Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Why I don't support Keystone........

It is blatant whoring by Republicans to their Big Oil masters
It does nothing for Americans

the Energy East project is so much better than Keystone for Canadian oil producers I'm surprised Keystone is still a topic of conversation with Canadians ...

Energy East will be built. Northern Gateway will be built and the Keystone is still carrying crude from Alberta to mid west refineries and the Gulf.

Actually we have a blast mocking assholes like you and really have fun mocking Neil Young and others who while trying to block the XL come off as complete hypocrites because you never protested the southern leg of the Keystone or the Alberta Clipper or Southern Lights.

You come off as ignorant enviro wankers.
Why I don't support Keystone........

It is blatant whoring by Republicans to their Big Oil masters
It does nothing for Americans
Except jobs. It provides jobs.
Oh, and lower refined gasoline prices.
Oh yeah, and helps the environment by reducing spills from tanker rail cars.

But aside from providing jobs, lowering oil costs and helpong the environment it doesnt do a thing.

35 shattering legislation

The only reason Republicans care is because their big oil masters care
They're going to build a pipeline and employ only 35 people to do it? Wow!
You're a real sucker, nutsucker.
Though I support Keystone, I do however, wish the GOP would be as fired up to do something about this country's crumbling infrastructure as they are about Keystone.
Doing something positive with the US's infrastructure would reap much greater benefits to this country's economy/jobs, businesses and our citizens than Keystone ever will. It's not even close.
There is no crumbling infrastructure. Its another Democrat meme to appeal to the low information crowd.

The last time you posted this nonsense, I posted about a half dozen links from non-biased sources (of course), that proved you extremely wrong.
I guess it was too much for for you to stop your hyper-posting to take a few minutes to educate yourself.
Here we go again.
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Why We Still Can t Afford to Fix America s Broken Infrastructure FiveThirtyEight
Falling apart America s neglected infrastructure - CBS News
America s crumbling infrastructure Bridging the gap The Economist
How Should We Tackle America s Transportation and Infrastructure Woes - Forbes
Infrastructure problems hold back U.S. economy
US Infrastructure Behind Developed World - Business Insider

Now Rabbi, why not actually study the issue instead of winging-it-on-a-prayer?
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
He is the Rabbi

Make outlandish statements and then declare any evidence to the contrary to be bogus
I make true statements and point out the contrary "evidence" either isnt evidence at all or is manufactured.
Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

Here ya go sparky. List of 144 products made from petroleum by products. From a list of 6000.

Are you going to tell me Americans don't fill up their cars with gas or fly?

A partial list of products made from Petroleum (144 of 6000 items)
One 42-gallon barrel of oil creates 19.4 gallons of gasoline. The rest (over half) is used to make things like:


Diesel fuel

Motor Oil

Bearing Grease


Floor Wax

Ballpoint Pens

Football Cleats





Bicycle Tires

Sports Car Bodies

Nail Polish

Fishing lures



Golf Bags



Dishwasher parts

Tool Boxes

Shoe Polish

Motorcycle Helmet


Petroleum Jelly

Transparent Tape

CD Player

Faucet Washers




Food Preservatives



Vitamin Capsules










Panty Hose



Life Jackets

Rubbing Alcohol



TV Cabinets

Shag Rugs

Electrician's Tape

Tool Racks

Car Battery Cases





Insect Repellent

Oil Filters




Hair Coloring


Toilet Seats

Fishing Rods


Denture Adhesive


Ice Cube Trays

Synthetic Rubber


Plastic Wood

Electric Blankets


Tennis Rackets

Rubber Cement

Fishing Boots


Nylon Rope


Trash Bags

House Paint

Water Pipes

Hand Lotion

Roller Skates

Surf Boards



Paint Rollers

Shower Curtains

Guitar Strings



Safety Glasses


Football Helmets





Ice Chests



CD's & DVD's

Paint Brushes




Sun Glasses


Heart Valves









Artificial Turf

Artificial limbs



Model Cars

Folding Doors

Hair Curlers

Cold cream

Movie film

Soft Contact lenses

Drinking Cups

Fan Belts

Car Enamel

Shaving Cream



Golf Balls



Americans consume petroleum products at a rate of three-and-a-half gallons of oil and more than
250 cubic feet of natural gas per day each! But, as shown here petroleum is not just used for fuel.

A partial list of products made from petroleum

now, be sure and tell me how Americans can only make those products with Canadian oil, and HOW much we need you.

I'll wait .......................

