Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

so how does allowing you people to transport that tarsand THROUGH the U.S. to china address that? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

The Republicans DID get the pipeline bill passed.

Then the liberal Democratic twat in the White House vetoed it.

It is true that without some honorable Democratics, the veto will not get overridden. And there are effectively no honorable Democrats, so the override is out.

Evidently, they didn't get it passed into law.

Republicans need to know that just because they won the Congress there are still other branches of Government

Getting a Presidential signature may involve including some environmental riders, combining Keystone with other infrastructure projects or other concessions

If the Republicans were to say....Mr President, we will allow your branch to fill vacancies and judicial appointments if you allow our branch to pass legislation

Keystone would be approved tomorrow
Republicans voting on ten more McDonalds would provide more jobs
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Really? 88% of adults have a cell phone which means they have access to high speed internet, and 70% of Americans have a high speed internet connection.
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans

it would help both countries. the canadians are our friends and allies. its stupidity to let that oil be shipped overseas rather than stay in north america.

You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

so how does allowing you people to transport that tarsand THROUGH the U.S. to china address that? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

Duh, Texas and Louisiana are not in China, moron.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans

it would help both countries. the canadians are our friends and allies. its stupidity to let that oil be shipped overseas rather than stay in north america.

The pipeline is intended to ship Canadian oil overseas
The US is now an oil exporter. We don't need Canadian oil
it would help both countries. the canadians are our friends and allies. its stupidity to let that oil be shipped overseas rather than stay in north america.

The pipeline is intended to ship Canadian oil overseas
The US is now an oil exporter. We don't need Canadian oil
Why am i NOT surprised that Redfish doesn't know that? It is simply a "give-away" to the refiners BY the Repubs AT THE EXPENSE OF the american taxpayers of this great nation.

BUY A CLUE Redfish !!! (turn off rw media :alcoholic: :eusa_shhh: )
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us
Republicans voting on ten more McDonalds would provide more jobs
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

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Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans

it would help both countries. the canadians are our friends and allies. its stupidity to let that oil be shipped overseas rather than stay in north america.

The pipeline is intended to ship Canadian oil overseas
The US is now an oil exporter. We don't need Canadian oil

it is intended to ship canadian oil to american refineries. every barrel will get taxed by the US government. It will make billions in tax revenue. How awful!
it would help both countries. the canadians are our friends and allies. its stupidity to let that oil be shipped overseas rather than stay in north america.

The pipeline is intended to ship Canadian oil overseas
The US is now an oil exporter. We don't need Canadian oil
Why am i NOT surprised that Redfish doesn't know that? It is simply a "give-away" to the refiners BY the Repubs AT THE EXPENSE OF the american taxpayers of this great nation.

BUY A CLUE Redfish !!! (turn off rw media :alcoholic: :eusa_shhh: )

do you understand that every barrel of oil coming into this country is taxed by the US government?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil

yes, and with Keystone we can also export refined product. Do you understand what a refinery does?
Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil

yes, and with Keystone we can also export refined product. Do you understand what a refinery does?
WHOSE refined product and to where? I'll answer that for you- foreign oil being exported through the U.S. to communist china. That is the very definition of crony capitalism- enriching the few (refiners) at the expense of the many (everybody else in this great nation)
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together said you wanted infrastructure, big guy. You really don't follow conversations, do you?
Though I support Keystone, I do however, wish the GOP would be as fired up to do something about this country's crumbling infrastructure as they are about Keystone.
Doing something positive with the US's infrastructure would reap much greater benefits to this country's economy/jobs, businesses and our citizens than Keystone ever will. It's not even close.
Though I support Keystone, I do however, wish the GOP would be as fired up to do something about this country's crumbling infrastructure as they are about Keystone.
Doing something positive with the US's infrastructure would reap much greater benefits to this country's economy/jobs, businesses and our citizens than Keystone ever will. It's not even close.
There is no crumbling infrastructure. Its another Democrat meme to appeal to the low information crowd.
What Obama said in the January State of the Union address

21st century businesses need 21st century infrastructure – modern ports, stronger bridges, faster trains and the fastest internet. Democrats and Republicans used to agree on this. So let’s set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline. Let’s pass a bipartisan infrastructure plan that could create more than thirty times as many jobs per year, and make this country stronger for decades to come.

If Republicans come forward with a comprehensive infrastructure bill, I'm sure they could include Keystone in it

But Republicans do not love America as much as they love the oil companies

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