Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Simply put, you use more than you produce. Your needs are greater than your production.

And we also export a good amount of oil to Canada. And the oil you buy from us is cheaper than the oil you buy from other countries. Let's just stop exporting to Canada, how about that? Go pay full retail elsewhere.

And that's bullshit on the export. The majority of crude will remain in America. Why? Because you need it.

Actually, that is bullshit.
they're already exporting small amounts of Canadian oil from Texas refineries.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.


We don't need shit from you. You can go fuck yourselves with a drilling rig for all we care. We export oil to Canada, and sell it to you at a discount in comparison to what you can get elsewhere. And what you buy from the US is better quality at that. It's better quality than what you can produce yourselves.

Don't give me this bullshit about how we want or need anything from Canada, because we really don't. Especially when we're not even talking about a product that is going to be sold to the American market. When the XL plan first came around studies indicated that the most likely outcome would be an increase in US pump prices due to redirecting oil currently being sold to the midwest, as well as the over abundance of pipeline capacity compared to transportation volume, likely resulting in most transportation companies increasing per gallon tolls in order to maintain sufficient revenues to pay for non diminishing and potentially increasing maintenance costs, as well as to recoup the expense of the pipeline's construction. You've been trying to ram this down our throat for years now with absolutely no care whatsoever with whether or not it has any detrimental effect for us. You seem to think that we have some kind of duty to just pay whatever price you want us to pay so that you can soak up the benefits. You're just as much a piece of shit as Franco who wants everything free and for someone else to pay for it. You're so damn entitled you think you can stick your head into our country and that we'll just give you whatever you want, just because you want it.

So you know what? Get the fuck out! This is our country, you have no business saying anything about the matter. We don't go up there and tell you what to do with your socialized healthcare or bitch about your citizens eating seals. So stay the fuck out of our business and we promise not to invade your sorry asses and bitch slap your mounties like the pussies that they are.

But like I said....nothing personal.
Actually, I have the 2009 report and the 2013 report.

Rabbi, you must think people are really stupid on USMB. You clearly are insulting USMB's poster's intelligence when you claim that you own me.
I present a solid argument that there is serious issues with our infrastructure and I use solid resources. I present a highly respected report by The American Society of Civil Engineers, that no one has refuted but you demonize ASCE using your childish imagination. Everybody with a half brain knows about the state of our infrastructure and you still act like a fool and go into denial.
From the Heritage Foundation:
"America is a big country. Its surface transportation priorities vary by state and locality. Yet the system supposed to keep highways, bridges, and urban transit humming is a clunky, top-down operation. Worse, the Highway Trust Fund that pays for the system is going bust.
How to Fix America s Infrastructure
You have presented NO argument, none. Just the same old bullshit that you are known for. I can present resources all night that back up my posts and from all sides of the aisle. You can't back up shit. You got nothing. But you did do a great job of making an ass out of yourself,,,,again.
In closing,,fuck you asshole.
You don't speak for Americans, Leftist. In fact if surveys and Congress are any indicator, you and your fellow kook Leftist environmental whackos are in the decided minority.

Haven't I already shown you up before for jumping to conclusions an failing to think before you rush to label people? I'm not an environmentalist. And I already told you that I'm not a leftist.

My objections to the XL have nothing to do with environmental concerns. It's pure business, plain and simple. When the XL was first proposed, studies indicated that the most likely result for the United States was an increase in gas prices, and potentially a net loss of jobs due to possible job losses to increased overhead costs for companies that must transport goods. That has always been my reason for opposing the whole thing.

At this point, that analysis is out of date. The developments of the past couple years have made for an entirely different set of circumstances. Nobody could have predicted back then that the United States would become the world's largest oil producer. But here we are. Gas prices are much lower than anyone would have expected, and the entire situation is entirely different than when the previous analysis was done. I would be 100% open to a new analysis being done to determine the potential effect of the XL on the American market. In fact, I very much wish one were pending. The present circumstances are drastically different and warrant a new look. There are a whole new set of concerns to evaluate. We now need to consider the fact that oil production has become a much more important part of the US economy and job market, and that US oil production requires a certain price point in order to remain viable. Recent diminishing gas prices have now led to the US losing jobs. We need an optimal balance, and we are not yet quite sure where that will be.

