Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline


obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Weren't you just calling yourself a conservative?

Being conservative does not require ODS. ODS loons aren't conservatives. They're just partisans.
But you have no problem with this!

What are you babbling about? Am I somehow supposed to give a fuck if Obama takes a selfie? Gee gad! You mean to tell me that when someone is elected President they do all the same things that normal people also do? Does that mean he takes poo-poo too? And even use hold wads of soft tissue paper in his hand and wipe it on his hole to clean the poo-poo off?

ROFLMNAO! Truly... you're the Hallmark of Contributors.

obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Weren't you just calling yourself a conservative?

Being conservative does not require ODS. ODS loons aren't conservatives. They're just partisans.
But you have no problem with this!

What are you babbling about? Am I somehow supposed to give a fuck if Obama takes a selfie? Gee gad! You mean to tell me that when someone is elected President they do all the same things that normal people also do? Does that mean he takes poo-poo too? And even use hold wads of soft tissue paper in his hand and wipe it on his hole to clean the poo-poo off?

Apparently you never heard the words "ACT PRESIDENTIAL!", especially in these times of strife, & war. You are just another Manchurian Republican, you must BUNK with the Jakeass!

obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Weren't you just calling yourself a conservative?

Being conservative does not require ODS. ODS loons aren't conservatives. They're just partisans.
But you have no problem with this!

What are you babbling about? Am I somehow supposed to give a fuck if Obama takes a selfie? Gee gad! You mean to tell me that when someone is elected President they do all the same things that normal people also do? Does that mean he takes poo-poo too? And even use hold wads of soft tissue paper in his hand and wipe it on his hole to clean the poo-poo off?
I didn't know your fantasies with Obama were so exotic. Scat fantasies?

This is the SECOND would-be "Conservative" that has spent this evening Advocating for the Left just TODAY!

"Jarlaxle" was the other one and I sent ANOTHER one to ignore the day before yesterday.

Seems to be a trend...

Note how the Obama Derangement Syndrome patient lacks the ability to distinguish between "advocating for the left" and simple non rabid hatred for all things Obama. In Obama Derangement Syndrome, the patient defines the entire world in terms of Obama. Most especially, he defines his own self worth, as well as the worth of others, as a linear function of hatred for Obama.

LOL! Oh GOD... THAT is adorable!

A NON-Leftists appealing for people to stop 'hatin' on the brown clown... to avoid being saddled with an ...



The ODS patient typically is not a racist. But he will often make subtle racist comments to express hatred of Obama. It is important here to understand that despite such comments the ODS patient is not actually racist. Such comments are merely an expression of his disorder, similar to how a manic patient may display promiscuity behaviors that are otherwise out of character. It is important to distinguish between truly racist remarks against the entire group of people comprising a given race, and ODS statements which are wholly an expression of hatred for Obama.

By understanding that ODS comments are hatred toward Obama specifically we can begin to reconcile the defensive accusations and ODS patient often will make by claiming those who disagree with him are racists. Because the ODS patient is unaware of their delusion, they cannot accurately comprehend their own racist comments as being racist.
The universe where you're not reading enough. Which is probably the same universe where true conservatism is understood, as opposed to the tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit that passes for conservatism nowadays.


Imagine an Irony SO SWEET that a proponent of obama's comes along to lament "tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit"... .

Reader... You can NOT make that crap UP!

THAT has GOT to come from one's addleminded lil' heart...

When a proponent of Obama's comes around and says that, let me know. In the meantime, those of us who know how to disapprove of Obama like an adult will continue to advocate for lower taxes and smaller government.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.
Apparently you never heard the words "ACT PRESIDENTIAL!", especially in these times of strife, & war. You are just another Manchurian Republican, you must BUNK with the Jakeass!

The ODS patient's delusions are profound. Not only do they see things which are not there, they often cannot see things directly in front of their face, or will see them substantially different than what they are. This is similar to a colorblind patient who may be unable to see the number inside a circle on a color vision test, or who may see a different number due to part of the image being obscured to them. The difference, however, is that the colorblind patient's altered perception is caused by a physiological vision impairment, whereas the ODS patient's altered perception is entirely psychological.

For example, an ODS patient condemning Obama's failure to "act presidential" will perceive the following image of President Reagan as highly dignified, presidential, and perhaps even majestic.

The universe where you're not reading enough. Which is probably the same universe where true conservatism is understood, as opposed to the tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit that passes for conservatism nowadays.


Imagine an Irony SO SWEET that a proponent of obama's comes along to lament "tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit"... .

Reader... You can NOT make that crap UP!

THAT has GOT to come from one's addleminded lil' heart...

When a proponent of Obama's comes around and says that, let me know. In the meantime, those of us who know how to disapprove of Obama like an adult will continue to advocate for lower taxes and smaller government.

And what these "little boys crying wolf" accomplish is that make it way too easy for this administration to deflect legitimate criticism by claiming it is just another example of ODS.
Apparently you never heard the words "ACT PRESIDENTIAL!", especially in these times of strife, & war. You are just another Manchurian Republican, you must BUNK with the Jakeass!

The ODS patient's delusions are profound. Not only do they see things which are not there, they often cannot see things directly in front of their face, or will see them substantially different than what they are. This is similar to a colorblind patient who may be unable to see the number inside a circle on a color vision test, or who may see a different number due to part of the image being obscured to them. The difference, however, is that the colorblind patient's altered perception is caused by a physiological vision impairment, whereas the ODS patient's altered perception is entirely psychological.

For example, an ODS patient condemning Obama's failure to "act presidential" will perceive the following image of President Reagan as highly dignified, presidential, and perhaps even majestic.


Yes, while ROASTING HIM, or at the PRESS BANQUET, as this is from, a little levity is fine, but to actually act like an ass, and have the presidential photographer take your picture doing this shit is beyond logical!... and as far as ODS goes, You sir, are that kind of subversive that shows clear and obvious signs of having the same disease the Idiot in the White House has...

You think your shit doesn't stink, and you are better and smarter than all us little people, you are one sick "CONSERVATIVE"! ....But always good for a laugh as Jake is!
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.
And what these "little boys crying wolf" accomplish is that make it way too easy for this administration to deflect legitimate criticism by claiming it is just another example of ODS.

Exactly. That kind of crap just makes it easier for Obama to maintain support.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

No surprise here, OBAMA said he would veto it months ago. Next speech will probably be on energy independence, LOL. Apparently he prefers middle eastern oil, whom we are always at war with, versus getting oil from our friendly neighbors to the north.
I think some people really need to get up to speed.

Canada supplied America with almost double the amount that Saudi Arabia did in 2013. Figures are in thousands of barrels per day.

U.S. Crude Oil Imports
Republicans represent the oil companies and the 1%.

That's it.

Fool. Warren Buffet is making a ton of profit transporting crude to refineries. AND the new Democrat major donor & enviro weenie hero Steyer made his fortune off of fossil fuels and as far as I know he has not divested his interests in Kinder Morgan to date.

Only a complete and utter moron would believe that no Democrat is invested in fossil fuels or related industries.

That's it.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.

Just to help you out here because of our international trade in crude and gas, pipelines have already been built. A couple of new expansions involve Enbridge's Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights.

Here's a visual.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

Why does our country need it? Most of the oil would be exported.

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