Patriotic President Trump: The Confederate Flag Is A Proud Symbol Of The Gallant South

What is "gallant" about the white south? This whole "confederate" thing is just about one group of people with an ideology that involved enslaving another group of people.

80% of the slaves working on plantations owned by about 4% of the white south... Do you think 250,000 Southerners at the time could be talked into DYING for their profits???

Complete cultural disconnect between North/South ante bellum.. Kinda just like today... North wanted "infrastructure projects" that the South did not need.. Was mucking with tariffs on farm equipment that was more critical to the South than the North.. That division raged in Congress for a couple DECADES and NOBODY FROM THE NORTH ever seriously threatened the concept of slavery in those Congresses... No bills filed to "free the slave".. No action taken to "tax them out of existence"... Instead they fought over "limiting the spread" of slavery to NEW states and territories..

Culture divides are deeper than one issue.. Even TODAY and ESPECIALLY TODAY... And those Southern Democrats who wanted slavery, formed the Confederacy, invented Jim Crow are STILL voting Dem because their great and grand and pappies voted Democrat and THEY flag the Confed flag as well... The NAME Democrat is a BIGGER more insidious VESTIGE of the Confederacy than the flag they used..

You should be coming up with a NEW name..
Like the Dixie Chicks became "The Chicks".. I suggest you become "The Crats".... I'll trade you that PURGE and call it even...

You should be ASHAMED of 150 years of YOUR party's history and leading role in the Confederacy and racism after Emancipation... THEN MAYBE when you get woke about that -- we can talk about YOUR parties "Stars and Bars"....
Most of your post is just garbage. The white southern democrat jumped ship in the 60s and 70s. Can you say Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond? They were welcome with open arms by the Republicans. But I won’t argue the obvious with you. You post is best answered by a cartoon:

Political cartoon
Proud Symbol of Rebellion against the US and Slavery

Proud symbol of regional pride as part of the larger American Identity.

Which is why you hate it.

The flag of traitors. Not sure why it's revered. Or why they build statues to the men who waived it.

Read a history book. THe reasons have been in them for generations.

Your pretense of ignorance is not credible.

Your actions are the problem. You are the being divisive today. YOu are the one bullying people for no reason.

Traitors..period. End of story. In the end, it wasn't practical to try anyone for treason. Lincoln knew this.

Except it was not the end of the story. A lot happened afterwards.

It is not credible that you do not know about the policy of reconciliation that followed, or the generations of Southern loyalty and patriotism or the generations of the confed flag being a harmless symbol of regional pride.

You are just a lying asshole who wants an excuse to bully people.
What is "gallant" about the white south? This whole "confederate" thing is just about one group of people with an ideology that involved enslaving another group of people.

80% of the slaves working on plantations owned by about 4% of the white south... Do you think 250,000 Southerners at the time could be talked into DYING for their profits???

Complete cultural disconnect between North/South ante bellum.. Kinda just like today... North wanted "infrastructure projects" that the South did not need.. Was mucking with tariffs on farm equipment that was more critical to the South than the North.. That division raged in Congress for a couple DECADES and NOBODY FROM THE NORTH ever seriously threatened the concept of slavery in those Congresses... No bills filed to "free the slave".. No action taken to "tax them out of existence"... Instead they fought over "limiting the spread" of slavery to NEW states and territories..

Culture divides are deeper than one issue.. Even TODAY and ESPECIALLY TODAY... And those Southern Democrats who wanted slavery, formed the Confederacy, invented Jim Crow are STILL voting Dem because their great and grand and pappies voted Democrat and THEY flag the Confed flag as well... The NAME Democrat is a BIGGER more insidious VESTIGE of the Confederacy than the flag they used..

You should be coming up with a NEW name..
Like the Dixie Chicks became "The Chicks".. I suggest you become "The Crats".... I'll trade you that PURGE and call it even...

You should be ASHAMED of 150 years of YOUR party's history and leading role in the Confederacy and racism after Emancipation... THEN MAYBE when you get woke about that -- we can talk about YOUR parties "Stars and Bars"....
Most of your post is just garbage. The white southern democrat jumped ship in the 60s and 70s. Can you say Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond? They were welcome with open arms by the Republicans. But I won’t argue the obvious with you. You post is best answered by a cartoon...

The white southern democrats did not jump ship. The more liberal middle class white southerns had been Republican the whole time and just grew to outweigh the backwards dem voters.

This has been heavily documented. YOUr lies are you being a wace baiting asshole.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

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“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
I live in the South and the Confederate flag is displayed everywhere. It is no big deal. IT'S JUST A FLAG. It's not the freaking Nazi flag, FFS. It's been displayed forever. Suddenly there's a problem?
Trump is 100 percent correct and I have total admiration for Trump's brawny response to pathetic Chris Wallace's slanted gotcha questions. I would piss on Chris Wallace if I could. He is a pathetic coward trying to fabricate a fake narrative.

The sad mainstream elitists in Fox, CNN, etc. have no idea what they're talking about when they condemn the Confederate flag as "racist" It is such Groupthink. They have such a narrow, echo-chamber 1-party perspective on things and it is really kind of sad to witness.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

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“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
I live in the South and the Confederate flag is displayed everywhere. It is no big deal. IT'S JUST A FLAG. It's not the freaking Nazi flag, FFS. It's been displayed forever. Suddenly there's a problem?
Trump is 100 percent correct and I have total admiration for Trump's brawny response to pathetic Chris Wallace's slanted gotcha questions. I would piss on Chris Wallace if I could. He is a pathetic coward trying to fabricate a fake narrative.

