Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

Simple solution! Don't go into debt to go to college! DUH!

Ryan's Dad died when he was 16. He saved his Social Security payments to go to college.

My youngest daughter just graduated from college last spring. Her college debt? Zero dollars and zero cents.

That's nice man. But a lot of people do end up with debt, so ... I guess people aren't perfect? ,Maybe not everyone grows up at the same rate, or has parents who teach them about this stuff? Shit happens. College expenses have increased by, what, at least 500 % since our parents went to college, adjusted for inflation? We were disadvantaged in that sense from day 1. The boomers don't realize how much more expensive and difficult things have become for young people, especially in the years after 2008. That's why it's so easy for them to sit there and complain that we're not starting families and act like all we want to do is sit around in our parents' basements.

The last place most kids in their parents' basements want to be in is in their parents' basement.

We should be investing in education in our current children.

We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

anti-choice, anti-birth control religious zealots really shouldn't talk about illegitimacy. but it's a choice that most millennials are making.

the best contraindicator of unwed motherhood is education. you want women not to have kids out of wedlock, send them to college.
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?

1. Your partisan spin is noted and dismissed.

2. Are the girls having children out of wedlock because of no college or because that is what their mothers did and it is seen as normal?

3. From your linked article.

The study also found a correlation between an area’s high unemployment rates and a greater likelihood that a man would have a child out of wedlock. For both men and women, the larger the availability of medium-skilled jobs, the more likely they were to marry before having their first child. Why exactly, does the economy play a role in marriage decisions? The researchers give this explanation: Men without well-paying jobs are not seen as marriage material. “These men would be less desirable as marriage partners because of their reduced earning potential,”

We need better jobs for medium skilled workers, or semi skilled. And for that matter, low skilled.

4. Better than more colleges is reforms to reduce unreasonable demands for degrees for low paying jobs. I've seen too many jobs that demand college while not offering the pay to justify the expense.

Says one of the most base partisans on the board. Having read your screeds, I'm going to wager you have never voted for any democrat in any race.

And I never said that a four year college was for everyone. I am also a proponent of trade high schools.

But the disdain the radical right has for education is pathetic and based on resentment that educated people don't believe in either your revisionist history or science denial.

In other words, they're smart and educated and the women don't have to be tethered to a stove for some guy to pay for them while they remain barefoot and pregnant.

So let's tell the truth about what Paul Ryan and the rabid right really want.

And there is the basis of the anti science, anti education, misogynist stupidity of the trump era which leads the randian loon Paul Ryan to say oh white women need to make more babies.

Women make fewer babies when they're educated. Why? We go to school. We work. We get great jobs. And when we're ready for our first child (sometimes only as in my case), we're about 30, not 22 like my mother.

Oh, is immigration the obvious solution? Could you cite me an example of a country that became economically prosperous to the point that birth rates declined into negative growth territory, who then had a large influx of migrant workers and became a powerhouse once more?

Fuck me, I love that people could consider an unproven hypothesis as an OBVIOUS answer to a problem as complex as macroeconomics
The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

College is not for everyone. Why does everyone think it is?
Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

Simple solution! Don't go into debt to go to college! DUH!

Ryan's Dad died when he was 16. He saved his Social Security payments to go to college.

My youngest daughter just graduated from college last spring. Her college debt? Zero dollars and zero cents.

That's nice man. But a lot of people do end up with debt, so ... I guess people aren't perfect? ,Maybe not everyone grows up at the same rate, or has parents who teach them about this stuff? Shit happens. College expenses have increased by, what, at least 500 % since our parents went to college, adjusted for inflation? We were disadvantaged in that sense from day 1. The boomers don't realize how much more expensive and difficult things have become for young people, especially in the years after 2008. That's why it's so easy for them to sit there and complain that we're not starting families and act like all we want to do is sit around in our parents' basements.

The last place most kids in their parents' basements want to be in is in their parents' basement.

