Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses

All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
so you telling me you are a ultra left wing denier nut ? The same as the the ultra right wing birther nut case?

Reagan destroyed the Soviet union ask any liberal in Austria or Sweden On the net political forums who is honest

"Reagan destroyed the Soviet union" -- With one hand tied behind his back, right?


yep, and he did it right in front of Gorby. Brought down the Berlin wall and broke the back of the soviet union. Now, obozo is letting Putin put it all back in place.
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary the country loses.

There. Fixed it for you.
the country might lose but the world wins if a republican stops world war III ...

Like Reagan did

STUNNING revisionist history.

:wtf: :uhoh3:
so you telling me you are a ultra left wing denier nut ? The same as the the ultra right wing birther nut case?

Reagan destroyed the Soviet union ask any liberal in Austria or Sweden On the net political forums who is honest

"Reagan destroyed the Soviet union" -- With one hand tied behind his back, right?


yep, and he did it right in front of Gorby. Brought down the Berlin wall and broke the back of the soviet union. Now, obozo is letting Putin put it all back in place.
That was a president with balls of iron , you.notice how liberal posters have nothing left to say?
The entire world knows who destroyed the Soviet empire except liberals in the USA

Facts are facts
There is no argument against it other than partisan politics
Untrue, as always.

You don't know what it is, but you know it's untrue. How is that so, Peppy? I mean in any way that's different than the thousands of pipelines not blocked
Because that's some really bad shit, that no one knows how to clean up for starters. It also requires that people are forced to sell their private property. It crosses aquifers we don't want crossed. It doesn't create many jobs, or for long. China gets the oil, Canada gets the cash, and we get the mess.

Gee.. you know a lot about something that hasn't happened. You must be one of those that thinks Obama saved the Earth from spinning off its axis!
Unlike some I can read the future, using the past. You can do that when you're smart, and know history.

Ok.. well.... keep you tea leaves and Tarot cards handy genius.


China still gets her oil. Canada is still your number one supplier of oil. Canada still makes money being that supplier.

The Keystone was built. The Gulf and other refineries are still getting their oil And you never had to pay for cleaning up any mess to begin with.

But the best is Obama comes off looking like the total wanker that he is just sucking Buffet and Steyer's weenies.

Tinydancer, I want you to understand that what I am about to say should not in any way be taken as a comment about you personally, nor should it be taken as any kind of negative reflection about your country....

Stay in Canada and shove your pipeline up your Canuk ass. This is the United States of America. We don't do things because you stupid Canuks want us to. We do what we do for America, not for Canada. We don't give a fuck if your bleeding vagina needs a tampon change. You can bleed out and die for all we care. We don't build pipelines just because you want to sell oil to Costa Rica. It's not our problem. You apparently didn't notice but we are the biggest oil producing country in the world.


You have one problem. It's a biggie. You don't produce what you need. Biggest oil producer in the world but you use more than you produce.

Hence you need our crude. It's really just that simple. We've been your number one supplier for years.

Keystone is completed by the way. XL was just a northern expansion. Keystone also carries your domestic crude. XL would have picked up crude from Montana and North Dakota.

It's just a fucking pipeline. Just a transportation device. Buffet's railway is bringing crude to the Gulf and all your other refineries. It's not going to stop coming.

Your refineries want it. Your country needs it. You really need to check out your own government's statistics on this.


We don't need shit from you. You can go fuck yourselves with a drilling rig for all we care. We export oil to Canada, and sell it to you at a discount in comparison to what you can get elsewhere. And what you buy from the US is better quality at that. It's better quality than what you can produce yourselves.