The sad mainstream elitists in Fox, CNN, etc. have no idea what they're talking about when they condemn the Confederate flag as "racist" It is such Groupthink. They have such a narrow, echo-chamber 1-party perspective on things and it is really kind of sad to witness.
Exactly!! The "cancel culture" Taliban wants to blow up or smash down the monuments to US history they don't like, free speech be damned.
The partisan news culture resides in the urban plantations, they need to get a wider perspective of the US citizenry. They couldn't believe that Trump won, they don't understand why people fly the Confederate battle flag, or the "Thin Blue Line" flag. If the democrats win in November the US will be unrecognizable in a generation.
Proud Symbol of Rebellion against the US and Slavery
That has nothing to do what Trump was talking about.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

That you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda like
View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
Damn strait,The real truth on Robert Lee was he was against racism.its only Hollywood that makes the confederate flag into racism.them and our corrupt school system.

No he wasn't. No grasp of history, huh?

That’s you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda links like that.


General Lee defended slavery.

Till he lost. THen he moved on to rebuilding America.

What part of that...wait. I get it now, THAT'S why you hate him.
Bullshit, here's the truth

He was considered a guest in his own country, non-citizen.
Proud Symbol of Rebellion against the US and Slavery
That has nothing to do what Trump was talking about.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

That you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda like
View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
Damn strait,The real truth on Robert Lee was he was against racism.its only Hollywood that makes the confederate flag into racism.them and our corrupt school system.

No he wasn't. No grasp of history, huh?

That’s you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda links like that.


General Lee defended slavery.

Till he lost. THen he moved on to rebuilding America.

What part of that...wait. I get it now, THAT'S why you hate him.
Bullshit, here's the truth

He was considered a guest in his own country, non-citizen.

That seems off. Seems counter to the policy of Reconciliation. YOu sure about that?
Proud Symbol of Rebellion against the US and Slavery
And the US flag is a proud symbol of rebellion against England right? Also since there was slavery under the US flag that mus mean the US flag is a proud symbol of slavery as well right?
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”

Why is Trump re-fighting the Civil War? The flag's time has passed. Trump is beating a dead horse. All it shows is Trump does not get it.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”

Why is Trump re-fighting the Civil War? The flag's time has passed. Trump is beating a dead horse. All it shows is Trump does not get it.

I've long stated that whether or not Trump is a racist, he knows that to win he has to appeal to the racists.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
I live in the South and the Confederate flag is displayed everywhere. It is no big deal. IT'S JUST A FLAG. It's not the freaking Nazi flag, FFS. It's been displayed forever. Suddenly there's a problem?
Trump is 100 percent correct and I have total admiration for Trump's brawny response to pathetic Chris Wallace's slanted gotcha questions. I would piss on Chris Wallace if I could. He is a pathetic coward trying to fabricate a fake narrative.

The sad mainstream elitists in Fox, CNN, etc. have no idea what they're talking about when they condemn the Confederate flag as "racist" It is such Groupthink. They have such a narrow, echo-chamber 1-party perspective on things and it is really kind of sad to witness.
Exactly!! The "cancel culture" Taliban wants to blow up or smash down the monuments to US history they don't like, free speech be damned.
The partisan news culture resides in the urban plantations, they need to get a wider perspective of the US citizenry. They couldn't believe that Trump won, they don't understand why people fly the Confederate battle flag, or the "Thin Blue Line" flag. If the democrats win in November the US will be unrecognizable in a generation.
I notice all the trolls that have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and Hollywood have ALL evaded snouters excellent video that counters all their bs links they keep posting that are from are from our corrupt school system.they cover their ears and close their eyes to his video knowing he handed them their asses to them on a
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
A proud symbol of the traitorous loser slavers in the south, you mean.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”

Why is Trump re-fighting the Civil War? The flag's time has passed. Trump is beating a dead horse. All it shows is Trump does not get it.

Because you people are making a fight about it.

This issue was resolved over 150 years ago. Until you fuckers decided to be assholes.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”

Why is Trump re-fighting the Civil War? The flag's time has passed. Trump is beating a dead horse. All it shows is Trump does not get it.

I've long stated that whether or not Trump is a racist, he knows that to win he has to appeal to the racists.

But, aren't a lot those people consumers for your dog fighting videos?
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
A proud symbol of the traitorous loser slavers in the south, you mean.

It was rebranded as harmless symbol of regional pride, nearly 150 years ago.

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you really that stupid as to not know that?
Proud Symbol of Rebellion against the US and Slavery
That has nothing to do what Trump was talking about.
This is a bold man who knows about pride, nationalism, and patriotism. He's 100% correct. It's not about racism. This is a great day because our gallant president has the left triggered nation wide with his interview with never-Trumper Chris Wallace.

That you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda like
View attachment 365034


“It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about,” Trump responded. “When people proudly had their Confederate flags they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South. They like the South ... I say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.”
Damn strait,The real truth on Robert Lee was he was against racism.its only Hollywood that makes the confederate flag into racism.them and our corrupt school system.

No he wasn't. No grasp of history, huh?

That’s you alright,you troll everywhere with propaganda links like that.


General Lee defended slavery.
So why do you have a problem with the "fake" "confederate" flag?

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