidate or cause grave harm in violation of the Geneva Convention as a means of affecting political change and territorial conquest are just as guilty as the terrorist themselves.

IF the Anti-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian factions want to claim that they are some sort of "state" or "sovereign nation" THEN that entity and the people are collectively 'State sponsors of terrorism."

Is this "juvenile name calling?" NO! This is the proper use of phases defined by both Stand and Legal dictionaries as well as codified law. In this regard, your position is almost entirely


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israel and Palestine • Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
SUBTOPIC: Supporting Terrorism
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


The various Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have been considered "designated Terrorist" by Europe and North America for more than half of a century.

They cannot claim self-defense. They have been attacking (aggressor action against) the Israelis. There is no such thing as —“terrorism for humanity”— when the HoAP attack for the sake of blood. The HoAP are terrorist when they assault those targets outside the definition of "Comabatants" (Rule #3), when they openly attack "Civilians" (Rule #5), or when they engage targets beyond the definition of "Military Objectives" (Rule #8) as outlined in the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

Now, just like we do not expect any psychopath or sociopath to understand moral and ethical values, similarly, we do not expect the HoAP that have for decades hijacked commercial aircraft, run-down men women and children aboard public buses, carried out suicide bombings, kidnapped and killed teenagers, run-down civilians in their cars, engaged in wild knifing sprees in shopping centers, launched indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks, etc, etc, etc to have an appreciation for these easily identifiable concepts. And we do not expect the HoAP to grasp the idea that the gradual increase in security countermeasures over the decades has been to mitigate these unjustified attacks, assaults and killing frenzies.

Those that support the HoAP use of violence (contrary to Customary and IHL) to intimidate or cause grave harm in violation of the Geneva Convention as a means of affecting political change and territorial conquest are just as guilty as the terrorist themselves.

IF the Anti-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian factions want to claim that they are some sort of "state" or "sovereign nation" THEN that entity and the people are collectively 'State sponsors of terrorism."

Is this "juvenile name calling?" NO! This is the proper use of phases defined by both Stand and Legal dictionaries as well as codified law. In this regard, your position is almost entirely


Most Respectfully,
You never answered my question about due process.

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