It's very simple for me. I will not support the XL project until we have a reasonable certainty that it will not have an adverse effect on the US market. I'm not going to support it just because I don't like Obama. And I couldn't possibly care less whether Canadian fucksticks want their daily handout of American cheese. I care about one thing, and one thing alone, and that's the potential consequences on the American economy.
And we also export a good amount of oil to Canada. And the oil you buy from us is cheaper than the oil you buy from other countries. Let's just stop exporting to Canada, how about that? Go pay full retail elsewhere.

Canada is a net exporter of oil. Why the hell would they import when they produce way more than they need and can sell it to other countries? And if the oil they could buy from us is cheaper than their own production how the hell do they have such a large and booming oil business?
So, how can a America fix it's infrastructure when it claims that Climate Change is the number one challenge facing it?

Wait what?
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.


We don't need shit from you. You can go fuck yourselves with a drilling rig for all we care. We export oil to Canada, and sell it to you at a discount in comparison to what you can get elsewhere. And what you buy from the US is better quality at that. It's better quality than what you can produce yourselves.

Don't give me this bullshit about how we want or need anything from Canada, because we really don't. Especially when we're not even talking about a product that is going to be sold to the American market. When the XL plan first came around studies indicated that the most likely outcome would be an increase in US pump prices due to redirecting oil currently being sold to the midwest, as well as the over abundance of pipeline capacity compared to transportation volume, likely resulting in most transportation companies increasing per gallon tolls in order to maintain sufficient revenues to pay for non diminishing and potentially increasing maintenance costs, as well as to recoup the expense of the pipeline's construction. You've been trying to ram this down our throat for years now with absolutely no care whatsoever with whether or not it has any detrimental effect for us. You seem to think that we have some kind of duty to just pay whatever price you want us to pay so that you can soak up the benefits. You're just as much a piece of shit as Franco who wants everything free and for someone else to pay for it. You're so damn entitled you think you can stick your head into our country and that we'll just give you whatever you want, just because you want it.

So you know what? Get the fuck out! This is our country, you have no business saying anything about the matter. We don't go up there and tell you what to do with your socialized healthcare or bitch about your citizens eating seals. So stay the fuck out of our business and we promise not to invade your sorry asses and bitch slap your mounties like the pussies that they are.

But like I said....nothing personal.

Nothing personal either. You're a fucking retard. The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Look at a fucking map.

And if you don't want Canuck crude haul your ass over to the refineries and get in their CEO's faces and tell them not to buy from Canada anymore.

Let me know how that goes m'kay?

I'm not making them fucking buy from us. :lol: Canada isn't twisting their arms.

We're your number one supplier because your companies want the shit.

So you idiot. Here's the Keystone that your refineries love getting Canuck crude from.

What do you want to do rip it out? Man, chill out. Your temper tantrums are epic in this thread.


You don't speak for Americans, Leftist. In fact if surveys and Congress are any indicator, you and your fellow kook Leftist environmental whackos are in the decided minority.

Haven't I already shown you up before for jumping to conclusions an failing to think before you rush to label people? I'm not an environmentalist. And I already told you that I'm not a leftist.

My objections to the XL have nothing to do with environmental concerns. It's pure business, plain and simple. When the XL was first proposed, studies indicated that the most likely result for the United States was an increase in gas prices, and potentially a net loss of jobs due to possible job losses to increased overhead costs for companies that must transport goods. That has always been my reason for opposing the whole thing.

