Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.

Why does our country need it? Most of the oil would be exported.

Simply put, you use more than you produce. Your needs are greater than your production.

And that's bullshit on the export. The majority of crude will remain in America. Why? Because you need it.

The XL is just an expansion of the Keystone which already goes to the Gulf. That was completed and up and running as of last January.

Rail and transport truck are picking up the slack. The crude is coming no matter what happens.

It's pick your poison on how you want it delivered to your refineries. I'm a conservationist and I've chosen my poison and it's pipeline over rail for many, many reasons including public safety.
Well, what I find kind of ironic is that the pipeline runs the risk of leaking, but the railways are getting so clogged with oil tanks that this happens anyway, but rather than just leaks you get fiery explosions:
The railroad cars involved in the fiery derailment in West Virginia on Monday were a newer model that was supposed to be safer than older tankers blamed in other recent oil train explosions.

The ruptured cars were built to specifications adopted by the railroad industry in 2011 amid criticism that older tankers were dangerously susceptible to puncture and a risk of explosion. Called CPC 1232 cars, the newer tankers were also involved in an April 2014 derailment and explosion in Lynchburg, Va.
So if the premise is that the oil and such could leak into water sources, that is already happening with the railway lines that have to transport the oil that isn't passing through pipelines.
Well, what I find kind of ironic is that the pipeline runs the risk of leaking, but the railways are getting so clogged with oil tanks that this happens anyway, but rather than just leaks you get fiery explosions:
The railroad cars involved in the fiery derailment in West Virginia on Monday were a newer model that was supposed to be safer than older tankers blamed in other recent oil train explosions.

The ruptured cars were built to specifications adopted by the railroad industry in 2011 amid criticism that older tankers were dangerously susceptible to puncture and a risk of explosion. Called CPC 1232 cars, the newer tankers were also involved in an April 2014 derailment and explosion in Lynchburg, Va.
So if the premise is that the oil and such could leak into water sources, that is already happening with the railway lines that have to transport the oil that isn't passing through pipelines.

Exactly. Fiery explosions in potentially densely populated areas. If not pipelines they are looking at expanding shipping crude by barge. I'll try to find that link to put up tomorrow.

Aye carumba! To me that is a recipe for a disaster on a monumental scale. Exxon Valdez on a river. Yikes.
My question is why is it that a foreign oil company (like Canada) has eminent domain over U.S. Citizens who actually own the land?

Are we selling out to global corporate interests? It seems so.

When did money trump the freedom that we have as Americans? Why is it that oil is more important than the farmers who bring us food?
My question is why is it that a foreign oil company (like Canada) has eminent domain over U.S. Citizens who actually own the land?

Are we selling out to global corporate interests? It seems so.

When did money trump the freedom that we have as Americans? Why is it that oil is more important than the farmers who bring us food?

TransCanada is not an oil company. Just a transporter of crude which Americans need.
And by the way the Keystone is already built to the Gulf and midwest refineries.

The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Without the finished product farmers wouldn't be able to run their farm equipment unless they all go Amish. And how would they get their products to market?

Bottom line is you need oil as much as you need food. They aren't in competition.

Eminent domain? Every day in the US it's in play for one project or another.
My question is why is it that a foreign oil company (like Canada) has eminent domain over U.S. Citizens who actually own the land?

Are we selling out to global corporate interests? It seems so.

When did money trump the freedom that we have as Americans? Why is it that oil is more important than the farmers who bring us food?

TransCanada is not an oil company. Just a transporter of crude which Americans need.
And by the way the Keystone is already built to the Gulf and midwest refineries.

The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Without the finished product farmers wouldn't be able to run their farm equipment unless they all go Amish. And how would they get their products to market?

Bottom line is you need oil as much as you need food. They aren't in competition.

Eminent domain? Every day in the US it's in play for one project or another.

Without the finished product farmers wouldn't be able to run their farm equipment unless they all go Amish. And how would they get their products to market?

Bullshit. Farmers are making it just fine without Keystone ... Canadians keep trying to convince everyone how much Americans need them. Venezuela/South America has more oil than Canada. Hugo just doesn't give Republicans head as well as Canadians do.. Oil and price is the same .. lies like the crap TD spews is one reason I dislike Keystone so much.
My question is why is it that a foreign oil company (like Canada) has eminent domain over U.S. Citizens who actually own the land?

Are we selling out to global corporate interests? It seems so.

When did money trump the freedom that we have as Americans? Why is it that oil is more important than the farmers who bring us food?

