Pamela Gellar Banned from Twitter

Shows how scared the left is. They know they can't compete with the message, so they just silence it. A sure sign of weakness, not strength.
Sounds like 'sour grapes' to me, after your side went too far... well... go ahead and call it weakness... doesn't matter... just so long as your False Gods are muzzled.

Yep, just so long as any competing opinions aren't heard. Why? Because you know your opinions are weak. If they were strong you'd encourage the oppositions opinions and you could stand up and say "See, look what they think and look at why I'm right." But you can't do that. Not hard to win a car race if you're the only car on the track, but that doesn't mean yours is the fastest.

Sour grapes? I'd say sour grapes are cutting the tongues out of your opponents mouths. That doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes you look extremely weak.
...Yep, just so long as any competing opinions aren't heard. Why? Because you know your opinions are weak. If they were strong you'd encourage the oppositions opinions and you could stand up and say "See, look what they think and look at why I'm right." But you can't do that. Sour grapes? I'd say sour grapes are cutting the tongues out of your opponents mouths. That doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes you look extremely weak.
DO feel free to continue to believe that... I'm sure it will be of great comfort to you while you are sitting on the sidelines after the 2020 general election.

There is a profound distinction between a 'difference of opinion' and addictive idiotic conspiracy theories coupled with calls to violence and insurrection.

Your inability to either (a) recognize or (b) acknowledge such a distinction is the primary underlying cause of your angst in this matter. Sux to be you, eh?
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
What the trump Nazis fail to understand are the "terms of service" restrictions privately owned Internet companies require subscribers to follow. Those companies can censor anyone they want, and there is no violation of anyone's First Amendment right to free speech.

This fact has been pointed out to trump's Nazis countless times on these and other message boards, but it never seems to penetrate their granite block skulls.


Because we can't seem to get it through your granite skull that they enjoy section 230 immunity because they claim to be a non-biased entity. If they are going to censor content then they should be able to get sued based on that censorship and the content that is posted there. Now they're just a publisher like any other news site.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

The hate-speech and inciteful bullsh!t spewn by the trump Nazis is not protected by the First Amendment. The claim that these Internet services are censoring the trump Nazis' "opinions" just don't ring true.

spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.

How about spreading theories about Russian collusion? How inciting riots and looting and burning by overstating every single police shooting of a minority, justified or not? I guess none of that is dangerous because none of that was stopped or will be by the MSM. You could continue the false narrative of Russian collusion on Twitter and never be banned. Anyone who is able to step back from their politics and see what is really going on here. The Democrats are in bed with the MSM,much of which is controlled by big tech. They want to decide what is valid and what is misinformation. That is state controlled media. That is dangerous. Democrats need to wake up.
...Yep, just so long as any competing opinions aren't heard. Why? Because you know your opinions are weak. If they were strong you'd encourage the oppositions opinions and you could stand up and say "See, look what they think and look at why I'm right." But you can't do that. Sour grapes? I'd say sour grapes are cutting the tongues out of your opponents mouths. That doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes you look extremely weak.
DO feel free to continue to believe that... I'm sure it will be of great comfort to you while you are sitting on the sidelines after the 2020 general election.

There is a profound distinction between a 'difference of opinion' and addictive idiotic conspiracy theories coupled with calls to violence and insurrection.

Your inability to either (a) recognize or (b) acknowledge such a distinction is the primary underlying cause of your angst in this matter. Sux to be you, eh?

I guess you missed the calls to violence from Democratic politicians. I know I missed them being banned from Twitter. I know they certainly haven’t stopped any idiotic conspiracy theories from the left. They won’t do that. You guys are seriously brainwashed.
Never forget when you support letting those with power silence those you disagree with it makes it easier for them to eventually silence you. When that happens ask yourself who will there be to support you and help you fight back against it.
When you support violent overthrow of a free-and-fair general election in the United States you move beyond the realm of protected speech.

