Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Right now is just about name recognition. Hillary has been a stone carving in DC since the dawn of time at this point. Of course she's leading. Democrats like to ignore when they alone were deciding thumbs up or down they went with an unknown Illinois Senator because she gave them the heebie jeebies. Again, that was just Democrats. Now she's going to turn on the general electorate? Wishful thinking.

The one ace up here sleeve is the Republicans. Wow they suck at picking candidates. It scares me what they will dredge up and actually give her a chance where she should have none
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Right now is just about name recognition. Hillary has been a stone carving in DC since the dawn of time at this point. Of course she's leading. Democrats like to ignore when they alone were deciding thumbs up or down they went with an unknown Illinois Senator because she gave them the heebie jeebies. Again, that was just Democrats. Now she's going to turn on the general electorate? Wishful thinking.

The one ace up here sleeve is the Republicans. Wow they suck at picking candidates. It scares me what they will dredge up and actually give her a chance where she should have none

yeah, that bothers me too. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket. Romney would have been a good president but he ran a terrible campaign.

But I think Hillary will be the dems Bob Dole. Its her turn and they are stuck with her.

I am really looking forward to the RNC campaign ads showing her ranting, lying, and doing her fake black accent.
Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Let's try this again....

I'm not say the polls today indicate she will win 20 months from now. What I am saying, and what you avoided responding to, is that every reason you gave for why you think Hillary will lose the election is well known now -- yet Hillary is still favored over every GOP candidate. How could that be if your post was accurate?
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

We need a Reagan and Tip O'Neill. They could argue in public and then cut a deal over a couple of shots of bourbon. Where have the statesmen gone?
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

Sneaky shrub made sure his spending would be included in Obama's record and sure nuff, the RWs fell for it.
HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Let's try this again....

I'm not say the polls today indicate she will win 20 months from now. What I am saying, and what you avoided responding to, is that every reason you gave for why you think Hillary will lose the election is well known now -- yet Hillary is still favored over every GOP candidate. How could that be if your post was accurate?

pay me to do a poll and I will get you any answer you ask for. Its a game. A poll of 1200 people 20 months before the election is totally meaningless.

the pollsters make fools of us every time the do their little carnival tricks. Remember the polls that said Romney would win in a landslide?
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now
The cons idea of compromise is getting everything their way. Like when Boner bragged about getting 98% of what he wanted in the budget "compromise". Do you wipe your mouth when you spew that shit?
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

Sneaky shrub made sure his spending would be included in Obama's record and sure nuff, the RWs fell for it.

every president inherits he predecessors bullshit. Obama's current problem is that he is his own predecessor.
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Right now is just about name recognition. Hillary has been a stone carving in DC since the dawn of time at this point. Of course she's leading. Democrats like to ignore when they alone were deciding thumbs up or down they went with an unknown Illinois Senator because she gave them the heebie jeebies. Again, that was just Democrats. Now she's going to turn on the general electorate? Wishful thinking.

The one ace up here sleeve is the Republicans. Wow they suck at picking candidates. It scares me what they will dredge up and actually give her a chance where she should have none

yeah, that bothers me too. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket. Romney would have been a good president but he ran a terrible campaign.

But I think Hillary will be the dems Bob Dole. Its her turn and they are stuck with her.

I am really looking forward to the RNC campaign ads showing her ranting, lying, and doing her fake black accent.

Romney ran the Bo Schembeckler strategy. 3 point lead at half time? Run every play up the middle, you can't lose. Um..yeah, you can. I don't grasp the Republicans going back to that strategy over and over. Run a tax and spend liberal and don't criticize the Democrat even while they keep smearing you because the press won't like that and they'll criticize you for being dirty while ignoring the Democrat is worse.

You'd think after losing 4/6 elections they'd start picking up that isn't working, but they don't. The only one of those 4 they couldn't have won was the first. HW torpedoed himself with fiscal conservatives, nothing he said about the Democrat could save him from what he did to himself, he had no credibility. What an idiot, the heir to Reagan, all he had to do was not be a moron and he came nowhere close to achieving that
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.

Say what? All I hear is gurgling through the kool-aid. You aren't supposed to stick your head in the bowl, just a tip
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now
The cons idea of compromise is getting everything their way. Like when Boner bragged about getting 98% of what he wanted in the budget "compromise". Do you wipe your mouth when you spew that shit?