Don't give me this bullshit about how we want or need anything from Canada, because we really don't. Especially when we're not even talking about a product that is going to be sold to the American market. When the XL plan first came around studies indicated that the most likely outcome would be an increase in US pump prices due to redirecting oil currently being sold to the midwest, as well as the over abundance of pipeline capacity compared to transportation volume, likely resulting in most transportation companies increasing per gallon tolls in order to maintain sufficient revenues to pay for non diminishing and potentially increasing maintenance costs, as well as to recoup the expense of the pipeline's construction. You've been trying to ram this down our throat for years now with absolutely no care whatsoever with whether or not it has any detrimental effect for us. You seem to think that we have some kind of duty to just pay whatever price you want us to pay so that you can soak up the benefits. You're just as much a piece of shit as Franco who wants everything free and for someone else to pay for it. You're so damn entitled you think you can stick your head into our country and that we'll just give you whatever you want, just because you want it.

So you know what? Get the fuck out! This is our country, you have no business saying anything about the matter. We don't go up there and tell you what to do with your socialized healthcare or bitch about your citizens eating seals. So stay the fuck out of our business and we promise not to invade your sorry asses and bitch slap your mounties like the pussies that they are.

But like I said....nothing personal.

Nothing personal either. You're a fucking retard. The XL is just an expansion of the northern leg.

Look at a fucking map.

And if you don't want Canuck crude haul your ass over to the refineries and get in their CEO's faces and tell them not to buy from Canada anymore.

Let me know how that goes m'kay?

I'm not making them fucking buy from us. :lol: Canada isn't twisting their arms.

We're your number one supplier because your companies want the shit.

So you idiot. Here's the Keystone that your refineries love getting Canuck crude from.

What do you want to do rip it out? Man, chill out. Your temper tantrums are epic in this thread.



Amazing. Nothing you said, in any way, demonstrates anything at all that would be worth while to the United States regarding the XL. As always, you post yet another giant red herring. Because you think that the US has some kind of obligation to do whatever Canada wants, just because you want it. Get over yourself, foreign entitlement junkies are not welcome in America. We have enough problems with the domestic junkies.

International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?
And you're a conservative! Please!...

He and JoeB are Eisenhower Republicans. :biggrin:

No, JoeB is an idiot, and I would be a "Coolidge" Republican.
You're a Jake Starkey Republican.

No. But you're an entitlement junkie statist fuck of a liberal.
Is that some winning combination in a bizarre version of scrabble you've got? Or are you just out of original insults so are recycling?

Partners in international trade are now "entitlement junkies" according to the Left. I'm just catching on to this myself.
Well, there is infrastructure that is meant for Americans and infrastructure that is meant for Canadians

With our crumbling infrastructure, we could create 100,000 or more jobs. But Republicans block jobs legislation while they fawn over Keystone

Is there any doubt that Republicans hate America?

so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil
The oil from Keystone was not for export it was stipulated in the bill.
It was solely for domestic use

That is not only not true, but it would devastate U.S. domestic oil because oil companies and speculators would have to be overly cautious in how much they produce, being unable to sell any excess on the international market. Such an artificial restriction would result in domestic shortages as estimates would be confined to the short side, never able to produce extra in case of a spike in demand. Such a requirement would be a poison pill for any Keystone bill.
Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Why don't you first account for the hundreds of billion s of dollars that were supposed to be used for infrastructure before you ask for more?

I have no objection to those $100 billion being used
Then you don't need more.

Just use what's already being collected

We need much more

We have been ignoring our infrastructure for decades
You can not keep on saying that, unless you want to get rid of liberal regulations the past 50 years



Environmental regulations still matter
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.
so a pipeline across america is canadian infrastructure??? only in the mind of a mentally challenged liberal.

It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil
The oil from Keystone was not for export it was stipulated in the bill.
It was solely for domestic use

That is not only not true, but it would devastate U.S. domestic oil because oil companies and speculators would have to be overly cautious in how much they produce, being unable to sell any excess on the international market. Such an artificial restriction would result in domestic shortages as estimates would be confined to the short side, never able to produce extra in case of a spike in demand. Such a requirement would be a poison pill for any Keystone bill.

