Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

so you libs would rather have the oil moving on trains and trucks? Really? the safest way to move oil is by pipeline. So its not an environmental issue, its just another example of obama trying to bring the USA to it knees to punish it for past successes which he stupidly believes came at the expense of the rest of the world.

Not only by rail. Get this. Now they are transporting the crude via rail to a terminal like Gateway and then shipping by barge to the refineries.

Just think of the environmental disaster these asshole left wing enviro weenies are going to be responsible if there's an "accident" with a barge on a river.

And I know I'll be calling for Steyer's head for blocking pipelines.

Why would the foreign Anti-American Communist Organizer do anything for Americans? This shouldn't surprise anyone.
so you libs would rather have the oil moving on trains and trucks? Really? the safest way to move oil is by pipeline. So its not an environmental issue, its just another example of obama trying to bring the USA to it knees to punish it for past successes which he stupidly believes came at the expense of the rest of the world.

Not only by rail. Get this. Now they are transporting the crude via rail to a terminal like Gateway and then shipping by barge to the refineries.

Just think of the environmental disaster these asshole left wing enviro weenies are going to be responsible if there's an "accident" with a barge on a river.

And I know I'll be calling for Steyer's head for blocking pipelines.


no, you get this. VETO

rub two magic wands on Boehners ass and produce a 2/3rds majority Congress, and override the veto.
What Obama said in the January State of the Union address

If Republicans come forward with a comprehensive infrastructure bill, I'm sure they could include Keystone in it

But Republicans do not love America as much as they love the oil companies

you are so full of shit. the evil oil companies pay billions in US taxes, billions!. The tax credits that they get for exploration and development were put in place by both parties. If you don't like it, tell your congressmen and get ready for fuel costs to skyrocket.

Exactly which infrastructure projects are you so concerned about? Give us a list.


Lets start with roads, bridges, tunnels
Power grid, water and sewer systems
Communications upgrades
Aircraft control modernization
Rail and mass transit

All will help Americans....but we know that Republicans hate Americans

Actually Keystyone XL will cost the taxpayer pretty heavy in tax breaks and subsidies...

Keystone XL benefits from taxpayer subsidies - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

Looks like $10 billion... So the Oil companies get that money and the Oil Companies then pay the GOP...


The problem with the GOP is they can't help borrowing money and giving it to Rich and Corporation welfare programs....

You think the Rs are solely responsible and the Ds are blameless. They are both at fault, since after all they are essentially one in the same.

Ahh come on.... GOP get down on their knees to suck the Koch C*ck on regular basis... They fully paid for Exxon never paid, BP were really a victim in their Oil spill.... Not to mention the the greatest Oil subsidy of them all , the Iraq War...

If the 2.5 trillion was used to find an alternative to Oil, wouldn't that have been a better idea... But hey, the GOP buddies need there fix...
Yeah...the Ds would never ever take cash from special interests.

About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.
You don't speak for Americans, Leftist. In fact if surveys and Congress are any indicator, you and your fellow kook Leftist environmental whackos are in the decided minority.
so you libs would rather have the oil moving on trains and trucks? Really? the safest way to move oil is by pipeline. So its not an environmental issue, its just another example of obama trying to bring the USA to it knees to punish it for past successes which he stupidly believes came at the expense of the rest of the world.

Not only by rail. Get this. Now they are transporting the crude via rail to a terminal like Gateway and then shipping by barge to the refineries.

Just think of the environmental disaster these asshole left wing enviro weenies are going to be responsible if there's an "accident" with a barge on a river.

And I know I'll be calling for Steyer's head for blocking pipelines.


no, you get this. VETO

rub two magic wands on Boehners ass and produce a 2/3rds majority Congress, and override the veto.

I really don't care about the veto. You just look like assholes because that crude is flowing big time as we post.

You can't stop it. And Obama just looks like President Dither to some.

And to others well we know he wants Buffet and Steyer to keep giving money to the Democrats.

Dems are bought and sold over this blocking of the Keystone.

Really that simple. Follow the money.
you are so full of shit. the evil oil companies pay billions in US taxes, billions!. The tax credits that they get for exploration and development were put in place by both parties. If you don't like it, tell your congressmen and get ready for fuel costs to skyrocket.

Exactly which infrastructure projects are you so concerned about? Give us a list.


Lets start with roads, bridges, tunnels
Power grid, water and sewer systems
Communications upgrades
Aircraft control modernization
Rail and mass transit

All will help Americans....but we know that Republicans hate Americans

Actually Keystyone XL will cost the taxpayer pretty heavy in tax breaks and subsidies...

Keystone XL benefits from taxpayer subsidies - Oil Change InternationalOil Change International

Looks like $10 billion... So the Oil companies get that money and the Oil Companies then pay the GOP...


The problem with the GOP is they can't help borrowing money and giving it to Rich and Corporation welfare programs....

You think the Rs are solely responsible and the Ds are blameless. They are both at fault, since after all they are essentially one in the same.

Ahh come on.... GOP get down on their knees to suck the Koch C*ck on regular basis... They fully paid for Exxon never paid, BP were really a victim in their Oil spill.... Not to mention the the greatest Oil subsidy of them all , the Iraq War...

If the 2.5 trillion was used to find an alternative to Oil, wouldn't that have been a better idea... But hey, the GOP buddies need there fix...
Yeah...the Ds would never ever take cash from special interests.


Buffet's making a freaking fortune because it's his rail lines that have benefited from the blocking of the XL.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

It's all about placating the Saudis and Global Warming cult nutters. So you won't get through. You make perfect sense though. Thanks.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

problem here is you have no credibility ... 27K posts ... all bullshit.

