"parents" of 5 year old sue religious school because they said NO!

Bottom line, the school shouldnt punish the child for this. That wouldnt be acceptable pertaining to ANY other situation so making excuses here is far fetched.
Except when dealing with insane parents.

Take the kid from those bitches who are using him for whatever, and keep him in the school.
Sarah and Jonathan..

I mean wtf kinda question is that anyway?

Goose claimed the school was hypocritical...I wrongly supposed he had information to back that up.

Gay marriage is flagrantly and knowingly disobeying God's law.

No two ways about it.

No you wrongly asked for personal examples of something that cannot be produced. Its like you saying there arent any homeless people unless I can produce the SS# of one of them.

What you could've done to determine if what Goose said was true was think of the odds that 100% of the people who attend that school arent sinners.

That punches a clear hole thru your bullshit and shows the school to be hypocrits

They are ALL sinners. Romans 3:23.

This is why reading for comprehension is so important.

Openly, flagrantly, deliberately, unrepentantly...these are the operative words.

Do you believe these married lesbians openly, flagrantly and deliberately living in defiance of God's law are repentant?

Do you believe they know that all the other sinners there are repentant?

I think .

Pump your brakes...I asked if you believe that all the other sinners have repented?
Finally, the media will never report the many accounts of young adults, etc. who have told their stories growing up in a home with same sex parents. Many awful effects they have had to hide or live with that are very damaging. So all I am saying is if the government or media want to play a role in telling the rest of us that gay parents are perfectly Ok, then have the honesty to give both sides of the story an audience. Of course that will never happen, that is why this nation has degenerated in so many ways.
Now's your opportunity....tell us about the "many accounts of young adults.....many awful effects..that are very damaging". Tell us.
Fine then. You can start with this article where 4 adult children of same sex parents testify in federal court against legalizing gay marriage. I seriously doubt their stories are aberrations, but their pains are quite real. I also doubt you will ever hear such reports from the mainstream media. They have an agenda.

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

By Lauretta Brown | January 23, 2015 | 4:24 PM EST

(CNSNews.com) – Four adult children of same-sex parents have submitted amicus curiae briefs in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals asking that it oppose the legalization of same-sex “marriage."

The Court, in New Orleans, La., heard arguments on Jan. 9 as it considers whether to uphold traditional marriage – defined as being between one man and one woman -- in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust all grew up with homosexual parents. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father.

In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same-sex household.

“I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.”

“There was no guarantee that any of my Dad’s partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them,” she said. “My rights and innocence were violated.”

“I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

“As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain and confusion,” Stefanowicz explained. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s). Some gay parents have threatened to leave no inheritance, if the children don’t accept their parent’s partner du jour.”

Klein said she was taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

“At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner,” she recounts. “They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad. I was only allowed out of my room to go to school. This could go on for weeks.”

“I was supposed to hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner,” said Klein. “People’s accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence. The only thing that mattered was what they thought of gays.”

Robert Oscar Lopez who was also raised by a lesbian mother and her partner, had a different experience which he described as the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.”

“Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,” Lopez wrote, but then went on to argue against same-sex marriage saying that, “behind these facades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.”

He describes experiencing a great deal of sexual confusion due to the lack of a father figure in his life. He turned to a life of prostitution with older men as a teenager.

“I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males,” he recounted, saying he “wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.”

“The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic,” he states in the brief. “But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.”

“As early as ten years ago, I developed a clear stance on homosexual relationships. A civil union or some kind of state recognition would have helped my mother and her partner,” Lopez writes.

“Yet the traditional marriage laws in New York State as they existed back then prevented my mother and her partner from entirely cutting my father out of my life,” he explained. “The latter reality proved pivotal because my re-establishment of ties to my father in 1998 led to a transition in my life, from being lost and sexually confused to being stable and romantically fulfilled.”

Katy Faust, who grew up with a lesbian mother and her partner also testified against gay marriage but clarified that “my advocacy against gay marriage and for the rights of children will never include condemnation of my mother and her partner or details about their private lives.”

“When we institutionalize same-sex marriage,” Faust writes, “we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose, to promoting same-sex headed households. In doing so, we ignore the true nature of the outcropping of marriage.”

“Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent,” she explains, “Our cultural narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.”

The 5th Circuit is still considering the legality of state bans on same-sex “marriage” and will issue an opinion in the coming months.

The U.S. Supreme Court announced on Jan. 19 that it will consider gay “marriage” bans in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee with oral arguments in April and a ruling before the end of the current term in June.
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I asked my husband about it, he said the same thing, they need better attorneys, bad advice because they can't win this one

This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?

I stand with the school. Our children attend private schools and I would stand with theirs if this happened. It part of the reason we chose private schools, that and to keep them away from the leftist indoctrination

Yet your own "leftist indoctrination" is showing...punishing children for the lack of political or religious correctness of the parents is from the leftist playbook, dear.
I knoe right? These hard left adultress feminsts are always pointing the finger at gays.