You need crude. I don't give a flying rats ass where you buy it from Siete. You're the one trying to change the debate

I said this:

"Here ya go sparky. List of 144 products made from petroleum by products. From a list of 6000.

Are you going to tell me Americans don't fill up their cars with gas or fly?".

So one more time, don't buy Canadian crude if you don't want to.

Let me know how it goes with you talking your refineries into only using crude from South America. Knock yourself out.
Save us the dramatics

We will get along just fine without petroleum destined for China

Well can you at least stop lying. You use Canuck crude every day of your lives.

Deal with it. I put up the number of barrels you import daily. Almost half comes from Canada. If you don't want Canadian crude get up off your ass and tell the refineries to stop buying it.

Let me know how it turns out.
Though I support Keystone, I do however, wish the GOP would be as fired up to do something about this country's crumbling infrastructure as they are about Keystone.
Doing something positive with the US's infrastructure would reap much greater benefits to this country's economy/jobs, businesses and our citizens than Keystone ever will. It's not even close.
There is no crumbling infrastructure. Its another Democrat meme to appeal to the low information crowd.

The last time you posted this nonsense, I posted about a half dozen links from non-biased sources (of course), that proved you extremely wrong.
I guess it was too much for for you to stop your hyper-posting to take a few minutes to educate yourself.
Here we go again.
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Why We Still Can t Afford to Fix America s Broken Infrastructure FiveThirtyEight
Falling apart America s neglected infrastructure - CBS News
America s crumbling infrastructure Bridging the gap The Economist
How Should We Tackle America s Transportation and Infrastructure Woes - Forbes
Infrastructure problems hold back U.S. economy
US Infrastructure Behind Developed World - Business Insider

Now Rabbi, why not actually study the issue instead of winging-it-on-a-prayer?
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There is no crumbling infrastructure. Its another Democrat meme to appeal to the low information crowd.

The last time you posted this nonsense, I posted about a half dozen links from non-biased sources (of course), that proved you extremely wrong.
I guess it was too much for for you to stop your hyper-posting to take a few minutes to educate yourself.
Here we go again.
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Why We Still Can t Afford to Fix America s Broken Infrastructure FiveThirtyEight
Falling apart America s neglected infrastructure - CBS News
America s crumbling infrastructure Bridging the gap The Economist
How Should We Tackle America s Transportation and Infrastructure Woes - Forbes
Infrastructure problems hold back U.S. economy
US Infrastructure Behind Developed World - Business Insider

Now Rabbi, why not actually study the issue instead of winging-it-on-a-prayer?
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There are no reports, dingdong. Its the title of an article. Do you even know the difference?
Republican outrage is not fooling anyone

To sell Keystone as some sort of "jobs bill" only hides the fact that they are catering to their big oil masters
There is no crumbling infrastructure. Its another Democrat meme to appeal to the low information crowd.

The last time you posted this nonsense, I posted about a half dozen links from non-biased sources (of course), that proved you extremely wrong.
I guess it was too much for for you to stop your hyper-posting to take a few minutes to educate yourself.
Here we go again.
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Why We Still Can t Afford to Fix America s Broken Infrastructure FiveThirtyEight
Falling apart America s neglected infrastructure - CBS News
America s crumbling infrastructure Bridging the gap The Economist
How Should We Tackle America s Transportation and Infrastructure Woes - Forbes
Infrastructure problems hold back U.S. economy
US Infrastructure Behind Developed World - Business Insider

Now Rabbi, why not actually study the issue instead of winging-it-on-a-prayer?
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time

well, that too.
Republican outrage is not fooling anyone

To sell Keystone as some sort of "jobs bill" only hides the fact that they are catering to their big oil masters

Jobs have been created during the whole project of the completed Keystone. Your own State Department came up with the figure of around 45,000 construction jobs and associated jobs.

Go argue with Obama's State Department and tell them their estimates are fucking wrong.


Go get them too rightwinger! Let me know how it goes with them as well as the CEO's of Americas refineries.

I'm just dying to see how it turns out. Give er! Get off the internet. Get marching to stop Canuck crude!
Republican outrage is not fooling anyone

To sell Keystone as some sort of "jobs bill" only hides the fact that they are catering to their big oil masters

One thing I've loved about this insane debate is finding out how much you left wingers detest construction workers and how you demean their talents and their skills.

Tell these men and women that their jobs suck and they really didn't need to make the money that Trans Canada paid them. This was just for the short southern leg from Cushing to the Gulf.