Boner probably did get 98% of what he wanted. That's my point, he's one of you
The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem

We will see. But keep thinking that if it makes you sleep well. The american people are fed up with your failed liberalism as inplemented by obama. Fla and Ohio will go red in 2016. HRC will never be president. The american voters will not support an old, angry, bitter, ugly, arrogant, lying woman who watched as her husband disgraced the oval office. They will not support a candidate who failed as SecState and let 4 americans die for political purposes, and then lied about it.

Hillary is history, Obama is history. and Liberalism is history------------all have been tried and all failed.
If any of that were true, and it's not, Hillary wouldn't be leading every single GOP candidate in the polls. Many by double digits.

November 2016 is a long way off. If the DNC runs HRC then the american people will have lots of time to see her for what she really is. They will also have 2 more years to see the failures of liberalism as implemented by obozo the kenyan messiah.

Let's try this again....

I'm not say the polls today indicate she will win 20 months from now. What I am saying, and what you avoided responding to, is that every reason you gave for why you think Hillary will lose the election is well known now -- yet Hillary is still favored over every GOP candidate. How could that be if your post was accurate?

pay me to do a poll and I will get you any answer you ask for. Its a game. A poll of 1200 people 20 months before the election is totally meaningless.

the pollsters make fools of us every time the do their little carnival tricks. Remember the polls that said Romney would win in a landslide?
I see you have no intentiom of addressing my point. Either you're too stupid to understand it or you're too scared to answer it. Either way, your non answer answered for you.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

A win for you, isn't it? Sure they were in the US training for the mission under Clinton, but that doesn't stop it from being an amoral screw America smear lie for you, does it? What a despicable human being. Nothing is too classless for you to use it to go for political hay.

I don't blame it on Clinton either, they came up with a plan that worked for the security of that day and to blame it on either party much less either President is just the pond scum that you are
Poll: Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline

Poll Majority of Americans back Keystone pipeline -

The powers of Congress are all worked up over 35 jobs
Some "jobs" program

Republicans should be more excited over a WalMart opening

Thousands of construction jobs have been involved in the building of the Keystone.

Are you really this stupid? I really did believe you were smarter than this. Silly me.

Thousands of construction jobs can come from building McDonalds or WalMart

But better yet....why not HUNDREDS of thousands of jobs rebuilding and modernizing Americas infrastructure?

And you end up with something that helps ALL AMERICANS rather than oil companies

where do you expect to get the money for all that govt funded infrastructure work? Here's an idea, use the tax revenue from keystone. Duh.

Such a simplistic economic solution

Along the line or the GOP mantra: All tax cuts pay for themselves

solutions that work are usually simple.

If the tax cuts were so bad why did obama and the dem congress keep them in place?

Hey Republicans...

Wrap Keystone in with a comprehensive infrastructure construction bill and see it Obama vetoes it

Or, just wait until he's gone. And he will be gone soon. Tic Toc Barack !

Very you think you will have a better chance with Hillary?

Right now, Obama is the only game in town

HRC will never be president, you are in fantasy world if you think she will.

The Republicans do not have the electoral votes to beat Hillary or any other Dem
All we have to do is win Ohio and hillary loses
"Party of NO strikes again:"

That's like the cons complaining about Obama's spending, when the last three cons presidents ran up $11 trillion on the national debt. If the dems really were the party of no, we would have told Raygun, Shrub daddy and Shrub Jr. to go suck a rock.

Cons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.

No to you just means not getting what you want when you roll on the floor and have a tantrum. It's just baggage from your childhood. Democrats offer nothing and don't compromise. You can start holding your breath now

As usual, its the Republicans who are threatening to defund Homeland Security at a time when we're getting even more terrorist threats.

Its the Republicans who actually said that 'compromise means agreeing with the Repubs'.

Its the Repubs who shut down the govt - TWICE. And its the R's who govern with threats, blackmail and manufactured crises.
And the cons claim that they keep us safe from terrorism, yet they allowed 9/11 to happen.

Many more terror attacks under Bush than Obama.

Inexcusable that the R's response to terrorist's threats is to defund Homeland Security but very telling that they want to defund border security as well.

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