Patraeus Modifies Rules Of Engagement


America First...MAGA
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
I like this breaking news: I think it will benefit our soldiers.

A military source close to Gen. David Petraeus says one of the first things the general will do when he takes over in Afghanistan is to modify the controversial rules of engagement to make it easier for U.S. troops to engage in combat with the enemy.

Troops on the ground and some military commanders have said the strict rules -- aimed at preventing civilian casualties -- have effectively forced the troops to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

Much more: - Petraeus to Modify Afghanistan Rules of Engagement, Source Says
It's reasons like this that Petraeus did so well in Iraq. It gives me hope for Afghanistan to see him running the show on the ground there now.
So we get the desired result (we hope) and we're out a 4-star General.

Pretty crappy trade, if you ask me.
Who originally put those "Rules of Engagement" in place? The article doesn't say.

Obama did.

Are you sure about that? I can't be bothered to go look it up right now (one of our fine army peoples on the board can chime in), but I'm pretty sure the restrictive ROEs were a result of the new Counter-Insurgency field manual from 2006 (FM3-24, pretty sure Petreaus wrote the foreword), which was really all about the necessity of limiting civilian casualties and winning hearts and minds and all that.

Then again, could be wrong.
Who originally put those "Rules of Engagement" in place? The article doesn't say.

Obama did.

Are you sure about that? I can't be bothered to go look it up right now (one of our fine army peoples on the board can chime in), but I'm pretty sure the restrictive ROEs were a result of the new Counter-Insurgency field manual from 2006 (FM3-24, pretty sure Petreaus wrote the foreword), which was really all about the necessity of limiting civilian casualties and winning hearts and minds and all that.

Then again, could be wrong.

Thank you for your post questioning my answer. I can only recall that it was Obama who had instructed McChrystal to change the way in which the war was being fought and I found some information, that may or may not satisfy you. I have just come in and don't have time to research it any further, but do appreciate the civility with which you are questioning more knowledge. :)

"The actual ROEs are said to be classified U.S. and NATO secrets, but based on individual soldier accounts, those restrictions include the following:"

No night or surprise searches

Villagers are to be warned prior to searches

Afghan National Army or Afghan National Police must accompany U.S. units on searches

U.S. soldiers may not fire at insurgents unless they are preparing to fire first

U.S. forces cannot engage insurgents if civilians are present

Only women can search women

Troops can fire on insurgents if they catch them placing an improvised explosive device but not if insurgents walk away from where the explosives are.

Much more: It's not just the enemy killing U.S. soldiers
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Like they used to say back in the old Viet Nam days, "Kill them all. Let God sort them out."

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