Boy oh boy you lefties are assholes.

4,844 thank yous


Construction of the Gulf Coast Pipeline Project required:

  • US$2.3 billion in private-sector investment
  • Six modern pump stations

  • More than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America – heavy equipment operators, welders, laborers, transportation operators and supervisory personnel (including environment, safety and quality control inspectors)

  • More than 50 contracts with U.S. manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment in locations that include: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas

  • The manufacturing of more than 485 miles of high-strength, advanced oil pipeline (36-inch diameter); hundreds of large valves; thousands of fittings; thousands of pieces of equipment used to build transformers, meters, electric motors, cabling and electrical equipment; and piping assembling and structural steel for supports

  • About 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.
4 844 thank you s Keystone XL Pipeline
The last time you posted this nonsense, I posted about a half dozen links from non-biased sources (of course), that proved you extremely wrong.
I guess it was too much for for you to stop your hyper-posting to take a few minutes to educate yourself.
Here we go again.
2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Why We Still Can t Afford to Fix America s Broken Infrastructure FiveThirtyEight
Falling apart America s neglected infrastructure - CBS News
America s crumbling infrastructure Bridging the gap The Economist
How Should We Tackle America s Transportation and Infrastructure Woes - Forbes
Infrastructure problems hold back U.S. economy
US Infrastructure Behind Developed World - Business Insider

Now Rabbi, why not actually study the issue instead of winging-it-on-a-prayer?
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There are no reports, dingdong. Its the title of an article. Do you even know the difference?

Way to go Rabbi! :laugh: Your laziness just gives you away time and time again.
If you would even read just a little bit of the Report Card article, you would have known there was an actual report linked within the article which covered the report with topic slide shows. But you were too lazy,,,again. :happy-1:
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a link to the hard copy of the report.
Like I said earlier, you are a child among adults.:laugh:
45,000 Union workers thank the Republicans for Keystone ... when they turn their back those same 45,000 union workers will be nothing but 45,000 Union thugs to Republicans.

Maybe Republicans aren't as upset with Obama as they want everyone to believe .. Obama finally beat the Union and Republicans have a problem with that ?

RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Republican outrage is not fooling anyone

To sell Keystone as some sort of "jobs bill" only hides the fact that they are catering to their big oil masters

One thing I've loved about this insane debate is finding out how much you left wingers detest construction workers and how you demean their talents and their skills.

Tell these men and women that their jobs suck and they really didn't need to make the money that Trans Canada paid them. This was just for the short southern leg from Cushing to the Gulf.

Boy oh boy you lefties are assholes.

4,844 thank yous


Construction of the Gulf Coast Pipeline Project required:

  • US$2.3 billion in private-sector investment
  • Six modern pump stations

  • More than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America – heavy equipment operators, welders, laborers, transportation operators and supervisory personnel (including environment, safety and quality control inspectors)

  • More than 50 contracts with U.S. manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment in locations that include: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas

  • The manufacturing of more than 485 miles of high-strength, advanced oil pipeline (36-inch diameter); hundreds of large valves; thousands of fittings; thousands of pieces of equipment used to build transformers, meters, electric motors, cabling and electrical equipment; and piping assembling and structural steel for supports

  • About 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.
4 844 thank you s Keystone XL Pipeline
I love it

Let's put all construction workers to work. Rather than a gift to big oil that helps Canada.......let's invest in our own infrastructure
roads, bridges, dams, water systems, sewerage, power, communications

Hundreds of thousands of jobs....but Republicans only care about placating their masters.....the oil companies
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There are no reports, dingdong. Its the title of an article. Do you even know the difference?

Way to go Rabbi! :laugh: Your laziness just gives you away time and time again.
If you would even read just a little bit of the Report Card article, you would have known there was an actual report linked within the article which covered the report with topic slide shows. But you were too lazy,,,again. :happy-1:
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a link to the hard copy of the report.
Like I said earlier, you are a child among adults.:laugh:
The Rabbi doesn't need to read.......he just declares your links bogus and goes about with his outrageous claims
Republican outrage is not fooling anyone

To sell Keystone as some sort of "jobs bill" only hides the fact that they are catering to their big oil masters

One thing I've loved about this insane debate is finding out how much you left wingers detest construction workers and how you demean their talents and their skills.

Tell these men and women that their jobs suck and they really didn't need to make the money that Trans Canada paid them. This was just for the short southern leg from Cushing to the Gulf.

Boy oh boy you lefties are assholes.

