Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

The House Freedom Caucus has had a lot of demands of late: conditions under which they’d support anyone to be Speaker, changes they’d like to see made in the House to decentralize power, the impeachment of the head of the Internal Revenue Service (no, really).

But on Tuesday night, the man widely viewed as the only person capable of saving House Republicans from themselves had some demands of his own. House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan met with the roughly 40 members of the Freedom Caucus and told them he might be willing to serve as speaker, under certain conditions.

Ryan had five requests. First, the next Speaker should be visionary and should use his or her post not just for fundraising and day-to-day problem solving but to communicate the party agenda. Second, he’s open to some of the rules changes they are demanding, but only if the entire conference agrees. Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.) Fourth, family comes first, so the House will have to work on work-life balance for everyone. And fifth, everyone in the conference must vote for him—not a single member can dissent.


The move throws back the ball into the Freedom Caucus’s court, and boxes them in. If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
I wouldn't say he has outfoxed the FC, just put in place demands that he needs to consider being Speaker. The FC could always go somewhere else for their candidate.
I wouldn't say he has outfoxed the FC, just put in place demands that he needs to consider being Speaker. The FC could always go somewhere else for their candidate.
Not really. There are only 30-40 of them. Anyone they choose will not get the votes from the other 178+ they would need.

OTOH, establishment Republicans are making noises about getting Democrats to help them get another sane Speaker.

I'll dig up the article...
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

The House Freedom Caucus has had a lot of demands of late: conditions under which they’d support anyone to be Speaker, changes they’d like to see made in the House to decentralize power, the impeachment of the head of the Internal Revenue Service (no, really).

But on Tuesday night, the man widely viewed as the only person capable of saving House Republicans from themselves had some demands of his own. House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan met with the roughly 40 members of the Freedom Caucus and told them he might be willing to serve as speaker, under certain conditions.

Ryan had five requests. First, the next Speaker should be visionary and should use his or her post not just for fundraising and day-to-day problem solving but to communicate the party agenda. Second, he’s open to some of the rules changes they are demanding, but only if the entire conference agrees. Third, there will be no motions to vacate the chair. (This is what brought down Speaker John Boehner and he would-be heir Kevin McCarthy: when a Republican loses more than 30 votes, he loses the simple majority of 218 votes on the floor thus costing him his seat.) Fourth, family comes first, so the House will have to work on work-life balance for everyone. And fifth, everyone in the conference must vote for him—not a single member can dissent.


The move throws back the ball into the Freedom Caucus’s court, and boxes them in. If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.

Poor Ryan, stuck in an Ayn Rand type circle jerk
I wouldn't say he has outfoxed the FC, just put in place demands that he needs to consider being Speaker. The FC could always go somewhere else for their candidate.
Not really. There are only 30-40 of them. Anyone they choose will not get the votes from the other 178+ they would need.

OTOH, establishment Republicans are making noises about getting Democrats to help them get another sane Speaker.

I'll dig up the article...
I heard. Pelosi? They couldn't go that far!
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

... If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
What ever idiot ( Jay Newton-Small ) wrote that has NO clue about the Freedom Caucus. They don't care. They would welcome it. And if any Republicans go with the Democrats --- whoop-dee-friggin-doo life will get interesting
Here it is:

House Conservatives Brace for GOP Blowback in Leadership Fight


“Conservatives are simply asking leadership to make good on their campaign promises, but it’s moderates who are joining with liberal Democrats to resurrect the cronyist Export-Import Bank that subsidizes privileged corporations,” says former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who now heads The Heritage Foundation. “The current majorities were elected on promises to stop amnesty and fight for full repeal of Obamacare, and the next Speaker needs to lay out an agenda that ends favoritism toward special interests and provides opportunity to all Americans.”

The problem is, the leaders were never going to make good on their campaign promises: They don’t control the White House or a big enough majority in the Senate to deliver. So, in frustration, the Freedom Caucus has gone after the system itself, particularly its leaders. “Disorder and chaos are not the traditional conservative vales,” scoffs Dent. “The rejectionist arm of the party seems to have a problem with James Madison and the system [of checks and balances] that he devised.”

Dent essentially argues that two can play the game of disruption the Freedom Caucus has devised. If it only takes 30 votes for a Republican to lose a floor vote for Speaker (the GOP majority of 247 minus 30 is 217, below the 218 needed to pass a motion), those votes can be found elsewhere if need be. “If there are somewhere between 30 and 50 Republican members who say they won’t vote for the choice of the majority of Republicans for speaker, well then yes, the Democrats will have an impact and influence on who will be the next speaker if there aren’t 217 votes on the House floor,” Dent says. “I would prefer we elect a Speaker on majority-Republican votes on the House floor. I’m just not sure that’s possible.”

But the Freedom Caucus has bigger worries than competing voting blocs: The establishment is taking another page from its playbook by going after them in primaries. One of the demands of the Freedom Caucus is that the leadership and allied groups not run ads against them when they buck the system. “We’re asking for assurances that the next Speaker or any of his allies, including the Chamber of Commerce and the American Action Network, will not run ads against us as has happened over the last six months to many of us,” says Rep. David Brat, who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his Virginia primary last year.

