Partially Brain Dead, Treasonous Traitor McCain Says He Will Present His Amnasty Plan Soon

Correct. I hate wishing ill on somebody, but McInsane is trying to get even with Trump at the cost of American progress. Look..........Trump said something nasty about you. This I will admit. But say something nasty back. We elected this guy because we want change. If we wanted the same ole, same ole, we would have elected a guy like you when you ran.

I can't imagine anybody who believes in God and this close to him, leaving the planet with so much hate for other people he'd be willing to screw up the country for revenge.

I really didn't think that Trump even meant anything nasty or personal about McCain. Someone was talking about McCain and Trump tried to make a business analogy. Getting captured is a failure of objectives and in the business world, Trump drives hard to succeed. He wants to win in business and likes winners. Getting captured was losing, no one wants to get captured, worse, he doesn't see you being a hero just for getting captured! Those are opposing things: losing your mission by getting captured, then being labeled a hero for it? Many men face terrible challenges to be labeled a hero, not just fly around in a plane to be shot down and captured?

If that makes McCain a hero, then every soldier who gets shot on the battlefield is one too, and the word loses all meaning.

McCain was a loser in never rising to the ranks of his father.
McCain was a loser for getting shot down and not completing his mission.
McCain was a loser for going up against an unknown new senator who never did anything and still losing to him!
Had McCain just won, we never would have had Obama and Hillary as Secretary.
And McCain is a loser again in that he has never been an asset to his party being a RINO in nature.

Loser, loser, loser. If he had any REAL sense, he would have gotten out of politics a long time ago.

But Trump is hard to read and maybe he smelled something about McCain. He should have.

Look, McCain had every excuse to just go away and retire now and make the most of whatever is left of his life, instead he went out of his way to come back, vote down the healthcare bill, now he is being yet another finger in the eye. HE IS A BIG DICK.

I don't feel bad hoping that he drops dead tomorrow. I'm long sick of him. He should have been a Democrat.

The asshole gets cancer and STILL won't retire at the age of 80? What the hell is he trying to prove? DIE, bastard, DIE!
McCain being the maverick is why I voted for his many stints in the House and then the Senate. I don't mind somebody that puts country over politics.
McCain being the maverick is why I voted for his many stints in the House and then the Senate. I don't mind somebody that puts country over politics.
McCain only puts himself over everything. Your belief that he gives a damn about his country is laughable.
McCain being the maverick is why I voted for his many stints in the House and then the Senate. I don't mind somebody that puts country over politics.

What are you talking about? That's exactly what the Donald is trying to do and McCain is doing everything he can to stop him.
Correct. I hate wishing ill on somebody, but McInsane is trying to get even with Trump at the cost of American progress. Look..........Trump said something nasty about you. This I will admit. But say something nasty back. We elected this guy because we want change. If we wanted the same ole, same ole, we would have elected a guy like you when you ran.

I can't imagine anybody who believes in God and this close to him, leaving the planet with so much hate for other people he'd be willing to screw up the country for revenge.

I really didn't think that Trump even meant anything nasty or personal about McCain. Someone was talking about McCain and Trump tried to make a business analogy. Getting captured is a failure of objectives and in the business world, Trump drives hard to succeed. He wants to win in business and likes winners. Getting captured was losing, no one wants to get captured, worse, he doesn't see you being a hero just for getting captured! Those are opposing things: losing your mission by getting captured, then being labeled a hero for it? Many men face terrible challenges to be labeled a hero, not just fly around in a plane to be shot down and captured?

If that makes McCain a hero, then every soldier who gets shot on the battlefield is one too, and the word loses all meaning.

McCain was a loser in never rising to the ranks of his father.
McCain was a loser for getting shot down and not completing his mission.
McCain was a loser for going up against an unknown new senator who never did anything and still losing to him!
Had McCain just won, we never would have had Obama and Hillary as Secretary.
And McCain is a loser again in that he has never been an asset to his party being a RINO in nature.

Loser, loser, loser. If he had any REAL sense, he would have gotten out of politics a long time ago.

But Trump is hard to read and maybe he smelled something about McCain. He should have.

