Zone1 Parents Should be Included in a School's Efforts to Help a Child Transition to Another Gender

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
Schools have NO rights of any kind, much less any reason to interfere with any kid at any time, regarding anything that is NOT reading, writing, math, science, art, or PE.

And any school or teacher interfering in this manner should be courtmartialed and be placed in front of a firing squad!!!
I'm not familiar with your posting on topics like this, so I'm not sure what you consider interfering in this.

That's the kind of thing that would be stopped if parents are informed early of a child's claim of being a different gender from their biological one. A parent-child conversation might clarify that the child made a sarcastic joke, based on the constant media attention to transgenderism, and the teacher ran with it inappropriately.
The mere notion that the parents should be "brought in" to what THE SCHOOL is doing to their child is absolutely insulting.

It assumes that the parents are subordinate to the groomers and need to beg the groomers just to allow them just to be included in the grooming process.
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.

Schools have no fucking business being involved in a kids gender at all. In any way, shape or form. They shouldn't be even so much as mentioning transitioning to kids, sexuality to kids outside of health class, or anything with kids.

If it's a boy they are called a boy, they are called what their legal registered name is not some alter ego name they invent. Kids can pretend at home but school should be reality.

If anyone at a school is involved in a kids gender identity they should be fired, the principal should be fired and anyone that is in between them.

Schools are only there to teach reading, writing, math, science, art, to get kids used to conforming to a larger group, how to be responsible and so on. Anyone that thinks a school should be involved in a child's gender identity should be shot in the head.

If you try and reason on this or make exceptions then you're promoting schools turning kids into trannies. There is no middle ground here.
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
Sounds like the teachers and schools are just trying to cover their ass because of this poorly written law. What's more interesting to me is how these other idiots didn't pick up on your subtle bigotry. They aren't doing subtle anymore. It's like Lisa558 going around trying to Simp for the Right and argue all the anti-semitism is on the Left only for the Right to come into the thread and maul her with anti-semitic vitriol. It's honestly going up be one of the more amusing things to watch as those of you with self awareness are continually embarrassed as the Right races to find the bottom of the barrel.

Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
No child should transition. You are sick.
Sounds like the teachers and schools are just trying to cover their ass because of this poorly written law. What's more interesting to me is how these other idiots didn't pick up on your subtle bigotry. They aren't doing subtle anymore. It's like Lisa558 going around trying to Simp for the Right and argue all the anti-semitism is on the Left only for the Right to come into the thread and maul her with anti-semitic vitriol. It's honestly going up be one of the more amusing things to watch as those of you with self awareness are continually embarrassed as the Right races to find the bottom of the barrel.

You are sick.
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
This falls into the category of making things harder than they have to be.

Teachers should call the students by the name on the class roll which will be the name the child was enrolled as. If the parents want the child addressed by a different name they should submit the request in writing.

As for how students treat other students, the school policy should be one that all students and staff will treat one another with proper courtesy and respect and any deviance from that will result in discipline. The issue of gender identification, transgendering, or any other such topics should not come up at all. and certainly should not be part of any public school curriculum.
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
Your fatal (at least as far as ego deaths are concerned) mistake is to confound wanting to be called transgender with the right to be called transgender.
Your fatal (at least as far as ego deaths are concerned) mistake is to confound wanting to be called transgender with the right to be called transgender.
I never said that people who want to be called transgender have a right to be called transgender.
This falls into the category of making things harder than they have to be.

Teachers should call the students by the name on the class roll which will be the name the child was enrolled as. If the parents want the child addressed by a different name they should submit the request in writing.

As for how students treat other students, the school policy should be one that all students and staff will treat one another with proper courtesy and respect and any deviance from that will result in discipline. The issue of gender identification, transgendering, or any other such topics should not come up at all. and certainly should not be part of any public school curriculum.
It should not come up, but it will come up.

