Parents explode over school mooch meals - My kids don't wanna eat 3 pounds of turnips a day

You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.

Yet another bit of nonsense from our Professional Attorney/dog washer.

Obesity prevention programs encourage children, adolescents and adults to adopt behaviors that promote better health.

You gonna try to hang this on Obama? Think about that because health/nutrition programs have been in the workplace since before he was born.

You have a very active imagination.
You are confusing obesity prevention with obesity intervention. Obesity intervention protocols haven't been written yet. The program has just been proposed.

If you get your meals from the government, I think the government has the right to intervene.

USDA foodstamp created morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders ruined the health care system.

That's the hard part about what they want to do with an intervention program. The government doesn't supply the meals like they do in schools. Companies don't supply meals. Adults go to a restaurant and pay. They bring from home or hit the roach coach. The government doesn't have any degree of control.
Many children around the world would kill to be able to have a lunch like that. Consider the children with bloated bellies and hunger pangs. How about we exercise some sort of damned gratitude here?
all those places are socialist hell holes

so lets stop the government from telling us what we can eat now, before they get out of hand
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.
Obesity intervention needs to be run from the foodstamp office.
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.

Yet another bit of nonsense from our Professional Attorney/dog washer.

Obesity prevention programs encourage children, adolescents and adults to adopt behaviors that promote better health.

You gonna try to hang this on Obama? Think about that because health/nutrition programs have been in the workplace since before he was born.

You have a very active imagination.
You are confusing obesity prevention with obesity intervention. Obesity intervention protocols haven't been written yet. The program has just been proposed.

If you get your meals from the government, I think the government has the right to intervene.

USDA foodstamp created morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders ruined the health care system.
bullshit !
in reality blame the fast food business candy manufactures etc. and the American people for lacking the brains and discipline to know how to eat well
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.
Obesity intervention needs to be run from the foodstamp office.
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.

Yet another bit of nonsense from our Professional Attorney/dog washer.

Obesity prevention programs encourage children, adolescents and adults to adopt behaviors that promote better health.

You gonna try to hang this on Obama? Think about that because health/nutrition programs have been in the workplace since before he was born.

You have a very active imagination.
You are confusing obesity prevention with obesity intervention. Obesity intervention protocols haven't been written yet. The program has just been proposed.

If you get your meals from the government, I think the government has the right to intervene.

USDA foodstamp created morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders ruined the health care system.
bullshit !
in reality blame the fast food business candy manufactures etc. and the American people for lacking the brains and discipline to know how to eat well
And do what? What degree of control should the government exert to make people do what the government thinks is in their best interests? Plenty of people know how to eat well and decide not to and indulge themselves instead?
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.
Obesity intervention needs to be run from the foodstamp office.
You know that there is a plan to move the food control operation into the workplaces of adults. It's the Obesity Intervention Program.

Because it was so successful in schools.

Yet another bit of nonsense from our Professional Attorney/dog washer.

Obesity prevention programs encourage children, adolescents and adults to adopt behaviors that promote better health.

You gonna try to hang this on Obama? Think about that because health/nutrition programs have been in the workplace since before he was born.

You have a very active imagination.
You are confusing obesity prevention with obesity intervention. Obesity intervention protocols haven't been written yet. The program has just been proposed.

If you get your meals from the government, I think the government has the right to intervene.

USDA foodstamp created morbid obesity and morbid obesity related disorders ruined the health care system.
bullshit !
in reality blame the fast food business candy manufactures etc. and the American people for lacking the brains and discipline to know how to eat well
And do what? What degree of control should the government exert to make people do what the government thinks is in their best interests? Plenty of people know how to eat well and decide not to and indulge themselves instead?
the American people for lacking the brains and discipline to know how to eat well.
THE key word is discipline.
the "government" is attempting to prevent a health disaster.
Since the military is downsizing to pre WWII numbers they csn just not take fat people.
Too fat to fight? I guess Michelle is more concerned about national security than the pro obesity crowd. You`re damn right it`s the government`s business.
Military Recruitment Grapples With Obesity Epidemic - ABC News

That article is 4 years old and yet the military is still doing fine.

