Paul Krugman: HIllary is being "Gored"

They is obvious. Stop cutting quotes.
1) I knew you wouldn't answer the question because you don't have any answers.

2) Son, if you're going to accuse people of something, back it up with facts, not just further accusations. If you can't back up your accusations, people will just think you're a fucking low-life liar or a pathetic moron.

3) What's this "cutting quotes" bullshit? Can you at least answer that question or will you run from it too?
They is obvious. Stop cutting quotes.
1) I knew you wouldn't answer the question because you don't have any answers.

2) Son, if you're going to accuse people of something, back it up with facts, not just further accusations. If you can't back up your accusations, people will just think you're a fucking low-life liar or a pathetic moron.

3) What's this "cutting quotes" bullshit? Can you at least answer that question or will you run from it too?
CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I'm too fucking stupid and emotional to actually have evidence. All I have is an opinion which I vent on this forum because I'm a spineless idiot IRL. Since I can't offer anything intellectual to discuss, I like to whine about the way you post quotes.

Thanks for dodging again. It's always easier to prove a person is an idiot when their own posts do it for me. Have a really a really great day!
CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I'm too fucking stupid and emotional to actually have evidence. All I have is an opinion which I vent on this forum because I'm a spineless idiot IRL. Since I can't offer anything intellectual to discuss, I like to whine about the way you post quotes.

Thanks for dodging again. It's always easier to prove a person is an idiot when their own posts do it for me. Have a really a really great day!

With Frankie, it is isn't that hard.

Ruh Roh....Paul Krugman is getting that "sinking feeling" again that HIllary is being "Gored".

I can't think of anything better than Paul losing sleep. The stupid moron.

But here is his concern:

True, there aren’t many efforts to pretend that Donald Trump is a paragon of honesty. But it’s hard to escape the impression that he’s being graded on a curve. If he manages to read from a TelePrompter without going off script, he’s being presidential. If he seems to suggest that he wouldn’t round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants right away, he’s moving into the mainstream. And many of his multiple scandals, like what appear to be clear payoffs to state attorneys general to back off investigating Trump University, get remarkably little attention.

Meanwhile, we have the presumption that anything Hillary Clinton does must be corrupt, most spectacularly illustrated by the increasingly bizarre coverage of the Clinton Foundation...

Now, here is the kicker......

From Krugman......

So I would urge journalists to ask whether they are reporting facts or simply engaging in innuendo, and urge the public to read with a critical eye......



He wants journalists to step up and be journalists.

Even after he drags his sorry ass on to cable TV time after time spouting B.S. and party lines like he was being paid by the word.

It's great that the left is worried that Clinton is getting the shaft from the media. I can't think of anything more ironic.

Krugman... isn't this the person who advocated for calling in an alien assault as the way to improve the economy?

Yes, he would for sure entertain all of the Clinton Conspiracy theories, turning a blind eye to the Clinton Collapse.
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CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I'm too fucking stupid and emotional to actually have evidence. All I have is an opinion which I vent on this forum because I'm a spineless idiot IRL. Since I can't offer anything intellectual to discuss, I like to whine about the way you post quotes.

Thanks for dodging again. It's always easier to prove a person is an idiot when their own posts do it for me. Have a really a really great day!
I have no idea what I'm dodging then. Congrats. lol
They is obvious. Stop cutting quotes.
1) I knew you wouldn't answer the question because you don't have any answers.

2) Son, if you're going to accuse people of something, back it up with facts, not just further accusations. If you can't back up your accusations, people will just think you're a fucking low-life liar or a pathetic moron.

3) What's this "cutting quotes" bullshit? Can you at least answer that question or will you run from it too?
1. WHAT QUESTION? LOL. Stop cutting quotes. Absolute idiocy...
2. ?????? lol
3. Jeebus what an
CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I'm too fucking stupid and emotional to actually have evidence. All I have is an opinion which I vent on this forum because I'm a spineless idiot IRL. Since I can't offer anything intellectual to discuss, I like to whine about the way you post quotes.

Thanks for dodging again. It's always easier to prove a person is an idiot when their own posts do it for me. Have a really a really great day!
I have no idea what I'm dodging then. Congrats. lol

I think the first four words describe you pretty well.
CNN etc does't call Dems and Clinton stupid liars like you did, jackass. You get that from the New BS GOP propaganda service or other dupes. You cut the quotes so no one can tell what we were talking about. Duh.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I'm too fucking stupid and emotional to actually have evidence. All I have is an opinion which I vent on this forum because I'm a spineless idiot IRL. Since I can't offer anything intellectual to discuss, I like to whine about the way you post quotes.

