Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

Many more terror attacks under Bush than Obama.

Inexcusable that the R's response to terrorist's threats is to defund Homeland Security but very telling that they want to defund border security as well.

I like the splashing sound you make every time you flip flop, totally cool. How do you do that?
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

Many more terror attacks under Bush than Obama.

Inexcusable that the R's response to terrorist's threats is to defund Homeland Security but very telling that they want to defund border security as well.

I like the splashing sound you make every time you flip flop, totally cool. How do you do that?

That's idiotic.

Prove it and then prove how its related to any of this thread.

Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
so you telling me you are a ultra left wing denier nut ? The same as the the ultra right wing birther nut case?

Reagan destroyed the Soviet union ask any liberal in Austria or Sweden On the net political forums who is honest
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
so you telling me you are a ultra left wing denier nut ? The same as the the ultra right wing birther nut case?

Reagan destroyed the Soviet union ask any liberal in Austria or Sweden On the net political forums who is honest

"Reagan destroyed the Soviet union" -- With one hand tied behind his back, right?

Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?

I have no objection to those $100 billion being used
Then you don't need more.

Just use what's already being collected

We need much more

We have been ignoring our infrastructure for decades
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?

I have no objection to those $100 billion being used
Then you don't need more.

Just use what's already being collected

We need much more

We have been ignoring our infrastructure for decades

So the government is guilty of decades of malfeasance and your solution is to let them take more of our money?

Fucking brilliant!
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
so you telling me you are a ultra left wing denier nut ? The same as the the ultra right wing birther nut case?

Reagan destroyed the Soviet union ask any liberal in Austria or Sweden On the net political forums who is honest

"Reagan destroyed the Soviet union" -- With one hand tied behind his back, right?

yea we know Russia was kept in place through bush Sr. Clinton and bush Jr

Your acting like a two year old now

Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?

I have no objection to those $100 billion being used
Then you don't need more.

Just use what's already being collected

We need much more

We have been ignoring our infrastructure for decades
You can not keep on saying that, unless you want to get rid of liberal regulations the past 50 years

You know how long south Carolina had to go through the red tape to build the first news nuclear plant in the USA in 30 years?


Let's guess

30 fucking years of liberal red tape.bull shit
No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

Many more terror attacks under Bush than Obama.

Inexcusable that the R's response to terrorist's threats is to defund Homeland Security but very telling that they want to defund border security as well.

I like the splashing sound you make every time you flip flop, totally cool. How do you do that?

That's idiotic.

Prove it and then prove how its related to any of this thread.


You don't hear the splashing? Try flip flopping again and listen this time. You know, like you're for open borders but against cutting border control but we spend too much on the military but we can't have terror attacks but people need to be able to walk across our borders to get low paying jobs but we need Americans to get jobs while terror attacks that started under Clinton are W's fault while terror attacks under Obama are also W's fault. You flip flop so much it sounds like a swimming pool, how can you not hear the splashing?
As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

Many more terror attacks under Bush than Obama.

Inexcusable that the R's response to terrorist's threats is to defund Homeland Security but very telling that they want to defund border security as well.

I like the splashing sound you make every time you flip flop, totally cool. How do you do that?

That's idiotic.

Prove it and then prove how its related to any of this thread.


You don't hear the splashing? Try flip flopping again and listen this time. You know, like you're for open borders but against cutting border control but we spend too much on the military but we can't have terror attacks but people need to be able to walk across our borders to get low paying jobs but we need Americans to get jobs while terror attacks that started under Clinton are W's fault while terror attacks under Obama are also W's fault. You flip flop so much it sounds like a swimming pool, how can you not hear the splashing?
Yup they are all over the map on this thread

Its fucking funny and so sad at the same time
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?

I have no objection to those $100 billion being used
Then you don't need more.

Just use what's already being collected

We need much more

We have been ignoring our infrastructure for decades

which ones have been ignored for decades? Give us a list.

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