Pam Keller: Posting the Winning Moe Drawing on City Buses!!!

Why put offensive material on buses?
BECAUSE its not offensive Coyote !!

Seriously? You don't think material that is deliberately targeting and insutling a religion or group of people- any religion - is not offensive?

Presumably these are not offensive either?


not offensive to me no matter the race or religion Coyote !!

Well good for you then - I tend to find them offensive and would rather not see them on public transportation (btw - that is not the same as saying they should be banned).
and even if offensive to some groups , big deal , its legal . Never woulda been a problem in 1970 - 1980 so offending muslims is a result of importing muslims . Another illustration of Americas immigration system .
Perhaps it is time for someone to post Pam Geller's home address. And the addresses of her kids and grandkids.

She's so courageous, after all! And it is legal!


They did WHAT!?!?
and even if offensive to some groups , big deal , its legal . Never woulda been a problem in 1970 - 1980 so offending muslims is a result of importing muslims . Another illustration of Americas immigration system .

It's legal, but, as another noted - just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Offending Muslims is no different than offending Jews, Blacks etc. Those who choose to do it, for no more reason than to offend reveal more about their own character than that of the target group they're trying to demean.
Muhammad Cartoon on Buses ? Good Idea, or Bad ?

What do you think of Islamization fighter Pamela Geller's idea of putting the winning Muhammad contest cartoon on city buses and in train stations ? She has already submitted the cartoon to the Washington, D.C. transit authority, for review.

Geller previously bankrolled bus ads in Washington, D.C., that featured photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler talking with a Muslim leader beside the message “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran.” In San Francisco, her group ran ads showing American Journalist James Foley moments before he was beheaded by ISIS terrorists last year.

Washington’s metropolitan transit authority accepted the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative) ad without a fight. They attempted to block a previous ad campaign from the AFDI in 2012, but lost the court battle.
That same year, Manhattan’s MTA attempted to block the AFDI from putting up anti-Muslim ads in the city’s subway system.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” the controversial ads read.
A federal judge ruled in AFDI's favor, acknowledging their First Amendment right to political speech.

Why put offensive material on buses?
BECAUSE its not offensive Coyote !!

Seriously? You don't think material that is deliberately targeting and insutling a religion or group of people- any religion - is not offensive?

Presumably these are not offensive either?



Why don't they just run a huge close-up of "Piss Christ" on the sides of buses?

That oughta be popular, oughtn't it?
--- same thing.
Jews are like Christians for the most part , civilized and not really worried about what the mainstream says just so the mainstream doesn't beat them up physically . muslims are the newest group that is easily offended and they shouldn't have been imported . Blacks , well blacks have been Americans since the founding and should just be tolerated and taught after being ignored or arrested when they break the law . Thats no reason to import more troublemaking muslims as far as I am concerned Coyote !!
Silly, but why not?
1. Not at all "silly". Islamization is part of the intermational jihad war against America. That war must be fought somehow, or it will be lost.

2. Why not ? Some people say putting the ads on buses is too risky. Billboards might be better ?
You might not like her, but you have to admire the courage of this woman! She is going to post the winning Mohammad pic on city buses in Washington DC. That will be awesome. I do fear though that she is putting defenseless people at risk in order to strike a symbolic blow against Islam. It will not be difficult for a Muslim terrorist to shoot up a bus or detonate a suicide bomb on a bus filled with innocent people. When that happens, she will be blamed for the deaths by the gutless liberal media and even some on the right like O'Reilly.

I applaud the effort, but I think this will backfire!

AFDI s New Free Speech Bus and Train Ad Campaign Featuring Muhammad Cartoon - Breitbart
i think the next contest should be "Draw Hillary In A String Bikini" contest.

I just threw up.... thanks a lot.
actually lets throw in a "Draw Nancy Pelosi Without Make-Up" contest too.

View attachment 41713
actually a "Draw Moochelle" without make-up contest would likely attract one million contestants.
All I would have to do is take a picture of a turd.
I love to see them everywhere. Billboards, buses, posters, etc. Just saturate the market until they get it. Don't hold us hostage to your bronze age beliefs.
wouldn't make a difference 'pogo' , run pizzchrist all you like , no problem !!
Jews are like Christians for the most part , civilized and not really worried about what the mainstream says just so the mainstream doesn't beat them up physically . muslims are the newest group that is easily offended and they shouldn't have been imported . Blacks , well blacks have been Americans since the founding and should just be tolerated and taught after being ignored or arrested when they break the law . Thats no reason to import more troublemaking muslims as far as I am concerned Coyote !!

Muslims have been a part of this country since it's beginnings.
Already threaded yesterday.

Pam Geller's a vainglorious fucking idiot whose only function apart from attention-whoring is shit-stirring. Fuck her.
Muhammad Cartoon on Buses ? Good Idea, or Bad ?

What do you think of Islamization fighter Pamela Geller's idea of putting the winning Muhammad contest cartoon on city buses and in train stations ? She has already submitted the cartoon to the Washington, D.C. transit authority, for review.

Geller previously bankrolled bus ads in Washington, D.C., that featured photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler talking with a Muslim leader beside the message “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran.” In San Francisco, her group ran ads showing American Journalist James Foley moments before he was beheaded by ISIS terrorists last year.

Washington’s metropolitan transit authority accepted the AFDI ad without a fight. They attempted to block a previous ad campaign from the AFDI in 2012, but lost the court battle.
That same year, Manhattan’s MTA attempted to block the AFDI from putting up anti-Muslim ads in the city’s subway system.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” the controversial ads read.
A federal judge ruled in AFDI's favor, acknowledging their First Amendment right to political speech.


It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
Pam Keller posting offensive cartoons on buses?

Thank God her grandmother Helen didn't live to see that.

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