Thanks for dodging again. It's always easier to prove a person is an idiot when their own posts do it for me. Have a really a really great day!
I have no idea what I'm dodging then. Congrats. lol

I think the first four words describe you pretty well.
You tell me what he's going on about then lol...
Media Analysis: Hillary Clinton Received Most Negative Stories, Least ...
Media Matters for America
Apr 15, 2016 - As Media Matters has noted throughout the primary campaign, the coverage of Hillary Clinton has tended to focus on fake scandals such as her ...

Crimson Hexagon’s analysis, reported by Vox’s Jeff Stein, “shows that the media has battered Clinton more than any other candidate, perhaps because of the ongoing controversy over her emails.” Accusations of “the media being in the tank for Clinton,” Stein notes, simply “may not square with reality.” Crimson Hexagon’s analysis -- which examined reporting from The Washington Post, Politico, Fox News, the Huffington Post, and CNN -- ultimately found that more “negative stories” were published about Clinton than any other presidential candidate, and that Clinton herself received “the smallest proportion of positive stories.”

Media Matters for America |
Media Matters for America
Media Matters Sends Legal Notice To Fox News, Roger Ailes ... Fox Analyst Claims "Political Forces" Told FBI To Exonerate Hillary Clinton ... New York Times Political Coverage Generating Increasing Criticism ...
I have no idea what I'm dodging then. Congrats. lol
1. WHAT QUESTION? LOL. Stop cutting quotes. Absolute idiocy...
2. ?????? lol
3. Jeebus what an
LOL. Obviously you're either still in your first childhood, going through your second or simply demented. Fine. If you don't want to answer questions or debate honestly, no one can make you.
I have no idea what I'm dodging then. Congrats. lol
1. WHAT QUESTION? LOL. Stop cutting quotes. Absolute idiocy...
2. ?????? lol
3. Jeebus what an
LOL. Obviously you're either still in your first childhood, going through your second or simply demented. Fine. If you don't want to answer questions or debate honestly, no one can make you.
What questions? Stop cutting quotes. Idiot.
What questions? Stop cutting quotes. Idiot.
Translation: I can't hear you. Nah, Nah, Nah! Oh yeah, the same nonsensical bullshit broken record I've been using this entire thread to avoid answering your questions intellectually.

Let me know when you get a clue and/or decide to honestly discuss this or any other topic, Franco.

She may well be getting gored.

RPC has her up 3.0 points.

But the electoral distribution has shifted.

Toss-ups has moved up 20 to 175.

Chinton is now down from 229 to 209 (she peaked at 272).

Trump is still at 154.

Election with no toss ups.....

Trump is over 200 which he was not before.......
What questions? Stop cutting quotes. Idiot.
Translation: I can't hear you. Nah, Nah, Nah! Oh yeah, the same nonsensical bullshit broken record I've been using this entire thread to avoid answering your questions intellectually.

Let me know when you get a clue and/or decide to honestly discuss this or any other topic, Franco.
Jeebus what an a-hole lol. WHatTF are you talking about? LOL

She may well be getting gored.

RPC has her up 3.0 points.

But the electoral distribution has shifted.

Toss-ups has moved up 20 to 175.

Chinton is now down from 229 to 209 (she peaked at 272).

Trump is still at 154.

Election with no toss ups.....

Trump is over 200 which he was not before.......
Problem for the New BS GOP is the undecided don't believe the GOP propaganda machine....Buh bye!

She may well be getting gored.

RPC has her up 3.0 points.

But the electoral distribution has shifted.

Toss-ups has moved up 20 to 175.

Chinton is now down from 229 to 209 (she peaked at 272).

Trump is still at 154.

Election with no toss ups.....

Trump is over 200 which he was not before.......
Whether or not her fans admit it, this election is going to be a nail-biter.

She may well be getting gored.

RPC has her up 3.0 points.

But the electoral distribution has shifted.

Toss-ups has moved up 20 to 175.

Chinton is now down from 229 to 209 (she peaked at 272).

Trump is still at 154.

Election with no toss ups.....

Trump is over 200 which he was not before.......
Problem for the New BS GOP is the undecided don't believe the GOP propaganda machine....Buh bye!

And your proof for this claim is ?????

She may well be getting gored.

RPC has her up 3.0 points.

But the electoral distribution has shifted.

Toss-ups has moved up 20 to 175.

Chinton is now down from 229 to 209 (she peaked at 272).

Trump is still at 154.

Election with no toss ups.....

Trump is over 200 which he was not before.......
Problem for the New BS GOP is the undecided don't believe the GOP propaganda machine....Buh bye!

And your proof for this claim is ?????
In think indies and undecideds are Foxbots like you?

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