TransCanada is not an oil company. Just a transporter of crude which Americans need.
And by the way the Keystone is already built to the Gulf and midwest refineries.

The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Without the finished product farmers wouldn't be able to run their farm equipment unless they all go Amish. And how would they get their products to market?

Bottom line is you need oil as much as you need food. They aren't in competition.

Eminent domain? Every day in the US it's in play for one project or another.

Without the finished product farmers wouldn't be able to run their farm equipment unless they all go Amish. And how would they get their products to market?

Bullshit. Farmers are making it just fine without Keystone ... Canadians keep trying to convince everyone how much Americans need them. Venezuela/South America has more oil than Canada. Hugo just doesn't give Republicans head as well as Canadians do.. Oil and price is the same .. lies like the crap TD spews is one reason I dislike Keystone so much.

Hugo is dead.


You are nothing short of pathological sparky. I don't have to convince your refineries to buy the crude. They want it. It is flowing thru the Keystone or on Buffet's rail lines as I post.

You can't stop it. Too funny. Your companies need it and want it. If you don't like it then march right on over to all the major refineries and tell them Siete says they aren't allow to buy from Canada anymore.
This is the SECOND would-be "Conservative" that has spent this evening Advocating for the Left just TODAY!

"Jarlaxle" was the other one and I sent ANOTHER one to ignore the day before yesterday.

Seems to be a trend...

Note how the Obama Derangement Syndrome patient lacks the ability to distinguish between "advocating for the left" and simple non rabid hatred for all things Obama. In Obama Derangement Syndrome, the patient defines the entire world in terms of Obama. Most especially, he defines his own self worth, as well as the worth of others, as a linear function of hatred for Obama.

LOL! Oh GOD... THAT is adorable!

A NON-Leftists appealing for people to stop 'hatin' on the brown clown... to avoid being saddled with an ...



I didn't think it was possible.....but this retard has begun putting an "s" at the end of the singular form of "leftist".
The universe where you're not reading enough. Which is probably the same universe where true conservatism is understood, as opposed to the tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit that passes for conservatism nowadays.


Imagine an Irony SO SWEET that a proponent of obama's comes along to lament "tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit"... .

Reader... You can NOT make that crap UP!

THAT has GOT to come from one's addleminded lil' heart...

When a proponent of Obama's comes around and says that, let me know. In the meantime, those of us who know how to disapprove of Obama like an adult will continue to advocate for lower taxes and smaller government.

And what these "little boys crying wolf" accomplish is that make it way too easy for this administration to deflect legitimate criticism by claiming it is just another example of ODS.

The Obama administration does not deflect legitimate criticism. I am a supporter of this administration. I don't claim that my own criticisms are ODS. Legitimate criticisms have always come with two things. Facts and and alternatives.
Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.


obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

obama doesn't give a dam' about what the majority of anything wants.

obama's purpose is to ruin the United States and he is doing a wonderful job in getting that done.
Doesn't matter, Obama's time is ticking away, he'll be gone, then the pipeline will prevail.
Oh? You think you'll have better luck with Hillary? :eusa_naughty:
She is currently riding the fence, and much more likely to go with what the majority of Americans want, than this piece of shit we now have who just wants to poke America in the eye.

Tick tock Barrack, your time is fading fast.
The universe where you're not reading enough. Which is probably the same universe where true conservatism is understood, as opposed to the tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit that passes for conservatism nowadays.


Imagine an Irony SO SWEET that a proponent of obama's comes along to lament "tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit"... .

Reader... You can NOT make that crap UP!

THAT has GOT to come from one's addleminded lil' heart...

When a proponent of Obama's comes around and says that, let me know. In the meantime, those of us who know how to disapprove of Obama like an adult will continue to advocate for lower taxes and smaller government.

And what these "little boys crying wolf" accomplish is that make it way too easy for this administration to deflect legitimate criticism by claiming it is just another example of ODS.

The Obama administration does not deflect legitimate criticism. I am a supporter of this administration. I don't claim that my own criticisms are ODS. Legitimate criticisms have always come with two things. Facts and and alternatives.

Project much? Again, in this case, your definition of legitimate criticism is unacceptable.

The universe where you're not reading enough. Which is probably the same universe where true conservatism is understood, as opposed to the tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit that passes for conservatism nowadays.


Imagine an Irony SO SWEET that a proponent of obama's comes along to lament "tax and spend intrusive big government bullshit"... .

Reader... You can NOT make that crap UP!

THAT has GOT to come from one's addleminded lil' heart...

