Paul Ryan.....Loves Him Some Affordable Health Care Plan

Not according to the article. It assumes that obamacare has to be taken into consideration and Ryan's plan does so.
Paul Ryan's Plan to Balance the Budget in Ten Years Relies on...Obamacare? - Forbes.

Pay attention RePugs...Forbes IS NOT A LIBERAL MAGAZINE!!!

It seems, despite what Ratso Ryan says about the Affordable Health Care Act....his whole plan to balance the budget is relies on the A.H.C.A.

Ryan's budget during the 2012 campaign was based on the premise of an ObamaCare repeal. And that is what a Romney/Ryan team would have done.

Ryan is now writing his budget around the reality of an ObamaCare that is here to stay. Because it is.

How you get some sort of "gotcha" out of that, I don't know. His budget is not evidence he loves him some ObamaCare. Did you bother to read your own link?

To wit:

Over a ten-year period, Obamacare spends $1.9 trillion on subsidizing insurance coverage for uninsured Americans. The law funds that additional spending by cutting Medicare by $716 billion, and raising taxes by $1.2 trillion. The Path to Prosperity keeps, but repurposes, Obamacare’s Medicare cuts and tax increases, while repealing the law’s spending on the uninsured.
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Ryan has to work within the existing system which includes the monumental mess that the administration ironically calls "affordable health care". Where is the democrat plan?
Ryan has to work within the existing system which includes the monumental mess that the administration ironically calls "affordable health care". Where is the democrat plan?

ObamaCare is the Democratic plan.

Obama has submitted a budget every year.

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