Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

I know Van Jones is top of my list for reliable sources.

Hence, fact check
You would think the administration would be happy to create 35 permanant jobs at no cost, compared to the thousands of temp jobs they created at tje cost of a trillin dollars.

The powers of Congress are all worked up over 35 jobs
Some "jobs" program

Republicans should be more excited over a WalMart opening

Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.
No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

I believe in the free market and individual choice in charity. You are getting your value's worth of effort, plus some free extra just because I'm in a nice mood.

I believe that a modern society helps those who need helping

and millions who don't need it. no one objects to helping the truly needy.
Hence, fact check
You would think the administration would be happy to create 35 permanant jobs at no cost, compared to the thousands of temp jobs they created at tje cost of a trillin dollars.

The powers of Congress are all worked up over 35 jobs
Some "jobs" program

Republicans should be more excited over a WalMart opening

Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves
You would think the administration would be happy to create 35 permanant jobs at no cost, compared to the thousands of temp jobs they created at tje cost of a trillin dollars.

The powers of Congress are all worked up over 35 jobs
Some "jobs" program

Republicans should be more excited over a WalMart opening

Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

but to answer your hypothetical, Yes, HRC would most likely sign the keystone bill
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together
We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse

Tough situation isn't it? The terrorist Democrats are holding America hostage, yet agan
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You realize that would mean you'd have $100b less to spend on socialism, of course.

Explain your plan how you're going to maintain, inspect and repair over a thousand miles of pipeline as well as unload and transport the oil then store, refine and process the oil and transport it to ships and other transportation with only 35 people. Dude, that's retarded, even for you.

Obama enjoys you, you swallow
We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You realize that would mean you'd have $100b less to spend on socialism, of course.

Explain your plan how you're going to maintain, inspect and repair over a thousand miles of pipeline as well as unload and transport the oil then store, refine and process the oil and transport it to ships and other transportation with only 35 people. Dude, that's retarded, even for you.

Obama enjoys you, you swallow

RW is not a human being. He is a machine that posts left wing talking points all day and all night.
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with
You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?

We have one of if not the highest per pupil spending in the west and the liberal solution? Throw more money at it.

We've spent trillions on a war on "poverty" and haven't dented the poverty rates, the liberal solution? Throw more money at it.

It's their one size fits all solution, and when spending more money doesn't work, their solution will be? Throw more money at it...
You do like mindlessly intoning your mantras, don't you, big guy?

Is there an offer on the table to approve the Keystone pipeline and spend the taxes on infrastructure? Haven't seen that. Now that would be a compromise. Obama doesn't do compromises, he is imperial ruler of the galaxy

No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America

Where are you going to cut the $100b from your redistribution of wealth schemes you are spending it now to move it back to infrastructure? I'm with you on that point though in that I do prefer infrastructure to redistribution of wealth, but it's pretty funny that you don't even grasp what you are arguing.
We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You realize that would mean you'd have $100b less to spend on socialism, of course.

Explain your plan how you're going to maintain, inspect and repair over a thousand miles of pipeline as well as unload and transport the oil then store, refine and process the oil and transport it to ships and other transportation with only 35 people. Dude, that's retarded, even for you.

Obama enjoys you, you swallow

Roads, bridges, schools, water systems are all socialism....didn't you hear?
No, there is no infrastructure offer on the table

If Republicans want Keystone, let them put one together

We already collect to the tune of 100 plus billion a year that is supposed to be for infrastructure that is not spent where it should be we do not need to tax the people more so the malfeasance of government can be made worse
Well ....looks like we have 100billion to start with

Let's start worrying about real jobs rather than the 35 jobs keystone will bring

You don't get it do you?

That's ANNUALLY from all the sources earmarked for infrastructure upkeep so in Obama's term alone we are talking over 600 billion dollars plus the so called stimulus money and yet we still have shitty roads and bridges.

What on earth makes you think more money will solve the problem?
And what are Republicans waiting for?

Those are REAL jobs that help America

Where are you going to cut the $100b from your redistribution of wealth schemes you are spending it now to move it back to infrastructure? I'm with you on that point though in that I do prefer infrastructure to redistribution of wealth, but it's pretty funny that you don't even grasp what you are arguing.

Lets see how that $100 billion redistributes wealth

It takes $100 billion and gives it to workers in salary. I thought conservatives love that
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.
Obama enjoys you, you swallow

Roads, bridges, schools, water systems are all socialism....didn't you hear?

Demonstrated my point in your first sentence. And yes, you leftist idiots tell me all the time there are socialists and anarchists, that's it. Having heard idiocy doesn't make it fact however. If I want roads, I get Marxism! That's just the stupid crap that you are.

So, answer the question, which part of your redistribution of wealth schemes you spent the $100B on that was slated for infrastructure are you going to cut so you can give back the $100B to be spent where it was supposed to be spent?
kaz said:
Where are you going to cut the $100b from your redistribution of wealth schemes you are spending it now to move it back to infrastructure? I'm with you on that point though in that I do prefer infrastructure to redistribution of wealth, but it's pretty funny that you don't even grasp what you are arguing.

Lets see how that $100 billion redistributes wealth

It takes $100 billion and gives it to workers in salary. I thought conservatives love that

This is why I mock you when you start whining to people to answer your contrived questions, you're like answer it, answer it. Then when you get a question you can't answer you start babbling incoherently. Here's the question:

"Where are you going to cut the $100b from your redistribution of wealth schemes you are spending it now to move it back to infrastructure?"

So what about it, big guy?

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