At this point, that analysis is out of date. The developments of the past couple years have made for an entirely different set of circumstances. Nobody could have predicted back then that the United States would become the world's largest oil producer. But here we are. Gas prices are much lower than anyone would have expected, and the entire situation is entirely different than when the previous analysis was done. I would be 100% open to a new analysis being done to determine the potential effect of the XL on the American market. In fact, I very much wish one were pending. The present circumstances are drastically different and warrant a new look. There are a whole new set of concerns to evaluate. We now need to consider the fact that oil production has become a much more important part of the US economy and job market, and that US oil production requires a certain price point in order to remain viable. Recent diminishing gas prices have now led to the US losing jobs. We need an optimal balance, and we are not yet quite sure where that will be.

It's very simple for me. I will not support the XL project until we have a reasonable certainty that it will not have an adverse effect on the US market. I'm not going to support it just because I don't like Obama. And I couldn't possibly care less whether Canadian fucksticks want their daily handout of American cheese. I care about one thing, and one thing alone, and that's the potential consequences on the American economy.

Now you freaking double dumb ass you still need to import. You still are importing.

Why? Because you use way more than you can produce.

See this part of your argument....

"It's very simple for me. I will not support the XL project until we have a reasonable certainty that it will not have an adverse effect on the US market."

It's fucking bogus you idiot because the crude is still being shipped in massive quantities.

Out of 8,967 thousand barrels a day that America imported just last November, YOUR COMPANIES bought 3,443 thousand barrels a freaking day from Canada.

ETA link to your government statistics.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

How stupid are you not to realize that this is just a dog and pony show because you aren't stopping the shipping of Canuck crude.

Warren Buffet's railway is hauling thousands of barrels of Canuck crude. Rail and transport truck are hauling Canuck crude to terminals and then shipping by barge.

You have no fucking say in what your refineries want to buy whatsoever.
Or who they want to fucking buy it from.


Too bad. So sad. But like I said if you want to barge into refineries CEO's office and tell them they can't buy from Canada anymore, PULEEEEEEEEEEEEZE put it on video.

I'd love to see it.
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For those that think that killing just this small extension makes any difference.....give your stupid head a shake.

Up to five times a week, a train 100 cars long and brimming with heavy oil slows to a halt in the yard of Gateway Terminals, a rail-to-barge transfer station located on the edge of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri.

Each train can carry up to 60,000 barrels of the viscous product, which needs to be heated before it is piped into one of four 98,000-barrel storage tanks located on site.

From there the oil is loaded into the shallow hauls of river barges, each destined for heavy oil refineries in Texas and Louisiana. In a good week, the terminal can transfer 350,000 barrels of oil into the slow-moving, flat-bottomed vessels.

It’s a fairly straightforward business. The throughput at Gateway Terminals, in terms of volume, hasn’t changed much in six years of operation.

But there has been one subtle adjustment. Up until mid-2013, the company transferred ethanol onto barges, but the terminal has since been converted to accept a more lucrative commodity: oil sands bitumen.

“We are targeting the Canadian barrel. That’s the business that we’re looking at,” says Marshall Bockman, the vice-president of Gateway Terminals LLC, the operator of the terminal.

On March 24, 2014, the company announced it had sent out its second-ever barge shipment of bitumen since converting from ethanol to heavy crude. Gateway, says Bockman, is now purchasing a fifth 98,000-barrel tank to expand its storage capacity.

Similar Development is taking place elsewhere. Tesoro Corp., a refiner, is building a $100-million rail-to-barge terminal in Vancouver, Washington, to supply Canadian oil to refining facilities along the U.S. west coast. Valero Corp., a company that owns and operates 16 oil refineries, can shuttle 35,000 barrels per day (bpd) down the Mississippi from a terminal in Hartford, Illinois, to facilities on the Gulf Coast, though it has been tight-lipped about precise volumes of its day-to-day shipments.

The Energy Information Administration recently reported Canada-sourced oil imports in 2013 reached an average of 2.5 million bpd, up 3.9 per cent from 2012, despite a highly publicized pipeline capacity shortage.

At least a portion of this is due to higher volumes of oil being shipped by railcar. And, because the rail business is so interconnected with inland river ports, increased railcar activity has led to increased opportunities for barge shipments.