Such treatment of traitors and beetle-browed Neanderthals like we saw on January 6th is nothing new in American history... a sad necessity from time to time.
It's early but you get the award for dumbest post of the day. What is also sad is people being so short sighted and blinded by their own hatred they can't see the danger in the actions they are supporting. As I said one day you and those like you could be branded the traitor when that day comes I highly doubt you will still see it as a sad necessity and you will have no one to stand up for you and will have played a major in giving those with power total control. Those who have willingly done this will be ones history remembers as the beetle browed Neanderthals.
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
1. There were no Judas fans in the Church. If there were any, they were outside of it.
2. Revolutionary WAR.
3. World WARII.

Of course all kinds of things get suspended during war time. Check into what Lincoln did in the Civil War. Got anything else?
spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.
Especially when the "winners" shut down all discussion. Sorry. That only proves you have something to hide.

Get used to 4 years of this never going away

At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
What the trump Nazis fail to understand are the "terms of service" restrictions privately owned Internet companies require subscribers to follow. Those companies can censor anyone they want, and there is no violation of anyone's First Amendment right to free speech.

This fact has been pointed out to trump's Nazis countless times on these and other message boards, but it never seems to penetrate their granite block skulls.


Because we can't seem to get it through your granite skull that they enjoy section 230 immunity because they claim to be a non-biased entity. If they are going to censor content then they should be able to get sued based on that censorship and the content that is posted there. Now they're just a publisher like any other news site.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

The hate-speech and inciteful bullsh!t spewn by the trump Nazis is not protected by the First Amendment.


Yes it is. There was a single case before the SCOTUS that ruled someone with the KKK who called to incite violence at a rally committed a crime. Later the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Brandenburg's conviction, holding that government cannot constitutionally punish abstract advocacy of force or law violation.

"In 1969, the Supreme Court's decision in Brandenburg v. Ohio effectively overturned Schenck and any authority the case still carried. There, the Court held that inflammatory speech--and even speech advocating violence by members of the Ku Klux Klan--is protected under the First Amendment, unless the speech "is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action"

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At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
What the trump Nazis fail to understand are the "terms of service" restrictions privately owned Internet companies require subscribers to follow. Those companies can censor anyone they want, and there is no violation of anyone's First Amendment right to free speech.

This fact has been pointed out to trump's Nazis countless times on these and other message boards, but it never seems to penetrate their granite block skulls.


Because we can't seem to get it through your granite skull that they enjoy section 230 immunity because they claim to be a non-biased entity. If they are going to censor content then they should be able to get sued based on that censorship and the content that is posted there. Now they're just a publisher like any other news site.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

The hate-speech and inciteful bullsh!t spewn by the trump Nazis is not protected by the First Amendment. The claim that these Internet services are censoring the trump Nazis' "opinions" just don't ring true.

dude, if you're the one silencing speech, it is you who is the nazi, please stop gaslighting in the forum.
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.

^^^ the blood thirsty abortion baby killers claiming they are "decent folks" :cuckoo:

What is it with democrats and children? They either want to kill them in the womb or molest them once they're out.

Democrats should be sterilized.
spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about election fraud is not a difference of opinion.
Especially when the "winners" shut down all discussion. Sorry. That only proves you have something to hide.

Get used to 4 years of this never going away


"Get used to 4 years of this never going away"

We dont mind you whining for 4 years. You did the same thing the last 4 years so no one cares.
Shows how scared the left is. They know they can't compete with the message, so they just silence it. A sure sign of weakness, not strength.
Sounds like 'sour grapes' to me, after your side went too far... well... go ahead and call it weakness... doesn't matter... just so long as your False Gods are muzzled.

Yep, just so long as any competing opinions aren't heard. Why? Because you know your opinions are weak. If they were strong you'd encourage the oppositions opinions and you could stand up and say "See, look what they think and look at why I'm right." But you can't do that. Not hard to win a car race if you're the only car on the track, but that doesn't mean yours is the fastest.

Sour grapes? I'd say sour grapes are cutting the tongues out of your opponents mouths. That doesn't make you right or them wrong, it makes you look extremely weak.

We live in an eclectic age of information. The Fairness Doctrine was dropped in the 80's because we no longer relied on 3 networks for our news. Now it is even more diverse. Imposing any type of restrictions like the old doctrine would be near impossible to enforce.

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