Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

I believe in the free market and individual choice in charity. You are getting your value's worth of effort, plus some free extra just because I'm in a nice mood.
He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

I believe in the free market and individual choice in charity. You are getting your value's worth of effort, plus some free extra just because I'm in a nice mood.
You dont believe in jack shit except the world owes you.
wanna find The Rabbi quickly? :up: Go to the nearest hack thread.

As to the OP, "the party of no" & you're not talking about the GObP? Thats rich.
You dont believe in jack shit except the world owes you.

So that's why you want the government to pay for people's retirement, while I expect to pay for mine entirely on my own.

You're such a piece of shit. At least morons like rdean and franco are up front with the fact that they want handouts from the government. You're such a lying sleezebag that you demand free stuff and then pretend that you don't.



What next? Huffington Post?

The NRDC is part of the Eco-Nazi Establishment... they have no credibility except with nutters.

Here's some links exposing them as frauds:

Fear-Mongering Junk Science And NRDC - Forbes

Bad faith and bad science from NRDC The Daily Caller

You have to pardon LL, he and nutters like him are too stupid to articulate any original thoughts......
You dont believe in jack shit except the world owes you.

So that's why you want the government to pay for people's retirement, while I expect to pay for mine entirely on my own.

You're such a piece of shit. At least morons like rdean and franco are up front with the fact that they want handouts from the government. You're such a lying sleezebag that you demand free stuff and then pretend that you don't.
Where did you ever get the idea I want gov't to pay for people's retireement? You're a lying shitbag for sure.
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil
The oil from Keystone was not for export it was stipulated in the bill.
It was solely for domestic use
About ten times as many.
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Keystone was the number one priority for Republucans

While they blocked infrastructure legislation that would provide a hundred thousand new jobs, they pushed for a Canadian pipeline

Is there any question that Republicans hate America?
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring
I thought pipelines ARE infrastructure

Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America
You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America

Yeah it's all the republicans fault.

The Dems owned the congress for 6 years and what did they do?

You're such a partisan butt boy that you can't see that BOTH parties are the problem
You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America
news flash it is 2015 not 1950, we have regulations, money alone can not build it
You have to have a plan/blue prints
You have to have permits
You have to fight liberal tree huggers for years in court to get anything built

We don't have a phone and a pen, we follow the laws of the land
He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

I believe in the free market and individual choice in charity. You are getting your value's worth of effort, plus some free extra just because I'm in a nice mood.

I believe that a modern society helps those who need helping
No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America
news flash it is 2015 not 1950, we have regulations, money alone can not build it
You have to have a plan/blue prints
You have to have permits
You have to fight liberal tree huggers for years in court to get anything built

We don't have a phone and a pen, we follow the laws of the land shit Sherlock

What are Republicans waiting for?

How about some REAL jobs for America and construction projects that help AMERICANS
We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America
news flash it is 2015 not 1950, we have regulations, money alone can not build it
You have to have a plan/blue prints
You have to have permits
You have to fight liberal tree huggers for years in court to get anything built

We don't have a phone and a pen, we follow the laws of the land shit Sherlock

What are Republicans waiting for?

How about some REAL jobs for America and construction projects that help AMERICANS
Well we can start by getting the fuck out of our way
You dont believe in jack shit except the world owes you.

So that's why you want the government to pay for people's retirement, while I expect to pay for mine entirely on my own.

You're such a piece of shit. At least morons like rdean and franco are up front with the fact that they want handouts from the government. You're such a lying sleezebag that you demand free stuff and then pretend that you don't.
Where did you ever get the idea I want gov't to pay for people's retireement? You're a lying shitbag for sure.

Which is why every time I have started such a discussion you come running in crying that people can't support themselves and they just need the government to take care of them, they just need it, and it's not fair that they were reckless and irresponsible and have to suffer for it now.
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it
CNN s Van Jones says Keystone pipeline only creates 35 permanent jobs PunditFact

Our ruling
Jones said the Keystone pipeline will only result in 35 permanent jobs after construction.
The numbers, as reported by the State Department, back him up, though that’s the nature of any big construction project, be it a highway or monument.
Jones’ claim is True.

Our country would be better off building a dozen McDonalds

so you want the government to use tax dollars to build fast food restaurants?

We are not using tax dollars to build Keystone

But we are using the Government powers of eminent domain to condemn property and give it to Keystone

Never saw property condemned for a McDonalds

land owners will get fair value for their land. Pipelines are the safest way to move oil or any other flamable liquid. The USA is crisscrossed with pipelines already, the environmental danger from Keystone is next to zero.

This veto is political, not logical.

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