I'm no feminist, chump. It's obvious they give you grief thouugh
You certainly are not.....and you think that's a thing to be proud of.....:rofl:
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Yes, they are...but that still doesn't mean what they are doing is right, moral or Christian.

It doesn't matter if they are right, moral, or even Christian. My issue with story remains that this a private religious school and the lawsuit is a foolish waste of time.

As long as you remember what you said here when some private institution kicks you or yours out due to some other silly thing...like a t-shirt with some flag on it. ;)

The thing about being awesomely consistent is the fact that I am awesomely consistent. lol

Me too. ;) I'd have a hard time not raising holy hell if some school kicked my kid out because I am an NRA member.

I wouldnt put my kid into a school like that in the first place because they dont represent my beliefs.
Why wouldnt the lesbians do that?
I'd certainly be worried about any Catholic priests there around my kid.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
The school is within their rights, legally. But I doubt Jesus would approve.
Bottom line, the school shouldnt punish the child for this. That wouldnt be acceptable pertaining to ANY other situation so making excuses here is far fetched.
Except when dealing with insane parents.

Take the kid from those bitches who are using him for whatever, and keep him in the school.
Check this out.....Allie wants the child taken from her parents.
Finally, the media will never report the many accounts of young adults, etc. who have told their stories growing up in a home with same sex parents. Many awful effects they have had to hide or live with that are very damaging. So all I am saying is if the government or media want to play a role in telling the rest of us that gay parents are perfectly Ok, then have the honesty to give both sides of the story an audience. Of course that will never happen, that is why this nation has degenerated in so many ways.
Now's your opportunity....tell us about the "many accounts of young adults.....many awful effects..that are very damaging". Tell us.
Fine then. You can start with this article where 4 adult children of same sex parents testify in federal court against legalizing gay marriage. I seriously doubt their stories are aberrations, but their pains are quite real. I also doubt you will ever hear such reports from the mainstream media. They have an agenda.

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court

By Lauretta Brown | January 23, 2015 | 4:24 PM EST

(CNSNews.com) – Four adult children of same-sex parents have submitted amicus curiae briefs in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals asking that it oppose the legalization of same-sex “marriage."

The Court, in New Orleans, La., heard arguments on Jan. 9 as it considers whether to uphold traditional marriage – defined as being between one man and one woman -- in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust all grew up with homosexual parents. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father.

In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same-sex household.

“I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief. “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.”

“There was no guarantee that any of my Dad’s partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them,” she said. “My rights and innocence were violated.”

“I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

“As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain and confusion,” Stefanowicz explained. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s). Some gay parents have threatened to leave no inheritance, if the children don’t accept their parent’s partner du jour.”

Klein said she was taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic” because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

“At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner,” she recounts. “They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad. I was only allowed out of my room to go to school. This could go on for weeks.”

“I was supposed to hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner,” said Klein. “People’s accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence. The only thing that mattered was what they thought of gays.”

Robert Oscar Lopez who was also raised by a lesbian mother and her partner, had a different experience which he described as the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.”

“Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,” Lopez wrote, but then went on to argue against same-sex marriage saying that, “behind these facades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.”

He describes experiencing a great deal of sexual confusion due to the lack of a father figure in his life. He turned to a life of prostitution with older men as a teenager.

“I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males,” he recounted, saying he “wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.”

“The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic,” he states in the brief. “But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.”

“As early as ten years ago, I developed a clear stance on homosexual relationships. A civil union or some kind of state recognition would have helped my mother and her partner,” Lopez writes.

“Yet the traditional marriage laws in New York State as they existed back then prevented my mother and her partner from entirely cutting my father out of my life,” he explained. “The latter reality proved pivotal because my re-establishment of ties to my father in 1998 led to a transition in my life, from being lost and sexually confused to being stable and romantically fulfilled.”

Katy Faust, who grew up with a lesbian mother and her partner also testified against gay marriage but clarified that “my advocacy against gay marriage and for the rights of children will never include condemnation of my mother and her partner or details about their private lives.”

“When we institutionalize same-sex marriage,” Faust writes, “we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose, to promoting same-sex headed households. In doing so, we ignore the true nature of the outcropping of marriage.”

“Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent,” she explains, “Our cultural narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.”

The 5th Circuit is still considering the legality of state bans on same-sex “marriage” and will issue an opinion in the coming months.

The U.S. Supreme Court announced on Jan. 19 that it will consider gay “marriage” bans in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee with oral arguments in April and a ruling before the end of the current term in June.
Four is "many"? Out of thousands and thousands of children raised by gay couples?

I wonder how many kids raised by straight couples we can get to complain about their parents?
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
I agree that it could very well be child abuse to send a kid to a Catholic school if there are Catholic priests around that may be pedophiles.
Four is "many"? Out of thousands and thousands of children raised by gay couples? I wonder how many kids raised by straight couples we can get to complain about their parents?