I think we have found the root cause of your problem! On that point, you are quite incorrect!
Worthless people these conservatives Rdean...makes me sick for the future of this country.

Yep, have these babies but get no help what so ever to raise them. wtf????

Why not let in immigrants?

Do you think those immigrants won't need the same help? You know they are going to breed their own basketball team's worth of mouths to feed. They don't speak English, they are uneducated, and bring their 3rd world ideas about how to run this government just like the shitholes they fled!
We should be investing in education in our current children.

We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

anti-choice, anti-birth control religious zealots really shouldn't talk about illegitimacy. but it's a choice that most millennials are making.

the best contraindicator of unwed motherhood is education. you want women not to have kids out of wedlock, send them to college.
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?

1. Your partisan spin is noted and dismissed.

2. Are the girls having children out of wedlock because of no college or because that is what their mothers did and it is seen as normal?

3. From your linked article.

The study also found a correlation between an area’s high unemployment rates and a greater likelihood that a man would have a child out of wedlock. For both men and women, the larger the availability of medium-skilled jobs, the more likely they were to marry before having their first child. Why exactly, does the economy play a role in marriage decisions? The researchers give this explanation: Men without well-paying jobs are not seen as marriage material. “These men would be less desirable as marriage partners because of their reduced earning potential,”

We need better jobs for medium skilled workers, or semi skilled. And for that matter, low skilled.

4. Better than more colleges is reforms to reduce unreasonable demands for degrees for low paying jobs. I've seen too many jobs that demand college while not offering the pay to justify the expense.

Says one of the most base partisans on the board. Having read your screeds, I'm going to wager you have never voted for any democrat in any race..

I've never denied being a partisan. My point stands. YOur line of partisan shit is noted and dismissed.

And I never said that a four year college was for everyone. I am also a proponent of trade high schools..

Good. Too many people use "education" as a buzz word, without any real meaning behind it.

But the disdain the radical right has for education is pathetic and based on resentment that educated people don't believe in either your revisionist history or science denial..

We don't have disdain for education. We reject the culture of liberalism that has become the dominate Tribe in Academia.

Science denial? Forgive my suspicion that every answer to every problem you liberal find, seems to be the same, more taxes and more government power and me getting fucked.

In other words, they're smart and educated and the women don't have to be tethered to a stove for some guy to pay for them while they remain barefoot and pregnant..

Your strawman is noted and dismissed.

So let's tell the truth about what Paul Ryan and the rabid right really want.

And there is the basis of the anti science, anti education, misogynist stupidity of the trump era which leads the randian loon Paul Ryan to say oh white women need to make more babies.

Women make fewer babies when they're educated. Why? We go to school. We work. We get great jobs. And when we're ready for our first child (sometimes only as in my case), we're about 30, not 22 like my mother.

He actually said "American women" not white, but it is interesting that you conflate the two.

And yes, you have identified the problem. We have a situation where the time frame of peak fertility passes before a person is "ready" to have their first child, due to economic and education issues.

This is a problem for a society. Indeed, it is THE problem for the First World.

Our culture is becoming less dominate in our own nations as we are flooded by immigrants from less developed nations.

Our advanced and progressive culture is becoming less dominate in the world, as our percentage share of the world's population and economic might, becomes smaller and smaller.

Far more regressive cultures are out breeding us, and becoming more assertive.

Did you hear about the female circumcision case in Michigan?
Republicans swear they love this:


But all of their policies prove they hate this:


And they really, really hate this:


Their policies tell us exactly what their words mean.

Actually, we love this:

We just hate what it becomes after the filthy mother and father train it.
That's how Republicans see all blacks.


At the same time, most Republicans are confederates, they are fat and like pigs, they reside in sh!t filled mud.
You can take the Republican out of trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the Republican.


My daddy is the best kisser in the whole country.

These are stereotypes for a reason.