I did not know that this was a demand of the wingnuts. And the establishment Republicans are crazy to abide by that, while the Wacko Birds run negative ads against them.
I wouldn't say he has outfoxed the FC, just put in place demands that he needs to consider being Speaker. The FC could always go somewhere else for their candidate.
Not really. There are only 30-40 of them. Anyone they choose will not get the votes from the other 178+ they would need.

OTOH, establishment Republicans are making noises about getting Democrats to help them get another sane Speaker.

I'll dig up the article...
I heard. Pelosi? They couldn't go that far!
No, not elect Pelosi as Speaker. But get Democratic votes for a Centrist Speaker.

That's certainly doable.
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

... If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
What ever idiot ( Jay Newton-Small ) wrote that has NO clue about the Freedom Caucus. They don't care. They would welcome it. And if any Republicans go with the Democrats --- whoop-dee-friggin-doo life will get interesting
I disagree. You have to read the follow-up article I just posted.
I wouldn't say he has outfoxed the FC, just put in place demands that he needs to consider being Speaker. The FC could always go somewhere else for their candidate.
Not really. There are only 30-40 of them. Anyone they choose will not get the votes from the other 178+ they would need.

OTOH, establishment Republicans are making noises about getting Democrats to help them get another sane Speaker.

I'll dig up the article...
I heard. Pelosi? They couldn't go that far!
No, not elect Pelosi as Speaker. But get Democratic votes for a Centrist Speaker.

That's certainly doable.
Perhaps we can find someone that would work out! Perhaps he could get the Congress to work together!
Rotza Ruck!

Paul Ryan Outfoxes the Freedom Caucus

... If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands.
What ever idiot ( Jay Newton-Small ) wrote that has NO clue about the Freedom Caucus. They don't care. They would welcome it. And if any Republicans go with the Democrats --- whoop-dee-friggin-doo life will get interesting
I disagree. You have to read the follow-up article I just posted.
I read part of it. I know the drill. I think people keep on underestimating the Freedom Caucus and the far right mindset. They got elected on no compromise
I think Paul Ryan has to be as crazy as the inmates if he thinks he is going to get a deal done in 12 days, and when this blows up in his face no matter what deal he negotiated, he will still look like the the worst loser ever.
No, read demands #3 & #5.

He must have a free hand, and they cannot bitch. That's his condition.

If they don't agree, he'll go back to Ways & Means. If they do agree, they have to abide, like The Dude. ;)
Here it is:

House Conservatives Brace for GOP Blowback in Leadership Fight


“Conservatives are simply asking leadership to make good on their campaign promises, but it’s moderates who are joining with liberal Democrats to resurrect the cronyist Export-Import Bank that subsidizes privileged corporations,” says former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who now heads The Heritage Foundation. “The current majorities were elected on promises to stop amnesty and fight for full repeal of Obamacare, and the next Speaker needs to lay out an agenda that ends favoritism toward special interests and provides opportunity to all Americans.”

The problem is, the leaders were never going to make good on their campaign promises: They don’t control the White House or a big enough majority in the Senate to deliver. So, in frustration, the Freedom Caucus has gone after the system itself, particularly its leaders. “Disorder and chaos are not the traditional conservative vales,” scoffs Dent. “The rejectionist arm of the party seems to have a problem with James Madison and the system [of checks and balances] that he devised.”

Dent essentially argues that two can play the game of disruption the Freedom Caucus has devised. If it only takes 30 votes for a Republican to lose a floor vote for Speaker (the GOP majority of 247 minus 30 is 217, below the 218 needed to pass a motion), those votes can be found elsewhere if need be. “If there are somewhere between 30 and 50 Republican members who say they won’t vote for the choice of the majority of Republicans for speaker, well then yes, the Democrats will have an impact and influence on who will be the next speaker if there aren’t 217 votes on the House floor,” Dent says. “I would prefer we elect a Speaker on majority-Republican votes on the House floor. I’m just not sure that’s possible.”

But the Freedom Caucus has bigger worries than competing voting blocs: The establishment is taking another page from its playbook by going after them in primaries. One of the demands of the Freedom Caucus is that the leadership and allied groups not run ads against them when they buck the system. “We’re asking for assurances that the next Speaker or any of his allies, including the Chamber of Commerce and the American Action Network, will not run ads against us as has happened over the last six months to many of us,” says Rep. David Brat, who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his Virginia primary last year.

I did not know that this was a demand of the wingnuts. And the establishment Republicans are crazy to abide by that, while the Wacko Birds run negative ads against them.
What do you think of Newt Gingrich? He got the sides to join together before.
Here it is:

House Conservatives Brace for GOP Blowback in Leadership Fight


“Conservatives are simply asking leadership to make good on their campaign promises, but it’s moderates who are joining with liberal Democrats to resurrect the cronyist Export-Import Bank that subsidizes privileged corporations,” says former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who now heads The Heritage Foundation. “The current majorities were elected on promises to stop amnesty and fight for full repeal of Obamacare, and the next Speaker needs to lay out an agenda that ends favoritism toward special interests and provides opportunity to all Americans.”

