Patriotism vs Nationalism

It would appear, my earlier comment pissed off some trump humpers when I said trump was not a nationalist or patriotic as he has no core beliefs. Look folks, he believes in America unless it is in his immediate interests to bad mouth America and America. He is pro-military unless the military person is captured or injured in combat, or died, and the family holds him to blame. He is anti-illegal aliens, unless he needs housekeepers at his hotels or personal needs. He supports our allies, unless Russia or a totalitarian government is involved, then he sides with them over his own country and allies alike, sometime allowing unconscionable action against allies that have supported us. He support law and order, unless he wants to break it or justify his supporters breaking it. He took and oath to protect and defend the constitution, but still went against it, after losing the election at the polls, state boards, governors mansions, the recounts, court battles, the electoral college, even urging his VP to take unconstitutional steps.
I am not picking on your boy, just stating known facts of his actions and words while president. I have take no action against him, except voting against him continuing in the job. Most voter did.
Stann No link pure conjecture. It isn't even original as you are trying for the 10,000th time to use Hitler and Nazis to smear the Right.
You didn't pay attention I compared the far-right with Nazism
Stann No link pure conjecture. It isn't even original as you are trying for the 10,000th time to use Hitler and Nazis to smear the Right.
I noticed a lot of issues discussed on here have one or the other as the basis for their beliefs. The people on the right, especially the far right appear to utilize Nationalism as their format of choice. Trump would be the extreme example of this, he even stated he was a nationalist. The people on the left prepare to almost always expressed Patriotism as the basis of their belief systems. Their is a huge difference in these ideas. Nationalism taken to it's extreme results in Fascism. Patriotism on the other hand, is an individual belief, not a group belief, and that leads to a stronger Nation. It's an easy search on the internet, best to compare the two first and then compare nationalism to fascism. nationalism is not good for healthy for the United States or any other free democracy in the world. Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany on the wings of nationalism. In short, picture of patriotism it's good and healthy, promotes the good promote cooperation promotes peace and prosperity. Nationalism promotes one's Nation at the expense of other nations, it promotes the bad it promotes War and the illusion of prosperity but not prosperity itself it definitely doesn't promote peace or well-being of the citizens. America is making the right choice at this time, we're back on track, working with our allies, not undermining them, solving problems, not creating them. America is a leader once again, as we should be.
You really are full of shit.
The left are patriots?

Patriot | Definition of Patriot by Merriam-Webster

The word patriot signifies a person who loves his or her country and is ready to boldly support and defend it.

I don't think that definition describes a lefty these days..........

Jen Psaki defends Gwen Berry, who turned back on US flag

You really are full of shit.
Insults are the last refuge of those that do not have a valid case. You're in good company if you think Trump is there company he did this kind of garbage all the time.. it was pathetic too. You've just stated that your case is unfounded. Try to have a great day, I plan on it.
far right in this country is anarchy not fascism,,,

youre forgetting its dems pushing the totalitarian policies right now,,,
You are correct at this time, but if it continues to grow in strength, it's a threat to our democracy and fascism will result.
You are correct at this time, but if it continues to grow in strength, it's a threat to our democracy and fascism will result.
The dems aren't pushing totalitarian policies, they are moving forward, adjusting to the modern world. Being more inclusive, more democratic, more of what this country was intended to be, a free Nation for all with malice towards none. The Republicans are trying to push us back into the 1950s, it barely worked back then and it won't work now.
we are a republic not a democracy,, and yes we do have to stop the dems before we loose it,,
Here we are again, yes we have a republic form of government, based on Democratic principles which makes us one of the worlds free democracies. I hope you can understand that. Rome was a republic, but they base their republic on mini Greek democratic ideals. We have done the same.
The dems aren't pushing totalitarian policies, they are moving forward, adjusting to the modern world. Being more inclusive, more democratic, more of what this country was intended to be, a free Nation for all with malice towards none. The Republicans are trying to push us back into the 1950s, it barely worked back then and it won't work now.
only inclusive to those that have their same globalist goals,,,

any one else is silenced and attacked,,
Here we are again, yes we have a republic form of government, based on Democratic principles which makes us one of the worlds free democracies. I hope you can understand that. Rome was a republic, but they base their republic on mini Greek democratic ideals. We have done the same.
we dont have democratic principles we have a constitution,,

thats where your mistake is,,,

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