Weird...another negro putting his low iQ on full public display. Let me teach you something AGAIN. Tell me...who are the fat pigs?
Better yet...who are the fattest, the poorest, the laziest, the most ignorant, the most criminal? Why are Blacks like pet humans? Help me out here.
I think the saying actually goes like this:
"You can take the Negro from the ghetto but you will never take the Ghetto from the Negro."

Special Report: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Obesity - Black Communities
"African American adults are nearly 1.5 times as likely to be obese compared with White adults. Approximately 47.8 percent of African Americans are obese (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) compared with 32.6 percent of Whites (including 32.4 percent of men and 32.8 percent of women).2More than 75 percent of African Americans are overweight or obese (including 69 percent of men and 82.0 percent of women) compared with 67.2 percent of Whites (including 71.4 percent of men and 63.2 percent of women)."
Yeah we all know clubbin it beats the hell out of Motherhood right? No worries. There's always a joo around to pick up your abortion bill.
We should be investing in education in our current children.

We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

anti-choice, anti-birth control religious zealots really shouldn't talk about illegitimacy. but it's a choice that most millennials are making.

the best contraindicator of unwed motherhood is education. you want women not to have kids out of wedlock, send them to college.
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?

1. Your partisan spin is noted and dismissed.

2. Are the girls having children out of wedlock because of no college or because that is what their mothers did and it is seen as normal?

3. From your linked article.

The study also found a correlation between an area’s high unemployment rates and a greater likelihood that a man would have a child out of wedlock. For both men and women, the larger the availability of medium-skilled jobs, the more likely they were to marry before having their first child. Why exactly, does the economy play a role in marriage decisions? The researchers give this explanation: Men without well-paying jobs are not seen as marriage material. “These men would be less desirable as marriage partners because of their reduced earning potential,”

We need better jobs for medium skilled workers, or semi skilled. And for that matter, low skilled.

4. Better than more colleges is reforms to reduce unreasonable demands for degrees for low paying jobs. I've seen too many jobs that demand college while not offering the pay to justify the expense.

Says one of the most base partisans on the board. Having read your screeds, I'm going to wager you have never voted for any democrat in any race..

I've never denied being a partisan. My point stands. YOur line of partisan shit is noted and dismissed.

And I never said that a four year college was for everyone. I am also a proponent of trade high schools..

Good. Too many people use "education" as a buzz word, without any real meaning behind it.

But the disdain the radical right has for education is pathetic and based on resentment that educated people don't believe in either your revisionist history or science denial..

We don't have disdain for education. We reject the culture of liberalism that has become the dominate Tribe in Academia.

Science denial? Forgive my suspicion that every answer to every problem you liberal find, seems to be the same, more taxes and more government power and me getting fucked.

In other words, they're smart and educated and the women don't have to be tethered to a stove for some guy to pay for them while they remain barefoot and pregnant..

Your strawman is noted and dismissed.

So let's tell the truth about what Paul Ryan and the rabid right really want.

And there is the basis of the anti science, anti education, misogynist stupidity of the trump era which leads the randian loon Paul Ryan to say oh white women need to make more babies.

Women make fewer babies when they're educated. Why? We go to school. We work. We get great jobs. And when we're ready for our first child (sometimes only as in my case), we're about 30, not 22 like my mother.

He actually said "American women" not white, but it is interesting that you conflate the two.

And yes, you have identified the problem. We have a situation where the time frame of peak fertility passes before a person is "ready" to have their first child, due to economic and education issues.

This is a problem for a society. Indeed, it is THE problem for the First World.

Our culture is becoming less dominate in our own nations as we are flooded by immigrants from less developed nations.

Our advanced and progressive culture is becoming less dominate in the world, as our percentage share of the world's population and economic might, becomes smaller and smaller.

Far more regressive cultures are out breeding us, and becoming more assertive.

Did you hear about the female circumcision case in Michigan?

Nice bigoted rant.
We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

anti-choice, anti-birth control religious zealots really shouldn't talk about illegitimacy. but it's a choice that most millennials are making.

the best contraindicator of unwed motherhood is education. you want women not to have kids out of wedlock, send them to college.
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?

