Pathetic Obama Claims Credit For Trump Economic Boom

Where and when did he say that?I didn’t heard Obama say anything like that. Are you lying again?

Abracadabra, bitch:

"During a PBS town hall that aired Wednesday, Obama referenced Trump's promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”


You are proven an ignorant Trump-hating idiot once're not worth my time...or anyone else's.

Obama to Trump: 'What magic wand do you have?'
“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said."

OBAMA admitted HE had no answer to the question, 'How do you bring back jobs?'

OBAMA said there was no answer - it could not be done.

No, OBAMA just couldn't get the job done.....but you keep trying to re-write history. Perhaps Obama worshippers will find a way to get this piece of history removed from existence so no one will ever be able to find it and tell the REAL story in the future. Good luck with that.

There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.
President Trump did in less that 3 years what Obama could not do in 8......

Snowflakes be like......


There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.
Oh I can disprove what you reported very easy.

1. No you can't....and that is what pisses you off and forces you to keep coming back again and again and again.

2. You KNOW that Barry set a new administrative record for the most number of new regulations - business-damaging, job-destroying regulations, the elimination of which made the current record-setting / never-seen-before successes in some cases possible.....and you know Barry just kept adding more of them, not eliminating any.

3. You NOW Barry was responsible for driving the manufacturing jobs out of the country, KNOW that he publicly declared these jobs were NEVER coming back, that he would make NO EFFORT to get them back because this was 'the new norm'.

4. You KNOW Obama added MILLIONS of Americans to Unemployment, Medicare, Food Stamps, Obamaphones, etc.... The only real contribution to Food Stamps he mad was to change the name to 'Snap' so people forced to go on it would have a jazzier, more upbeat sounding name for one of the Democrats tools of their economic slavery policy

5. You are pathetic and hilarious at the same time, so desperate to salvage the wreckage that is now Obama's 'legacy' and attempt to give the Democrats partial credit for the unbeatable economy and successes Trump has delivered.

Continue to grovel, spin, and get anyone to listen to you - its entertaining...but in doing so you are calling Barry a liar. HE declared to achieve the successes President Trump has delivered was IMPOSSIBLE....

...which of course we all know now only means the Community Organizer did not have the intelligence, ability, experience, or desire to do it.


Read my post don’t stare at it.

1. I just blasted the first paragraph of your link. Nothing but BULLSHIT like you. Do I expect any kinds of honesty or truthfulness the rest of your link written by Christopher Ruddy a very close friend of Trump? It’s a very big LIE.

2. What regulations? What regulations that destroyed jobs? What business damaging regulations? I asked this many many times. LIKE WHAT? Give me one example.

3. Obama is responsible for driving business out of the country? That is what Trump told you to lie.
How the HELL do you know that when you don’t even know or understand foreign business? This link proved (dated 2015) that you are lying or don’t know what the hell you are talking about.

Business owners moved business from there to here based from what the economy demands. Where, What, Why and When to make the best and most profit. It’s NOT because of a FUCKING president. YOU GOT THAT?

Record number of manufacturing jobs returning to America - MarketWatch

Record number of manufacturing jobs returning to America
By Andria Cheng
Published: May 1, 2015 1:45 pm ET

Sixty thousand manufacturing jobs were added in the U.S. in 2014, versus 12,000 in 2003, either through so-called reshoring, in which American companies bring jobs back to the U.S., or foreign direct investment, in which foreign companies move production to the U.S., according to a study from the Reshoring Initiative. In contrast, as many as 50,000 jobs were “offshored” last year, a decline from about 150,000 in 2003.

4. Of course you stupid idiot. We were facing a recession because of bad economy he inherited. What do you expect?

5. Dude. You are a good example of pathetic LIAR. You are trying very hard to promote an inept and unfit POTUS that this country doesn’t deserve. And big LIAR like you.


^^^ Never impeached


Not sure why you're proud that Republicans have more self-control and respect for the American people than Democrats do, but whatever.

Respect & self control??