Marshall Bockman, vice-president of Gateway Terminals LLC
Photograph Corey Woodruff
For companies like Gateway Terminals, converting to oil was a welcome alternative. “The ethanol business went through some difficult times with the drought a couple years ago,” Bockman says.

“Because of that drought, the ethanol market was very difficult.” For producers such as Calgary-based MEG Energy Corp., which ships a portion of its oil by barge, the method offers better trade optionality, the company has said. It is also a fairly economic mode of transportation.

But is it wise to ship large volumes of oil via water-borne vessels? After all, pipelines by design avoid waterways and cities; rail lines, less ideally and also by design, cut through cities and along waterways.

It might seem logical that the practice of transporting crude oil over water is an accident waiting to happen. Convincing the public this is a viable, safe option could be more work than transporting the oil itself.

Despite their chugging, cumbersome appearance, inland barges are relatively speedy, faster on average than pipelines – yet markedly slower than railcars.

When two freight-carrying waterborne vessels collide, it happens in slow motion. In the Houston Ship Channel in Galveston, Texas, where a barge delivering bunker fuel crashed into a bulk carrier in March 2014, radio recordings of the incident reveal that the two pilots spent five minutes attempting to clear out of one another’s path.

The barge, owned by Kirby Corp., the largest supplier of commercial barges in the United States, spilled 636,000 liters of fuel oil and caused irreversible ecological damage, according to some experts.

Some believe the spill exposed the risk of shipping oil by barge, particularly in one of the country’s busiest ports. But the trend isn’t solely taking place in the Gulf Coast region.

Excess heavy Canadian oil destined for refineries in the U.S. Midwest via pipeline may soon be transported by barge across various sections of the Great Lakes.

While no producers have yet expressed interest publicly, a proposed terminal in Superior, Wisconsin, is mulling the idea of converting its dock to accept crude oil shipments from inland water vessels.

More at the link:

With production on the rise oil-by-barge traffic sets off greater safety concerns - Alberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas newsAlberta Oil Magazine Canada s leading source for oil and gas news

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Yes, it will happen. Obama may think he's king for life, but he's not. We have time, Obama doesn't ! :2up:

This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.


obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You still are importing.

And so is Canada. Canada's number one source for imported oil is the United States. Canadians buy American oil at a $7 per barrel discount. But why bother with facts? You aren't interested in the facts, you just want the US to take it up the ass. Go home and eat your seals, or whatever it is you fools do. We're going to do our thing, not your thing.


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.


We don't need shit from you. You can go fuck yourselves with a drilling rig for all we care. We export oil to Canada, and sell it to you at a discount in comparison to what you can get elsewhere. And what you buy from the US is better quality at that. It's better quality than what you can produce yourselves.

Don't give me this bullshit about how we want or need anything from Canada, because we really don't. Especially when we're not even talking about a product that is going to be sold to the American market. When the XL plan first came around studies indicated that the most likely outcome would be an increase in US pump prices due to redirecting oil currently being sold to the midwest, as well as the over abundance of pipeline capacity compared to transportation volume, likely resulting in most transportation companies increasing per gallon tolls in order to maintain sufficient revenues to pay for non diminishing and potentially increasing maintenance costs, as well as to recoup the expense of the pipeline's construction. You've been trying to ram this down our throat for years now with absolutely no care whatsoever with whether or not it has any detrimental effect for us. You seem to think that we have some kind of duty to just pay whatever price you want us to pay so that you can soak up the benefits. You're just as much a piece of shit as Franco who wants everything free and for someone else to pay for it. You're so damn entitled you think you can stick your head into our country and that we'll just give you whatever you want, just because you want it.

So you know what? Get the fuck out! This is our country, you have no business saying anything about the matter. We don't go up there and tell you what to do with your socialized healthcare or bitch about your citizens eating seals. So stay the fuck out of our business and we promise not to invade your sorry asses and bitch slap your mounties like the pussies that they are.

But like I said....nothing personal.

Nothing personal either. You're a fucking retard. The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Look at a fucking map.