1. Your partisan spin is noted and dismissed.

2. Are the girls having children out of wedlock because of no college or because that is what their mothers did and it is seen as normal?

3. From your linked article.

The study also found a correlation between an area’s high unemployment rates and a greater likelihood that a man would have a child out of wedlock. For both men and women, the larger the availability of medium-skilled jobs, the more likely they were to marry before having their first child. Why exactly, does the economy play a role in marriage decisions? The researchers give this explanation: Men without well-paying jobs are not seen as marriage material. “These men would be less desirable as marriage partners because of their reduced earning potential,”

We need better jobs for medium skilled workers, or semi skilled. And for that matter, low skilled.

4. Better than more colleges is reforms to reduce unreasonable demands for degrees for low paying jobs. I've seen too many jobs that demand college while not offering the pay to justify the expense.

Says one of the most base partisans on the board. Having read your screeds, I'm going to wager you have never voted for any democrat in any race..

I've never denied being a partisan. My point stands. YOur line of partisan shit is noted and dismissed.

And I never said that a four year college was for everyone. I am also a proponent of trade high schools..

Good. Too many people use "education" as a buzz word, without any real meaning behind it.

But the disdain the radical right has for education is pathetic and based on resentment that educated people don't believe in either your revisionist history or science denial..

We don't have disdain for education. We reject the culture of liberalism that has become the dominate Tribe in Academia.

Science denial? Forgive my suspicion that every answer to every problem you liberal find, seems to be the same, more taxes and more government power and me getting fucked.

In other words, they're smart and educated and the women don't have to be tethered to a stove for some guy to pay for them while they remain barefoot and pregnant..

Your strawman is noted and dismissed.

So let's tell the truth about what Paul Ryan and the rabid right really want.

And there is the basis of the anti science, anti education, misogynist stupidity of the trump era which leads the randian loon Paul Ryan to say oh white women need to make more babies.

Women make fewer babies when they're educated. Why? We go to school. We work. We get great jobs. And when we're ready for our first child (sometimes only as in my case), we're about 30, not 22 like my mother.

He actually said "American women" not white, but it is interesting that you conflate the two.

And yes, you have identified the problem. We have a situation where the time frame of peak fertility passes before a person is "ready" to have their first child, due to economic and education issues.

This is a problem for a society. Indeed, it is THE problem for the First World.

Our culture is becoming less dominate in our own nations as we are flooded by immigrants from less developed nations.

Our advanced and progressive culture is becoming less dominate in the world, as our percentage share of the world's population and economic might, becomes smaller and smaller.

Far more regressive cultures are out breeding us, and becoming more assertive.

Did you hear about the female circumcision case in Michigan?

Nice bigoted rant.
Nice infantile reactionary response.

If you think shitholes like Mexico are so great, then move there and educate yourself about how hilariously wrong you are.


I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

Simple solution! Don't go into debt to go to college! DUH!

Ryan's Dad died when he was 16. He saved his Social Security payments to go to college.

My youngest daughter just graduated from college last spring. Her college debt? Zero dollars and zero cents.

That's nice man. But a lot of people do end up with debt, so ... I guess people aren't perfect? ,Maybe not everyone grows up at the same rate, or has parents who teach them about this stuff? Shit happens. College expenses have increased by, what, at least 500 % since our parents went to college, adjusted for inflation? We were disadvantaged in that sense from day 1. The boomers don't realize how much more expensive and difficult things have become for young people, especially in the years after 2008. That's why it's so easy for them to sit there and complain that we're not starting families and act like all we want to do is sit around in our parents' basements.

The last place most kids in their parents' basements want to be in is in their parents' basement.

I think we have found the root cause of your problem! On that point, you are quite incorrect!

Uh, what is this supposed to mean? Are you insinuating I live in my parents' basement?