I'll tell you what I told your intellectual soulmate, Colfax: You have no leg to stand on when it comes to denigrating President Trump when the Congressional Democrats made him look sober, mature, and classy by comparison. And continue to do so.
So sayeth a fucked in the head con. G'head, tell me again about this great economy that started a decade ago. :mm:

G'head, tell me again how Donald Trump is a total disaster and failure as a President, and by the way Obama is really responsible for his economy.
How could I tell you "again" how Impeached Trump has been a total disaster and failure as president when I never said that to begin with? You should consider thinking sometime, doing so may help you. I've said he's done a good job keeping the good economy he inherited going.
Is that the best you got?

It's the ONLY thing that is needed. The Community Organizer declared it was his regulations that drove manufacturing jobs out of the country, declared he would NOT try to get them back, declared they were gone for good, and told Americans this was the 'new norm'.

Barry admitted he had NO CLUE how to accomplish what Trump has done....

...and you f*ing idiots want to claim that he is the one responsible for Trump's economic successes.

YOU want to say OBAMA rescinded his own regulations, took action to bring back manufacturing jobs after he said he would never do that & that they were gone for good....

Snowflakes spent more than a year claiming Trump's economy sucked...and now months before the election and realizing there is no Democrat who can beat Trump Dems and snowflakes want to claim Trump's economy is Barry's economy. are the same morons who screams out every time Barry's name has been mentioned the last 3 years, "WHY are you bringing up Obama and Hillary - they are irrelevant. They are not in office now." So why are you trying to 'resurrect the dead' and give them credit for what 'the living' has done?

You STILL did not get it - What BARRY says in this meme is the most important thing said - it shows he had no clue and no intention of forging a successful economy.


'Nuff Said....debate / conversation over....buh-bye!
And since turning the job market heading north again, almost twice as many manufacturing job were added under Obama than under Impeached Trump....


Where and when did he say that?I didn’t heard Obama say anything like that. Are you lying again?

Abracadabra, bitch:

"During a PBS town hall that aired Wednesday, Obama referenced Trump's promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said.

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”


You are proven an ignorant Trump-hating idiot once're not worth my time...or anyone else's.

Obama to Trump: 'What magic wand do you have?'

Very funny. I asked you several questions and you only answer one that fits your usual lying crap. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REST? Did I just blasted your LIES again?

When you post pictures like that. It only mean you are a losing. Loser.

Trump brought jobs back? REALLY? Here is a list of big companies number of 16 that brought back most jobs to America. Look at those dates. 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014,2015. That has nothing to do with your lousy Trump.

When a manufacturer move from there to here ..... it doesn’t mean its operational that year because they have to open facilities, vendors and other logistics operations. You go that?

I’m not worth your time? Why the hell are you here? It only mean you are running scared because I proved you are a big liar.

Which manufacturers are bringing the most jobs back to America?

Which manufacturers are bringing the most jobs back to America?

EVAN COMEN | 24/7 WALL STREET | 8:13 am EDT June 28, 2018
There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

This is very funny.

I asked you a question but you decided to ignored then repeat the same crap.
So I will ask you again.

WHAT are Obama’s regulations that is bad for the economy?

WHAT regulations that Trump get rid that make the economy good?

President Trump did in less that 3 years what Obama could not do in 8......

Snowflakes be like......
View attachment 307790



Oh that I agree with you 100%. Let’s see.

1. Spent more time and tax payers money playing golf. Equals to $133.8 millions or 334 years of presidential salary.

Trump’s 29th Trip To Mar-a-Lago Brings Golf Tab To 334 Years Of Presidential Salary

President Donald Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago on Friday evening for the 29th golf-related trip of his presidency to his for-profit Palm Beach, Florida, resort, raising his total taxpayer golf tab to $133.8 million.

That figure translates to 334 years of the presidential salary that Trump and his supporters frequently boast he is not taking.

During Barack Obama’s presidency, Trump frequently claimed he was playing golf too much and at too great an expense to taxpayers.

2. Paid $150,000 for Stormy Daniels.

3. Got himself impeach.

4. Foreign leaders laughing at Trump.

5. Pardon war criminal and corrupted people. Or associated with criminal elements.

6. Hide his tax returns.

7. Cheat on his first wife, second wife and third wife.

8. Making fun of disabled people.

9. Humping his podium...... Oh Lisa Oh Lisa Lisa Lisa Oh Lisa.

10. Easier to pollute air and water.

I can go on and on and on but I am running out of time.
There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:
I’m loss here. Why Trumpets are bragging about bringing jobs back when it’s showed very limited results?