The military has a fine system for dealing with fat people. It's called diet and exercise, In fact i think it should be mandatory, if you're body fat goes over 30% , you join the military for 2 years.
On an related note, eating turnips isn't a bad thing. 3 lbs of 'em is a lot for a kid, too, so it's not like the little buggers would starve. Steam or boil and mash them up, and add some salt/butter/pepper to taste, and you've got a real treat for the kiddies. Not to mention the health benefits of these guys, too, from being anti-carcinogenic to anti-microbial. What's not to love? It's far better than the scraps impoverished children find in 3rd-world countries.

The Health Benefits of Turnips Healthy Eating SF Gate
It's abuse to feed kids so little, but leftist don't care about causing pain and suffering as long as the agenda is pushed.

so much hate from them is amazing
If the family gets foodstamps, the kid should be required to bring a lunch.

Personally, I'd close cafaterias altogether. There isn't a parent in the world who can't make the time to pack a fucking lunch for their child.
It's abuse to feed kids so little, but leftist don't care about causing pain and suffering as long as the agenda is pushed.

so much hate from them is amazing
If the family gets foodstamps, the kid should be required to bring a lunch.

Personally, I'd close cafaterias altogether. There isn't a parent in the world who can't make the time to pack a fucking lunch for their child.

I absolutely agree. The nutrition/feeding of a child is, has always been and always should be the whole responsibility of the parents with no interference from the do gooder good for nothing government of any level.

And while we are talking about wasted tax payers money, how about eliminating bus service for pampered kids who have less than a mile to walk to school

Lunch packed at home by loving parents and walking to and from school would eliminate child obesity in one easy fell swoop.

And the OP is a nut job.

What kind of fool actually believes kids are being fed "3 pounds of turnips a day"?

ShootsShit - don't try to deny that you wrote that.

You're as dumb as a bag of hammers and your posts prove it.

I agree. Everything speeders posts should be censored until he shows some intelligence. We support free speech not stupid speech.
As much as I disagree with our POTUS and his administration, I can't fault his wife for trying to combat the obesity epidemic in America. The Right shouldn't be the party that throws health out the window, while being apathetic about it.

You fool. Mooch doesn't give a damn about the kids. She's getting a kickback from the company supplying the meals.
As much as I disagree with our POTUS and his administration, I can't fault his wife for trying to combat the obesity epidemic in America. The Right shouldn't be the party that throws health out the window, while being apathetic about it.

You fool. Mooch doesn't give a damn about the kids. She's getting a kickback from the company supplying the meals.

You're an idiot dude, you really are.

OVS doesn't supply food to anyone.

Each school district buys their food from wherever the fuck they want and then they apply for reimbursement. It's not one company supplying all the meals to all the schools LOL
OVS doesn't supply food to anyone.

Each school district buys their food from wherever the fuck they want and then they apply for reimbursement. It's not one company supplying all the meals to all the schools LOL

HAHAHAHA. Hey einstein. No politician cares about doing the right thing. It's all about bribes and kickbacks. Mooch doesn't ask what's best for america. She asks which side will pay me the most. THINK, you miserable hate-filled wretch.
OVS doesn't supply food to anyone.

Each school district buys their food from wherever the fuck they want and then they apply for reimbursement. It's not one company supplying all the meals to all the schools LOL

HAHAHAHA. Hey einstein. No politician cares about doing the right thing. It's all about bribes and kickbacks. Mooch doesn't ask what's best for america. She asks which side will pay me the most. THINK, you miserable hate-filled wretch.

You are the hate filled wretch.

Do I think the Obamas are above taking bribes? Hell no. Does that have ANYTHING to do with school lunches? Hell no

Instead of just bitching b/c the Obamas were involved in this, why don't you educate yourself? This program does not limit what schools can feed children, nor does it have anything to do with where schools buy their food from.
While the program doesn't mandate where the schools get the food it absolutely does limit what the schools can feed them. That's the controversy and how stupid things like giving a child a quarter of a cookie happen.

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