So make up your mind, the Keystone bill would have either been good for America or bad for America. You cannot say that it is good but also would devastate the US oil industry.
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.
Maybe we should ask the Canadians to enjoin our general welfare clause and our commerce clause on our federal Congress, to establish the (social) infrastructure which can deliver mass transit in goods and services, public and private.
It helps Canadian interests not American interests

I would rather approve roads, bridges, power and communications grids that help Americans
Whose interest does it serve buying oil from psycho Arabs that want to kill us

We are exporting oil
The oil from Keystone was not for export it was stipulated in the bill.
It was solely for domestic use

That is not only not true, but it would devastate U.S. domestic oil because oil companies and speculators would have to be overly cautious in how much they produce, being unable to sell any excess on the international market. Such an artificial restriction would result in domestic shortages as estimates would be confined to the short side, never able to produce extra in case of a spike in demand. Such a requirement would be a poison pill for any Keystone bill.

So make up your mind, the Keystone bill would have either been good for America or bad for America. You cannot say that it is good but also would devastate the US oil industry.

No, I'm saying that there is no restrictions on selling excess production on the international market. Such a restriction would destroy the U.S. domestic oil industry. You Leftists aren't really good at economics, are you?
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.

Asshat, WE want to build that pipeline. As Samuel Jackson says, wake the fuck up! American opinion is behind this and you are nothing but a shrill environmental whacko Leftist in the extreme minority.
The Keystone Pipeline is replacing a longer pipeline. It is about as insignificant a thing as it gets. The only reason it has been blown astronomically out of proportion is because it is all the GOP has for a "solution" to any of our problems. They have nothing else. No immigration reform. No health care reform. No economic reform. You know...nothing that actually matters.

So they made the Keystone pipeline to be of profound importance. "We're working hard for America over here!"

The Left's sole reason for opposing the pipeline is "oil bad, oil profits bad". That's it. The rest is smoke up your ass.

This is one of the dumbest political debates to come down the pipe (pun intended) in ages.
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.
Maybe we should ask the Canadians to enjoin our general welfare clause and our commerce clause on our federal Congress, to establish the (social) infrastructure which can deliver mass transit in goods and services, public and private.

Maybe you should have a cow's brain implanted so that you can finally break that 70IQ plateau.
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.

Asshat, WE want to build that pipeline. As Samuel Jackson says, wake the fuck up! American opinion is behind this and you are nothing but a shrill environmental whacko Leftist in the extreme minority.
what we want is the general welfare of infrastructure that can deliver goods and services, public and private; not just another bailout for the wealthiest.
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.

Asshat, WE want to build that pipeline. As Samuel Jackson says, wake the fuck up! American opinion is behind this and you are nothing but a shrill environmental whacko Leftist in the extreme minority.
what we want is the general welfare of infrastructure that can deliver goods and services, public and private; not just another bailout for the wealthiest.

It's the exact same thing as the Eisenhower Interstate system that the Left praises as an example of good government.
International trade is now "foreign entitlement junkies"? Are you BSC?

"You owe it to us to build this because we want to sell shit to Costa Rica" is foreign entitlement.

Buying and selling is not entitlements, you twit! It's commerce.

Canada expecting us to build a pipeline just because they want it so they can sell oil to other countries, with no care whatsoever if it will have an effect on our own interests, is the very definition of entitlement.

Asshat, WE want to build that pipeline. As Samuel Jackson says, wake the fuck up! American opinion is behind this and you are nothing but a shrill environmental whacko Leftist in the extreme minority.

Asshat, you're interjecting into what I was talking about to Tinydancer, who is a Canuk whose entire line of bullshit is based on Canadian based interests and who has repeatedly taken a "Fuck the United States" attitude. Now if you share Tinydancer's contempt for the United States and love Canada so much then go ahead and get the fuck out and move to Canada. On the other hand, if that's not the case, then you really should reference my earlier advice about not having all the information before you jump in and start replying to my posts, because you'll look like a damned fool every single time.

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