Well, it's not unusual for you to be wrong, so par for course I guess.
Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

Simple solution! Don't go into debt to go to college! DUH!

Ryan's Dad died when he was 16. He saved his Social Security payments to go to college.

My youngest daughter just graduated from college last spring. Her college debt? Zero dollars and zero cents.

That's nice man. But a lot of people do end up with debt, so ... I guess people aren't perfect? ,Maybe not everyone grows up at the same rate, or has parents who teach them about this stuff? Shit happens. College expenses have increased by, what, at least 500 % since our parents went to college, adjusted for inflation? We were disadvantaged in that sense from day 1. The boomers don't realize how much more expensive and difficult things have become for young people, especially in the years after 2008. That's why it's so easy for them to sit there and complain that we're not starting families and act like all we want to do is sit around in our parents' basements.

The last place most kids in their parents' basements want to be in is in their parents' basement.

I think we have found the root cause of your problem! On that point, you are quite incorrect!

Uh, what is this supposed to mean? Are you insinuating I live in my parents' basement?

Well, it's not unusual for you to be wrong, so par for course I guess.

Not only are you wrong on whether kids want to live in their parent's basement, you seem to have a reading disability also. They don't want to go out on their own because there are nasty things like decisions, bills, and responsibilities that can get by without if they stay in that basement.
He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.

Simple solution! Don't go into debt to go to college! DUH!

Ryan's Dad died when he was 16. He saved his Social Security payments to go to college.

My youngest daughter just graduated from college last spring. Her college debt? Zero dollars and zero cents.

That's nice man. But a lot of people do end up with debt, so ... I guess people aren't perfect? ,Maybe not everyone grows up at the same rate, or has parents who teach them about this stuff? Shit happens. College expenses have increased by, what, at least 500 % since our parents went to college, adjusted for inflation? We were disadvantaged in that sense from day 1. The boomers don't realize how much more expensive and difficult things have become for young people, especially in the years after 2008. That's why it's so easy for them to sit there and complain that we're not starting families and act like all we want to do is sit around in our parents' basements.

The last place most kids in their parents' basements want to be in is in their parents' basement.

I think we have found the root cause of your problem! On that point, you are quite incorrect!

Uh, what is this supposed to mean? Are you insinuating I live in my parents' basement?

Well, it's not unusual for you to be wrong, so par for course I guess.

Not only are you wrong on whether kids want to live in their parent's basement, you seem to have a reading disability also. They don't want to go out on their own because there are nasty things like decisions, bills, and responsibilities that can get by without if they stay in that basement.

Well, as someone who was in that unpleasant situation 4 years ago, I can only say that having bills and responsibilities is a million times better than hitting 24 and having none.

Granted, I was in grad school, but still ... it sucks relying on other people. I don't know a single person who is living with their parents because they actually want to be there. They either can't afford to move out or are trying to save up some money first.

But since you're old and it's been decades since you were in your 20's I'm sure you know better than me, somehow. Even though I just got done living it.
Amor of married working couples are choosing to not have kids and they are courageous and should be held in the highest regard. It is not their duty to consider the nation....whatsoever. A massively lower birthrate for about 5 years would help. Perhaps it's getting to the time when a couple should be making at least a certain amount to be allowed to have kids. Under six figures? Sorry.
Then again a huge drop in birthrate would drive some losers to complain about a drop in military service....which wouldn't be an emergency.
So are Republicans going to take care of these babies and see them to adulthood, properly fed, housed, cared-for medically, educated? Is this all to be tossed onto the parents? Is Ryan willing to come over and walk the floor with a colicky baby at three in the morning? Ryan needs to shut the hell up unless he can deliver.
In the last few days, I have seen two groups, Taiwanese and Polish, appealing to couples to have more Taiwanese and more Poles. Then there is Ryan. I don't see these populations willing to help out the couples they are appealing to have more babies. Have more babies, but we ain't going to be helping. Breast-feeding? Get the hell of my establishment, you slut!

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