Pardons anyone?

Cute tantrum, son.

No tantrum at all, liar. Calling bullshit on a liar isn’t a tantrum. It’s simply speaking the truth. Thus, you couldn’t possibly recognize it.
But you think they asked for pardons, because they were rightfully worried about being convicted of crimes because of democrat bias.
Don’t tell me what I think, you lowlife scumbag lying sack of shit. What I said is that it would be smart to be well prepared ahead of time once you recognize the illicit style with which the filthy Dims operate.
That was hilarious, stupid , and sad, all at once. Trump has turned your brains to sewage.
You’re a liar at all times and your idiot opinions are of no significance.
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Not at all. And all you libtards who use the word “bigly” are already known as more vacuous than most of interstellar space.
So, to review:

Hillary and Hunter can't get in trouble for crimes they committed, and Trump allies should worry about being convicted of crimes they didn't commit, because the courts and DOJ are all biased Democrat.

Oh, the grand juries and state Attorneys, too.

And all the regular juries too, naturally.

We actually have a significant number of people in this country who believe this embarrassing, paranoid nonsense.
the system is rigged against imagined crimes, and prosecutes actual crimes.
Sometimes the system works very well. Sometimes not so much.

But when the system tips off CNN prior to a completely unnecessary show of force to “get” Roger Stone, when it trips over itself to go after some aids to President Trump, but couldn’t be bothered to lift a damn finger to go after Obumbler’s AG (Holder) for contempt of Congress after Congress actually cited Holder for contempt, it would require studious blindness to not see that there is something foul going on.

I am content in my belief that the agents of the FBI are, by and large, good law enforcement agents. Likewise I am content that most Assistant US Attorneys do their jobs with proper zeal and for the right reasons. But I’d have to be as blind as a typical raving libtard not to notice the systemic bias of the justice system on some political matters.
Trump told a radio talk show host that he will pardon all of his goons in his next term and most of them are police, firemen and military. They will all receive apologies. He said the leftist lawyers don`t care about families. :laugh:
Still crazy after all these years.
The party of crime. These people common criminals. Nothing more.
The vast majority of crime is committed by democrats. I mean if 90% of black people are democrat, then that is half of tha nation crime alone. Democrats commit somewhere between 75-80% of all crime in the US.
The vast majority of crime is committed by democrats. I mean if 90% of black people are democrat, then that is half of tha nation crime alone. Democrats commit somewhere between 75-80% of all crime in the US.
This is your defense of Trump`s goons? You lose.
Who created those neighborhoods? People like you who ran them out of the South and refused to hire them in the North. Read a damn book already. I won`t rat you out to your fellow Ku Kluxxers. They would strip you of your costume if word got out that you were a known reader of books.

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