I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

It's all about placating the Saudis and Global Warming cult nutters. So you won't get through. You make perfect sense though. Thanks.

The Saudis own the biggest, newest refinery at the Texas end of the pipeline. Why wouldn't TD be making a big push for Keystone ?

You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

so how does allowing you people to transport that tarsand THROUGH the U.S. to china address that? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

We have a big blue thing on our west coast called the Pacific and China gets their oil that way.

You know this shit Dot Com. You are only fighting a symbolic and ludicrous battle.

Keystone is finished and is shipping to mid west and Gulf refineries.

You can't stop it coming. Oh and by the way you are shipping it on barges now.

BIG TIME. From rail cars loaded onto barges to go down rivers to your refineries.

If there is an environmental disaster of epic proportions on one of your rivers anti pipeline people will be to blame.

About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans

What are your refineries? Chopped freaking liver?

What about your domestic oil producers who ship on the pipeline?

Don't they fucking count? How whacked out are you?
Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

It's all about placating the Saudis and Global Warming cult nutters. So you won't get through. You make perfect sense though. Thanks.

The Saudis own the biggest, newest refinery at the Texas end of the pipeline. Why wouldn't TD be making a big push for Keystone ?

The Saudis would like to see all American oil producers go away. They don't want to see more domestic oil production here. It's not in their best interest.
Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

It's all about placating the Saudis and Global Warming cult nutters. So you won't get through. You make perfect sense though. Thanks.

The Saudis own the biggest, newest refinery at the Texas end of the pipeline. Why wouldn't TD be making a big push for Keystone ?

Keystone to the Gulf is finished. The crude is flowing.
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

problem here is you have no credibility ... 27K posts ... all bullshit.


Ah the old insult trick.


You got me now Siete!
It's called international trade rightwinger. You need the crude. You need a transportation device. A pipeline is a transportation device.

It's just a fucking pipeline.

Seriously. Tell me you aren't this stupid and you are just putting up shit to piss off conservatives.

Whats in it for me?

As an American, what does Keystone do to make my life better?

Pipeline to refineries to America's needs. Really simple. You don't produce enough on your own; hence Canada is your number one supplier.

Keystone just moves the product from point A to point B and you use the finished products.

And being the conservationist that I am and have been for decades I've had to pick my poison on how crude should move. Pipelines are my chosen poison.

It's still coming your way even as we post. By the Keystone, by other pipelines like the Alberta Clipper, trains and transport truck.

It's all about placating the Saudis and Global Warming cult nutters. So you won't get through. You make perfect sense though. Thanks.

The Saudis own the biggest, newest refinery at the Texas end of the pipeline. Why wouldn't TD be making a big push for Keystone ?

The Saudis would like to see all American oil producers go away. They don't want to see more domestic oil production here. It's not in their best interest.

Exactly. Now one thing I do have a problem with regarding the pipeline, well any pipeline or any infrastructure is eminent domain. We face these issues up here too. I'm in the middle of a scrap to get a new hydro project going thru what we call Crown Land and thru as few privately owned properties as possible.

I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with it.

But sadly it is the world we live in these days. Whether its building a pipeline to ship crude or building a new highway to ship products via transport, bottom line is someone's property somewhere is going to get used.

I just know from all I've studied is that the TransCanada people really negotiate fairly. Very few opponents.

And what's really amazing is how they restore the property owners land.

It's really seriously unreal what they do.

You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

so how does allowing you people to transport that tarsand THROUGH the U.S. to china address that? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

We have a big blue thing on our west coast called the Pacific and China gets their oil that way.

You know this shit Dot Com. You are only fighting a symbolic and ludicrous battle.

Keystone is finished and is shipping to mid west and Gulf refineries.

You can't stop it coming. Oh and by the way you are shipping it on barges now.

BIG TIME. From rail cars loaded onto barges to go down rivers to your refineries.

If there is an environmental disaster of epic proportions on one of your rivers anti pipeline people will be to blame.


wrong direction .. try Atlantic, try Energy East.

when its completed, Canadian oil can get to its intended destination better, and faster and send more of it .. to RUSSIA and INDIA , and stay out of our farmers back yards... THAT I fully support. ... Putin and Canada are made for each other.
You see it's ok if the Democrats Obstructs and blocks progress and jobs.

their base say's so.........because well they are way smarter than all of us, don't ya know.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

so how does allowing you people to transport that tarsand THROUGH the U.S. to china address that? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

We have a big blue thing on our west coast called the Pacific and China gets their oil that way.

You know this shit Dot Com. You are only fighting a symbolic and ludicrous battle.

Keystone is finished and is shipping to mid west and Gulf refineries.

You can't stop it coming. Oh and by the way you are shipping it on barges now.

BIG TIME. From rail cars loaded onto barges to go down rivers to your refineries.

If there is an environmental disaster of epic proportions on one of your rivers anti pipeline people will be to blame.


wrong direction .. try Atlantic, try Energy East.

when its completed, Canadian oil can get to its intended destination better, and faster and send more of it .. to RUSSIA and INDIA , and stay out of our farmers back yards... THAT I fully support. ... Putin and Canada are made for each other.

You still buy the crude from Canada. America. For domestic use. You don't produce enough of your own.

That is just not going to stop. America loves Canuck crude. That's why you buy so much of it.

Your refineries want it and need it and are going to keep buying it.

America's a fabulous trading partner. Our fave.

Now as far as shipping east we already do so. Energy east is just another great project.

Shipping west. We already do so. Exports to Asian markets.

Shipping south. We already do. American markets.

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