Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
In just ONE DAY, and a little snow and ice, and people are PANICKED and FIGHTING OVER FOOD. Well, that is just a tiny PEEK at what will happen if something WORSE should happen, like our economy collapses, which IS coming... and libtards laugh at preppers, and people who defend their right to keep and bear arms for the protection of themselves, their family and their property...

Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’

Empty shelves in Atlanta merely foreshadow future mass panic in America

Adan Salazar & Kit Daniels
February 11, 2014

Atlanta residents ransacked neighborhood grocery stores in frantic preparation for their second major snowstorm of the year, waging fights over food items and leaving destruction and empty shelves in their wake, a stunning precursor to what will ensue once a major crisis impacts the U.S.

» Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid Snowpocalypse!
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Can see justification in more northern states, but Atlanta's thing was a freak occurence stemming from infrequent snowfalls and thus not having the ability or inclination to prepare for the worst. States further north probably stock up every winter as a matter of routine in case roads are closed and grocery trucks can't get through. the government buys bullets.

They see the writing on the wall.

But this little bit of snow and ice is nothing compared to what is coming, the collapse of our economy. There will be absolute panic and anarchy inside of 48 hours, and people will be killing each other over food and water.
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If milk and bread are what them people were tearing into each other over, to me, they are nuts because milk and bread are NOT the only foods on this planet.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Can see justification in more northern states, but Atlanta's thing was a freak occurence stemming from infrequent snowfalls and thus not having the ability or inclination to prepare for the worst. States further north probably stock up every winter as a matter of routine in case roads are closed and grocery trucks can't get through.

There was food on the shelves in ATL yesterday evening.
It never hurts to have canned foods, beans, rice, water jugs stashed in a closet or shed. I know I do. I have not gone bonkers about it, but having spare is a wise move, I think.
At any given time we have at minimum 7-8 days of food...prolly more like 10.
I make beer, so I have 2 to 3 cases of beer usually as well. Craft beer is nutritious with plenty of calories and carbs. Which also means I have some pretty sophisticated means to filter water.
In just ONE DAY, and a little snow and ice, and people are PANICKED and FIGHTING OVER FOOD. Well, that is just a tiny PEEK at what will happen if something WORSE should happen, like our economy collapses, which IS coming... and libtards laugh at preppers, and people who defend their right to keep and bear arms for the protection of themselves, their family and their property...

Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’

Empty shelves in Atlanta merely foreshadow future mass panic in America

Adan Salazar & Kit Daniels
February 11, 2014

Atlanta residents ransacked neighborhood grocery stores in frantic preparation for their second major snowstorm of the year, waging fights over food items and leaving destruction and empty shelves in their wake, a stunning precursor to what will ensue once a major crisis impacts the U.S.

» Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid Snowpocalypse!

In that Red State.
I also have a tinder thingy to make fire, a bottle of those water cleaning pill thingies, two huge bowie knives, spare dog food and cat food, and a shitload of matches and about 100 lighters..which I get a free one every time I buy a carton of cigs. And two guns with spare ammo. We had a generator but it was super noisy and our power does not go out often. We don't have to worry about snow storms here, or tornadoes or hurricanes. We have earthquakes to worry about. And the Nuclear plant down the road. No need for a generator. We will be quite warmed up by Diablo as we slide into the pacific.
Serves them right for waiting till the last moment.

Hope they learned their lesson.

Everybody should have some emergency food and water. I have.

Do you?
I filled the gas tank in my was busier then usual.
The storm hits my area around midnight...
Glad I got the gas tonight.

But these people crack me up...
Yeah milk and eggs disappear quick when that first snowflake hits the ground...
In just ONE DAY, and a little snow and ice, and people are PANICKED and FIGHTING OVER FOOD. Well, that is just a tiny PEEK at what will happen if something WORSE should happen, like our economy collapses, which IS coming... and libtards laugh at preppers, and people who defend their right to keep and bear arms for the protection of themselves, their family and their property...

Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’

Empty shelves in Atlanta merely foreshadow future mass panic in America

Adan Salazar & Kit Daniels
February 11, 2014

Atlanta residents ransacked neighborhood grocery stores in frantic preparation for their second major snowstorm of the year, waging fights over food items and leaving destruction and empty shelves in their wake, a stunning precursor to what will ensue once a major crisis impacts the U.S.

» Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid Snowpocalypse!

In that Red State.
True. But Atlanta is a blue city.

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