Look, McCain had every excuse to just go away and retire now and make the most of whatever is left of his life, instead he went out of his way to come back, vote down the healthcare bill, now he is being yet another finger in the eye. HE IS A BIG DICK.

I don't feel bad hoping that he drops dead tomorrow. I'm long sick of him. He should have been a Democrat.

The asshole gets cancer and STILL won't retire at the age of 80? What the hell is he trying to prove? DIE, bastard, DIE!

I don't see it that way. He was not drafted, he joined the military on his own. To me, that's a hero right there, especially during those times. The best pilot in the world can't stop from getting shot down. The planes back then were not the planes we have today. He could have chosen the easy way out, death, but he took the hard way.

I will never bash anybody because of their service to our country, but I will bash McCain about his politics. If not for Trump, McCain would not have returned. That's what I'm saying about his utter hatred for the man. If he came back crawling on his hands and knees using up his last breath for revenge of our President, I don't doubt that's what he would have done.

Considering his inevitable fate, I just can't see anybody having that kind of hate; hate so strong that your own life is a second consideration.
Senator McCain doesn't have an amnesty bill anymore than democrats had an Obama health care bill. They were either forced or threatened to sign a bill that they never read. That's the way democrats work. You can imagine left wingers hired by the McCain office coming up with a last desperate bill before they had to clean out their desks.They know the decrepit RINO senator will sign it and it will go down as a McCain bill.
Senator McCain doesn't have an amnesty bill anymore than democrats had an Obama health care bill. They were either forced or threatened to sign a bill that they never read. That's the way democrats work. You can imagine left wingers hired by the McCain office coming up with a last desperate bill before they had to clean out their desks.They know the decrepit RINO senator will sign it and it will go down as a McCain bill.

McCain is just doing this to be a pain in Trump's ass.
Trying for pity vote now that he's it for john he worked so hard on this for decades.....
McCain being the maverick is why I voted for his many stints in the House and then the Senate. I don't mind somebody that puts country over politics.

What are you talking about? That's exactly what the Donald is trying to do and McCain is doing everything he can to stop him.

I agree that's what Trump is trying to do. However, McCain's vote on Obamacare was influenced by our governor's position (Doug Ducey), not the president's....

Ducey has said many times that he supports repealing the Affordable Care Act.

But he also knows that doing such a thing could cost 400,000 Arizonans their health care.

He expressed is concern over this to McCain a while back. He’d expressed similar concerns when the House passed its version of a repeal.

“I don’t think it (the so-called American Health Care Act) is close to where it needs to be," he said, adding, "We simply can't transition people off of Medicaid if there's no insurance provider available."
If McCain is partially brain dead, then you don't have a fucking brain at all.

Can you explain your rationale for that conclusion, punk? McCain is definitely fucked up mentally and royally butthurt, and basically doing what his neocon handlers tell him. Every normal person with an IQ above 75 knows that. I am simply commenting on it ya 'tard. :p
I don't see it that way. He was not drafted, he joined the military on his own. To me, that's a hero right there, especially during those times. The best pilot in the world can't stop from getting shot down. The planes back then were not the planes we have today. He could have chosen the easy way out, death, but he took the hard way.

I will never bash anybody because of their service to our country, but I will bash McCain about his politics. If not for Trump, McCain would not have returned. That's what I'm saying about his utter hatred for the man. If he came back crawling on his hands and knees using up his last breath for revenge of our President, I don't doubt that's what he would have done.

Considering his inevitable fate, I just can't see anybody having that kind of hate; hate so strong that your own life is a second consideration.

Fine if you want to see it that way, but if you do, "hero" no longer has any meaning. I see someone joining the military as merely being courageous, or patriotic, though I know some join just because it is a job. And I think how good a pilot you are DOES have an effect on your odds of getting shot down; it might not have prevented it then, but it surely helps.

And yes, what bothers me about him is his politics. His lousy, rotten politics. When he dies, I won't feel too sorry or miss him much.
McCain taking off on an aircraft carrier...well not exactly taking off. Just his fuck up killing people and causing a fire at sea/


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