4,844 thank yous


Construction of the Gulf Coast Pipeline Project required:

  • US$2.3 billion in private-sector investment
  • Six modern pump stations

  • More than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America – heavy equipment operators, welders, laborers, transportation operators and supervisory personnel (including environment, safety and quality control inspectors)

  • More than 50 contracts with U.S. manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment in locations that include: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas

  • The manufacturing of more than 485 miles of high-strength, advanced oil pipeline (36-inch diameter); hundreds of large valves; thousands of fittings; thousands of pieces of equipment used to build transformers, meters, electric motors, cabling and electrical equipment; and piping assembling and structural steel for supports

  • About 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.
4 844 thank you s Keystone XL Pipeline
I love it

Let's put all construction workers to work. Rather than a gift to big oil that helps Canada.......let's invest in our own infrastructure
roads, bridges, dams, water systems, sewerage, power, communications

Hundreds of thousands of jobs....but Republicans only care about placating their masters.....the oil companies

Oh stop the bullshit. Your domestic producers need transportation for their crude as well.

You don't like oil. Go primitive and suck it fucking up or don't bitch about oil any more.

45,000 Union workers thank the Republicans for Keystone ... when they turn their back those same 45,000 union workers will be nothing but 45,000 Union thugs to Republicans.

Maybe Republicans aren't as upset with Obama as they want everyone to believe .. Obama finally beat the Union and Republicans have a problem with that ?

RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.


I've never had a problem with a union worker. Just the union leaders who take all the gravy and all the perks and don't do jack shit for joe average any more.

But that's for another thread. Bottom line is Trans Canada has employed thousands of workers already.

XL is just the last leg left.
Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There are no reports, dingdong. Its the title of an article. Do you even know the difference?

Way to go Rabbi! :laugh: Your laziness just gives you away time and time again.
If you would even read just a little bit of the Report Card article, you would have known there was an actual report linked within the article which covered the report with topic slide shows. But you were too lazy,,,again. :happy-1:
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a link to the hard copy of the report.
Like I said earlier, you are a child among adults.:laugh:
The Rabbi doesn't need to read.......he just declares your links bogus and goes about with his outrageous claims
You're right. I dont need to read. I see links you put up and I know right away they're bogus. Havent been wrong yet.
I own you every day of the week.
Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.
Good. No oil for China, no cash for Canada, and we don't have to pay for cleaning up their mess.
^ that


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.

Just to help you out here because of our international trade in crude and gas, pipelines have already been built. A couple of new expansions involve Enbridge's Alberta Clipper and Southern Lights.

Here's a visual.


Complete red herring, having nothing to do with anything. But you get an E for effort.
Non-biased? Seriosly? The first site is run by the society of civil engineers, who stand to benefit with more infrastructure spending.
You wouldnt know unbiased if t bit you.
Where are the collapsing bridges? Where are the washed out highways?
Given the size of the US and its diversity our infrastructure seems to function just fine.

Forbes? The Economists? Business Insider, USAToday? CBSNews? I guess I should have posted all the other resources.
You didn't read any of them did you? Many Republicans have also made statements on our deteriorating infrastructure. You must be one of the very, very few who don't have a clue.
Tell you what Rabbi, prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.
Are you up for it or are you going to post another totally lame post with nothing to back it up? That certainly seems to be a habit with you.
You quote an echo chamber and think you've done something.
Where are the falling bridges? Where are the washed out highways? IT's simply an unfounded meme that our infrastructure is crumbling.

Just as I thought,,NOTHING! Absolutely nothing to back yourself up or to prove me wrong. Do you think anyone has refuted any of the reports by the Society of Civil Engineers on the infrastructure? Why don't you just check that out? Too much effort for you?
You are a child among adults and a big waste of time
There are no reports, dingdong. Its the title of an article. Do you even know the difference?

Way to go Rabbi! :laugh: Your laziness just gives you away time and time again.
If you would even read just a little bit of the Report Card article, you would have known there was an actual report linked within the article which covered the report with topic slide shows. But you were too lazy,,,again. :happy-1:
And for your viewing pleasure, here is a link to the hard copy of the report.
Like I said earlier, you are a child among adults.:laugh:
Did you bother reading your own link, moron? It's from 2009. That's over 5 years old. That's before the trillion bucks we blew on shovel ready.
Come back when you have an education and can read. This is why I dont bother with your links. You google shit and then throw it up when your search terms hit, never bothering to see what it actually says.

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