When a proponent of Obama's comes around and says that, let me know. In the meantime, those of us who know how to disapprove of Obama like an adult will continue to advocate for lower taxes and smaller government.

And what these "little boys crying wolf" accomplish is that make it way too easy for this administration to deflect legitimate criticism by claiming it is just another example of ODS.

The Obama administration does not deflect legitimate criticism. I am a supporter of this administration. I don't claim that my own criticisms are ODS. Legitimate criticisms have always come with two things. Facts and and alternatives.

Project much? Again, in this case, your definition of legitimate criticism is unacceptable.


Oooooh! You burned me! Ouch!
Keystone does nothing for US oil
That's not entirely true. Some of the oil would be used in spills (TransCanada predicted 2 a year) to provide a nice glossy cover to the landscape.

And don't forget the 50 permanent jobs it would create. :rolleyes:

Republicans voting on ten more McDonalds would provide more jobs
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?
The GOP keeps caving. And every such capitulation is offered as a compromise to the Dims who then, on cue, demand ever more.

The best way to deal with those Democrap fucking one-way street rodents is NOT to "deal" with them at all, anymore.

But the GOP leadershit refuses to learn.


If Republicans refuse to deal, they get nothing done while they hold Congress

Face it Republicans, you are not getting legislation passed based on your charm and good looks. Be prepared to offer something to get something. That is the way it worked with Clinton

The Republicans HAVE dealt, and they learn only that the leftists of the Democrap Party then shit on them.

The surprising thing is how slow they are to learn the lesson.

I couldn't give a rat's ass if the GOP gets anything more passed. The LESS they pass, the better off we will all be.

No. Your analysis is faulty. The pandering hacks of the left (including Obumbler) are the ones who need to get shit "passed." If the GOP had any brains and talent, they would deny those junkies any more of their drugs.

The Teapublicans will lose the Senate in 2016. They have been cooling their heals for eight years to control Congress

If they are willing to blow their short window when they get to call the is up to them

There you go again, talking smack after the GOP wiped its ass with the Democratic party in the last election.

Did they?

What good did it do them?

They can't even get a pipeline passed

The Republicans DID get the pipeline bill passed.

Then the liberal Democratic twat in the White House vetoed it.

It is true that without some honorable Democratics, the veto will not get overridden. And there are effectively no honorable Democrats, so the override is out.
Republicans are learning the political realities they have created. They cannot connect with the president and point to a single time they have supported him
The political reality is if the Republican Congress wants to accomplish anything they will have to work with the President

That's not true, but even if it were true, so what? It would be fair to say that the Presidunce NEVER made any effort to reach across the aisle to his opponents in Congress.

The actual political reality is that if Obumbler wants to get anything done (legally that is) he will NEED Congress. And they should tell him to fuck himself until he learns how to behave like a President -- or even like a grown up.

Republicans to President Obama

Mr President....if you will sign the Keystone Legislation, we will agree to stop blocking your judicial appointments

Keystone would be approved tomorrow

Obama has never compromised before on anything, I'm not sure why he would start now. And even if he did, pass

Obama compromised on the Bush tax cuts.......TWICE

Vacillating as a President is not "compromising."

Or are you alluding to his vote as a Senator?

The topic was the lack of compromise from Obumbler AS President.

An Obama compromise is he gets part of what he wants and the Republicans get nothing and all he does is blast them for the part he didn't get. Yeah, um, no...
That's not entirely true. Some of the oil would be used in spills (TransCanada predicted 2 a year) to provide a nice glossy cover to the landscape.

And don't forget the 50 permanent jobs it would create. :rolleyes:

Republicans voting on ten more McDonalds would provide more jobs
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy
Now explain Grover Norquist, Republicans laughing that they would not accept $1 in tax increases for $10 in spending cuts and explain how Republicans compromise

Because the spending started immediately and the cuts "started" in like 7 years. I'll let you in on a little secret, Rainman, the Democrats lied, it was all spending and no cuts
That's not entirely true. Some of the oil would be used in spills (TransCanada predicted 2 a year) to provide a nice glossy cover to the landscape.

And don't forget the 50 permanent jobs it would create. :rolleyes:

Republicans voting on ten more McDonalds would provide more jobs
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.
so you libs would rather have the oil moving on trains and trucks? Really? the safest way to move oil is by pipeline. So its not an environmental issue, its just another example of obama trying to bring the USA to it knees to punish it for past successes which he stupidly believes came at the expense of the rest of the world.

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