Trump’s Push to Bring Back Jobs to U.S. Shows Limited Results

Moreover, the Reshoring Initiative data show fewer than 30,000 jobs that companies say they will relocate to the United States because of Mr. Trump’s tariffs on imported steel, aluminum, solar panels, washing machines and a variety of Chinese goods. Researchers at A. T. Kearney said last month that Mr. Trump’s trade policies, including tariffs, had pushed factory activity not to the United States but to low-cost Asian countries other than China, like Vietnam.

On Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump declared that his tariffs had turned things around for the domestic steel industry and that “now your business is thriving.” But manufacturers of primary metals, which include steel and aluminum, have added fewer than 15,000 jobs since Mr. Trump took office, with more than half of those gains coming before he imposed tariffs on foreign-made metals last year.

Now manufacturing is struggling amid a global slowdown and fallout from the trade war, which Mr. Trump has escalated by imposing additional tariffs on Chinese goods and by labeling China a “currency manipulator.”
Last edited:
There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:

Well yeah, Trump made sure their wallets got fatter and so it makes sense that they’d approve. No worries about the trillion dollar deficit. Someone else will pay for that surely.

When we put aside people’s “feelings”, the statistics don’t show any substantial change objectively.
There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:

Well yeah, Trump made sure their wallets got fatter and so it makes sense that they’d approve. No worries about the trillion dollar deficit. Someone else will pay for that surely.

When we put aside people’s “feelings”, the statistics don’t show any substantial change objectively.

LMAO like your side cares about deficits and debt, Obama racked up $10 trillion in 8 years fool. You people have zero credibility.
There’s no substantial difference between the Obama economy and the Trump economy.

Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:

Well yeah, Trump made sure their wallets got fatter and so it makes sense that they’d approve. No worries about the trillion dollar deficit. Someone else will pay for that surely.

When we put aside people’s “feelings”, the statistics don’t show any substantial change objectively.

LMAO like your side cares about deficits and debt, Obama racked up $10 trillion in 8 years fool. You people have zero credibility.

Obama ran deficits when the economy was cratering. Trump is running deficits in “the best economy ever”. Do you see a difference there?
Countless CEO's and business owners say you are 100% wrong. The Shark Tank's Mr. Wonderful for example who recently explained how Trump getting rid of stupid shit Obama's regulations has been a boom for business. Go peddle your LIES elsewhere you hack.

Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:

Well yeah, Trump made sure their wallets got fatter and so it makes sense that they’d approve. No worries about the trillion dollar deficit. Someone else will pay for that surely.

When we put aside people’s “feelings”, the statistics don’t show any substantial change objectively.

LMAO like your side cares about deficits and debt, Obama racked up $10 trillion in 8 years fool. You people have zero credibility.

Obama ran deficits when the economy was cratering. Trump is running deficits in “the best economy ever”. Do you see a difference there?

Obama and Dems cratered the economy in the first place, while locking in government spending and deficits creating a mess Trump now has to deal with.
Countless CEOs padded their portfolios with stock buybacks from tax cuts that doubled the deficit. Of course they’re going to approve. They get richer and the country gets more in debt.

At the end of the day, the economy is about the same.

No dummy two decades long survey's, global CEO's and US small business owners, Trump scored 50 year and all time record high optimism. Numbers pathetic Obama could only dream of achieving. Come here libwit...:itsok:

Well yeah, Trump made sure their wallets got fatter and so it makes sense that they’d approve. No worries about the trillion dollar deficit. Someone else will pay for that surely.

When we put aside people’s “feelings”, the statistics don’t show any substantial change objectively.

LMAO like your side cares about deficits and debt, Obama racked up $10 trillion in 8 years fool. You people have zero credibility.

Obama ran deficits when the economy was cratering. Trump is running deficits in “the best economy ever”. Do you see a difference there?

Obama and Dems cratered the economy in the first place, while locking in government spending and deficits creating a mess Trump now has to deal with.

So we have the best economy we’ve ever had and Trump can’t seem to get the deficits below a trillion even though Obama got it to half that in a “dismal” economy?

What happened to the 4% GDP growth we were promised?

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