Even with parental permission, there will be teachers who claim that they don't want to participate in a child's delusion, or that it would violate their religion to call a boy by a girl's name. I believe that the teacher would be right in that case, but I also believe that that teacher will not be able to teach that child a single thing in that class.
Sounds like the teachers and schools are just trying to cover their ass because of this poorly written law. What's more interesting to me is how these other idiots didn't pick up on your subtle bigotry.
It isn't "subtle bigotry," and I doubt you know the meaning of either word.

It's a reasoned response to a situation that the Democrats and their pedo media have put many kids into.
Lee County, in Florida instituted rules that do exactly that, in my opinion. But they are being objected to by some. This is old news, but it was lost in the debate over Florida's Parental Rights Law, known as "don't say gay," by detractors.

LEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lee County School District has come up with a plan for transgender students who want to be identified by their teachers and principal.

Students will be required to fill out some forms that are creating some controversy.

Some parents are concerned this is a way for the district to profile students.
If transgender students want teachers to address them by the gender they identify as they’ll be required to fill out what’s called a “Gender Support Plan” the document creating much of the controversy.

Parent Crystal Czyscon called the document discriminatory and freightning.

Czyscon was among the parents objecting to the form that asks some very personal questions like does the student have support at home and who knows about the students gender and it even asks for a plan if the student is outed.

On Tuesday, school board members adopted an Equity Guide which outlines how gay or transgender students can receive safe guards by the district.

I understand the objections, but I disagree with them. This "very personal questions" about support at home are no more personal than questions that are commonly asked when a new special education student enrolls in a school. Questions like what language the child prefers at home, what chores the child is assigned, what the child does for fun, and how the child is punished when the child breaks the rules at home.

Those questions are important for special ed students because we special ed teachers deal with the whole child in order to facilitate learning.

I'm not saying that transgenderism should be a special education label, but some of the same concerns are there. There must be partnership between the school and the parent for any student to get the most out of their education. But that is especially true for students who have needs beyond those of more typical students.

Sharon McGill sat on the equity committee and said the forms were put in place to protect children and teachers.

“There are laws now in the state that teachers can’t call a student a name if it’s not their correct name,” McGill said.

She insisted no one was singling out transgender students and she said nobody is required to fill out the forms.

However, if they want teachers and administrators to acknowledge their gender identity they will be required to fill out the form.

“If they choose not to have accommodations they can certainly use their pronouns with friends at school but now if they want to we have to involve parents,” explained Jessica Duncan who is employed by the Lee School District.

The new guide and form is in place because of the ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ which opponents call the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’.

If I read that right, then teachers are not going to be listening in to student conversations and saying, "Bobby, don't call Harriet "Harry," or talk about her using "him." But if the child requests to be called Harry and have adult staff use "him," the parents need to be consulted. That is perfectly reasonable, especially if the alternative if for teachers to call the child "Harry" during school hours, but to refer to the child as "Harriet" in parent conferences as a subterfuge.

A federal lawsuit was filed against the state Monday in an attempt to block the new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.

The ACLU of Florida said in a statement:

“With HB 1557 in effect, the ‘Dont’ Say Gay’ law has already begun to stigmatize LGBTQ+ people, isolate LGBTQ+ kids, and make teachers fearful of providing a welcoming and inclusive classroom. Without adequate guidelines from the school board on how this personal information will be used in schools, it is uncertain whether these forms could potentially serve as another way to isolate and harm transgender youth.”

I agree that there should be clear guidance from the school board on how this information is to be used. It must kept in confidence just as Special Education records are.

This program, property administered, will help, not harm youth. It will provide them with an inclusive experience, not isolate them.
I’ve had it with the entire gender label bullshit

There are only two sexes and only two genders which are exactly the same thing
It isn't "subtle bigotry," and I doubt you know the meaning of either word.

It's a reasoned response to a situation that the Democrats and their pedo media have put many kids into.
I know I think of reason and logic when a Bingo refers to the media as the pedo media. 😄
Dude, just cut your own dick off and leave the kids alone.

Your defeat is going to come in the blacklash when those same children turn to social media to voice how much they'd like you bigots to leave them alone.

Your defeat is going to come in the blacklash when those same children turn to social media to voice how much they'd like you bigots to leave them alone.
Lol, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit! Excellent leftoid babble.

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