And if you don't want Canuck crude haul your ass over to the refineries and get in their CEO's faces and tell them not to buy from Canada anymore.

Let me know how that goes m'kay?

I'm not making them fucking buy from us. :lol: Canada isn't twisting their arms.

We're your number one supplier because your companies want the shit.

So you idiot. Here's the Keystone that your refineries love getting Canuck crude from.

What do you want to do rip it out? Man, chill out. Your temper tantrums are epic in this thread.



Amazing. Nothing you said, in any way, demonstrates anything at all that would be worth while to the United States regarding the XL. As always, you post yet another giant red herring. Because you think that the US has some kind of obligation to do whatever Canada wants, just because you want it. Get over yourself, foreign entitlement junkies are not welcome in America. We have enough problems with the domestic junkies.
And we also export a good amount of oil to Canada. And the oil you buy from us is cheaper than the oil you buy from other countries. Let's just stop exporting to Canada, how about that? Go pay full retail elsewhere.

Canada is a net exporter of oil. Why the hell would they import when they produce way more than they need and can sell it to other countries? And if the oil they could buy from us is cheaper than their own production how the hell do they have such a large and booming oil business?

Because the world of oil is much more complex than your little brain can apparently handle. All in all, your questions are irrelevant. Canada still imports oil, and the United States is their number one supplier. American oil is bought by Canada at a $7 a barrel discount. Those are the facts.

Don't get me wrong, there are alot of people in Canada who question it. But it is what it is.
Actually, I have the 2009 report and the 2013 report.

Rabbi, you must think people are really stupid on USMB. You clearly are insulting USMB's poster's intelligence when you claim that you own me.
I present a solid argument that there is serious issues with our infrastructure and I use solid resources. I present a highly respected report by The American Society of Civil Engineers, that no one has refuted but you demonize ASCE using your childish imagination. Everybody with a half brain knows about the state of our infrastructure and you still act like a fool and go into denial.
From the Heritage Foundation:
"America is a big country. Its surface transportation priorities vary by state and locality. Yet the system supposed to keep highways, bridges, and urban transit humming is a clunky, top-down operation. Worse, the Highway Trust Fund that pays for the system is going bust.
How to Fix America s Infrastructure
You have presented NO argument, none. Just the same old bullshit that you are known for. I can present resources all night that back up my posts and from all sides of the aisle. You can't back up shit. You got nothing. But you did do a great job of making an ass out of yourself,,,,again.
In closing,,fuck you asshole.
Yeah, fuck you too. You never present anything worthwhile. Same old talking points backed by nothing.
WHat do you propose? Obama spent a trillion bucks on shovel ready projects and there was no improvement. What is another trillion going to do? We have an infrastructure that works for us, given the economic and other constraints. I havent read about bridges collapsing. Or about highways washed away. When you get that call me. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
This is what really irks you, doesn't it? You rabid ODS zealots were foaming at the mouth for Obama to lose reelection. That didn't pan out, so you began foaming at the mouth for him to become inconsequential as a lame duck. But now, well beyond the normal lame duck time frame Obama is still wielding power. It doesn't matter what the bill was. It could have been a bill to mandate public blow jobs and you still would be pissed to see Obama laying down a veto just because you hate Obama.


obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.


We don't need shit from you. You can go fuck yourselves with a drilling rig for all we care. We export oil to Canada, and sell it to you at a discount in comparison to what you can get elsewhere. And what you buy from the US is better quality at that. It's better quality than what you can produce yourselves.

Don't give me this bullshit about how we want or need anything from Canada, because we really don't. Especially when we're not even talking about a product that is going to be sold to the American market. When the XL plan first came around studies indicated that the most likely outcome would be an increase in US pump prices due to redirecting oil currently being sold to the midwest, as well as the over abundance of pipeline capacity compared to transportation volume, likely resulting in most transportation companies increasing per gallon tolls in order to maintain sufficient revenues to pay for non diminishing and potentially increasing maintenance costs, as well as to recoup the expense of the pipeline's construction. You've been trying to ram this down our throat for years now with absolutely no care whatsoever with whether or not it has any detrimental effect for us. You seem to think that we have some kind of duty to just pay whatever price you want us to pay so that you can soak up the benefits. You're just as much a piece of shit as Franco who wants everything free and for someone else to pay for it. You're so damn entitled you think you can stick your head into our country and that we'll just give you whatever you want, just because you want it.