I should have expected as much of a response from you (i.e. anything but acknowledgement.)

Like their issues or situations noted sound so unique to them alone. Clearly, THEY ARE NOT.
Bottom line, the school shouldnt punish the child for this. That wouldnt be acceptable pertaining to ANY other situation so making excuses here is far fetched.
Except when dealing with insane parents.

Take the kid from those bitches who are using him for whatever, and keep him in the school.
Check this out.....Allie wants the child taken from her parents.
They should call the police. That sounds like a threat. Certainly defamation.
Four is "many"? Out of thousands and thousands of children raised by gay couples? I wonder how many kids raised by straight couples we can get to complain about their parents?

I should have expected as much of a response from you (i.e. anything but acknowledgement.)

Like their issues or situations noted sound so unique to them alone. Clearly, THEY ARE NOT.
You claimed "many". Are you now going to say that "four" is "many"?
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
I agree that it could very well be child abuse to send a kid to a Catholic school if there are Catholic priests around that may be pedophiles.
Again bodecea working her twist and again the parents are responsible to make a responsible decision and not put a child into a situation where they know beforehand what that situation entails. That is abuse on the part of the parent not the private school.

I did not mention Catholic priest nor am I a Catholic so take that issue up with someone else. When my children needed help in schooling I hired private tutors. Not that we really could afford it at the time but you only get one chance while children are growing up and again as a parent you are responsible to do what's best for the child, not serve your own selfish interest.
This isn't about whether the parents are wrong or right or whether they can win some lawsuit...it's about taking it out on the poor child who doesn't have any choice or any say-so on the matter. If this were a Catholic school, wouldn't you prefer to see the child raised with a good Catholic education, rather than to throw her out and create yet another victim of public education?
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
I agree that it could very well be child abuse to send a kid to a Catholic school if there are Catholic priests around that may be pedophiles.
Again bodecea working her twist and again the parents are responsible to make a responsible decision and not put a child into a situation where they know beforehand what that situation entails. That is abuse on the part of the parent not the private school.

I did not mention Catholic priest nor am I a Catholic so take that issue up with someone else. When my children needed help in schooling I hired private tutors. Not that we really could afford it at the time but you only get one chance while children are growing up and again as a parent you are responsible to do what's best for the child, not serve your own selfish interest.
I agree that the parents should not have put their child into a situation where they know there is a good chance there are pedophile Catholic priests around.
If this is the way you feel you should be in agreement that the parents are abusing this child by putting the child into that situation in the first place.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
I agree that it could very well be child abuse to send a kid to a Catholic school if there are Catholic priests around that may be pedophiles.
Again bodecea working her twist and again the parents are responsible to make a responsible decision and not put a child into a situation where they know beforehand what that situation entails. That is abuse on the part of the parent not the private school.

I did not mention Catholic priest nor am I a Catholic so take that issue up with someone else. When my children needed help in schooling I hired private tutors. Not that we really could afford it at the time but you only get one chance while children are growing up and again as a parent you are responsible to do what's best for the child, not serve your own selfish interest.
I agree that the parents should not have put their child into a situation where they know there is a good chance there are pedophile Catholic priests around.
In your opinion these parents abused the child. Great I think they abused the child also.
Well, yes. You make a good point. A Catholic school could be an abusive situation.
Typical twisting effort by you bodecea as that is not what I said. The parents abused the child by putting the child into a place that they should have very well knew the rules to before placing the child there. Now that is child abuse or totally ignorant parenting on the parents part.
I agree that it could very well be child abuse to send a kid to a Catholic school if there are Catholic priests around that may be pedophiles.
Again bodecea working her twist and again the parents are responsible to make a responsible decision and not put a child into a situation where they know beforehand what that situation entails. That is abuse on the part of the parent not the private school.

I did not mention Catholic priest nor am I a Catholic so take that issue up with someone else. When my children needed help in schooling I hired private tutors. Not that we really could afford it at the time but you only get one chance while children are growing up and again as a parent you are responsible to do what's best for the child, not serve your own selfish interest.
I agree that the parents should not have put their child into a situation where they know there is a good chance there are pedophile Catholic priests around.
In your opinion these parents abused the child. Great I think they abused the child also.
Actually I agree that those parents might have made an unwise decision by placing their daughter in a situation were a pedophile Catholic priest might have abused her. They are much better off now.
Four is "many"? Out of thousands and thousands of children raised by gay couples? I wonder how many kids raised by straight couples we can get to complain about their parents?

I should have expected as much of a response from you (i.e. anything but acknowledgement.)

Like their issues or situations noted sound so unique to them alone. Clearly, THEY ARE NOT.
You claimed "many". Are you now going to say that "four" is "many"?
No. I am going to say that you are quite the disingenuous type. And that I really do not care if you want to play games or not.

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