The problem is, the leaders were never going to make good on their campaign promises: They don’t control the White House or a big enough majority in the Senate to deliver. So, in frustration, the Freedom Caucus has gone after the system itself, particularly its leaders. “Disorder and chaos are not the traditional conservative vales,” scoffs Dent. “The rejectionist arm of the party seems to have a problem with James Madison and the system [of checks and balances] that he devised.”

Dent essentially argues that two can play the game of disruption the Freedom Caucus has devised. If it only takes 30 votes for a Republican to lose a floor vote for Speaker (the GOP majority of 247 minus 30 is 217, below the 218 needed to pass a motion), those votes can be found elsewhere if need be. “If there are somewhere between 30 and 50 Republican members who say they won’t vote for the choice of the majority of Republicans for speaker, well then yes, the Democrats will have an impact and influence on who will be the next speaker if there aren’t 217 votes on the House floor,” Dent says. “I would prefer we elect a Speaker on majority-Republican votes on the House floor. I’m just not sure that’s possible.”

But the Freedom Caucus has bigger worries than competing voting blocs: The establishment is taking another page from its playbook by going after them in primaries. One of the demands of the Freedom Caucus is that the leadership and allied groups not run ads against them when they buck the system. “We’re asking for assurances that the next Speaker or any of his allies, including the Chamber of Commerce and the American Action Network, will not run ads against us as has happened over the last six months to many of us,” says Rep. David Brat, who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his Virginia primary last year.

I did not know that this was a demand of the wingnuts. And the establishment Republicans are crazy to abide by that, while the Wacko Birds run negative ads against them.
What do you think of Newt Gingrich? He got the sides to join together before.
Even Newtie is too much of a squish for these Wacko Birds.
Here it is:

House Conservatives Brace for GOP Blowback in Leadership Fight


“Conservatives are simply asking leadership to make good on their campaign promises, but it’s moderates who are joining with liberal Democrats to resurrect the cronyist Export-Import Bank that subsidizes privileged corporations,” says former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, who now heads The Heritage Foundation. “The current majorities were elected on promises to stop amnesty and fight for full repeal of Obamacare, and the next Speaker needs to lay out an agenda that ends favoritism toward special interests and provides opportunity to all Americans.”

The problem is, the leaders were never going to make good on their campaign promises: They don’t control the White House or a big enough majority in the Senate to deliver. So, in frustration, the Freedom Caucus has gone after the system itself, particularly its leaders. “Disorder and chaos are not the traditional conservative vales,” scoffs Dent. “The rejectionist arm of the party seems to have a problem with James Madison and the system [of checks and balances] that he devised.”

Dent essentially argues that two can play the game of disruption the Freedom Caucus has devised. If it only takes 30 votes for a Republican to lose a floor vote for Speaker (the GOP majority of 247 minus 30 is 217, below the 218 needed to pass a motion), those votes can be found elsewhere if need be. “If there are somewhere between 30 and 50 Republican members who say they won’t vote for the choice of the majority of Republicans for speaker, well then yes, the Democrats will have an impact and influence on who will be the next speaker if there aren’t 217 votes on the House floor,” Dent says. “I would prefer we elect a Speaker on majority-Republican votes on the House floor. I’m just not sure that’s possible.”

But the Freedom Caucus has bigger worries than competing voting blocs: The establishment is taking another page from its playbook by going after them in primaries. One of the demands of the Freedom Caucus is that the leadership and allied groups not run ads against them when they buck the system. “We’re asking for assurances that the next Speaker or any of his allies, including the Chamber of Commerce and the American Action Network, will not run ads against us as has happened over the last six months to many of us,” says Rep. David Brat, who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in his Virginia primary last year.

I did not know that this was a demand of the wingnuts. And the establishment Republicans are crazy to abide by that, while the Wacko Birds run negative ads against them.
What do you think of Newt Gingrich? He got the sides to join together before.
Even Newtie is too much of a squish for these Wacko Birds.
Newt was thrown out by his own caucus ages ago. He left the Speakership under a cloud. Ironic
"The move throws back the ball into the Freedom Caucus’s court, and boxes them in. If they dissent they will be blamed for the chaos that will more than likely ensue. And they will have to deal with 200-plus very angry colleagues, many of whom are already talking openly about doing a deal with Democrats to elect a consensus Speaker to end the turmoil. That outcome would be the exact opposite of what the Freedom Caucus hoped to achieve by deposing Boehner, whom they felt already caved too much to Democratic demands."

The idiocy and incompetence of the Anti-Freedom Caucus comes as no surprise; the closed-minded arrogance of rightist ideologues is remarkable.

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