So you know what? Get the fuck out! This is our country, you have no business saying anything about the matter. We don't go up there and tell you what to do with your socialized healthcare or bitch about your citizens eating seals. So stay the fuck out of our business and we promise not to invade your sorry asses and bitch slap your mounties like the pussies that they are.

But like I said....nothing personal.

Nothing personal either. You're a fucking retard. The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Look at a fucking map.

And if you don't want Canuck crude haul your ass over to the refineries and get in their CEO's faces and tell them not to buy from Canada anymore.

Let me know how that goes m'kay?

I'm not making them fucking buy from us. :lol: Canada isn't twisting their arms.

We're your number one supplier because your companies want the shit.

So you idiot. Here's the Keystone that your refineries love getting Canuck crude from.

What do you want to do rip it out? Man, chill out. Your temper tantrums are epic in this thread.



Amazing. Nothing you said, in any way, demonstrates anything at all that would be worth while to the United States regarding the XL. As always, you post yet another giant red herring. Because you think that the US has some kind of obligation to do whatever Canada wants, just because you want it. Get over yourself, foreign entitlement junkies are not welcome in America. We have enough problems with the domestic junkies.

What red herring? You stated flat out that your objection to the XL was that if it were built it would hurt the US economy.

I posted that the crude is coming no matter what. XL be damned. Your refineries want the crude and people are finding a way to get it from Canada. And it's not hurting your economy whatsoever.

No one from Canada is demanding your President do jack shit. I don't know where the hell you get that bullshit from.

We know he's holding it up for political reasons only. The application was first made six years ago. It's a dog and pony show with Obama trying to gain some sort of enviro wanker legacy.

Oh and donations from Buffet and Steyer is also motivating Obama for the delays. Follow the money.

Buffett’s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners


Buffett s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners - Bloomberg Business

What red herring? You stated flat out that your objection to the XL was that if it were built it would hurt the US economy.

I posted that the crude is coming no matter what. XL be damned. Your refineries want the crude and people are finding a way to get it from Canada. And it's not hurting your economy whatsoever.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You know damn well what you're doing. You know damn well that I explained that the studies done on XL predicted higher gas prices because excessive pipeline capacity would result in higher tolls. And yet, you babble on about "it's coming anyway" and completely ignore the fact that IF what you claim is true, it doesn't change a damn thing in regards to XL adding to already excessive pipeline capacity. You're not ignoring it because you're too stupid to realize you're missing the point. You're ignoring it because you don't give a fuck, you just want the United States to give you what you want. You continue to babble on and peddle your bullshit because you don't give a damn about anything else except for Canada.

obama is the Pesantpimp of the Union States. As such he has a certain amount of power, without regard to who does what.

But obama's means to do anything meaningful are behind him. Sadly, the damage he has already done is more than enough the cripple the United States.

He built ISIS and it is settling through the world like a whirlwind and the US has no means to do much about it, as long as the brown clown is in office. So... if you need to call that 'power'... that's fine. But that's about all he's got.

His amnesty deal is now scuttled... although he did managed to re-infect the US will all manner of contagions and you've got that to look back upon.

But the glory days are gone... all you're waiting on now is for the hammer to drop, and to watch him declare "Alluha Akbar!" on CNN ... . Which is going to be the last 'good day' that you on the left have, ever. As from that day forward, anyone known to have elected the Muslim plant who brought down the US, will be hunted down and eliminated, as the US falls from viability to enclaves of varying degrees of open warfare.

So... ya have THAT to look forward to.

The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
The sad, pathetic face of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

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