Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.
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Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!

Because they do not share the American interest.

For example, they vote democrat, while American born babies do not but in fact would rather vote for anything else.

Although maybe we could have some rich white European immigrants. Yeah, that might work... they can bring their prosperity here and benefit the entire society, unlike 3rd world immigrants who mostly burden everyone. Oh, but they don't vote democrat so somehow I can already guess what you think of this plan.
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Willing to fight for their country. (Gallup poll):

Morocco: 94%
Pakistan: 89%
Vietnam: 89%
India: 75%
Turkey: 73%
China: 71%
Indonesia: 70%
Russia: 59%
Nigeria: 50%
Brazil: 48%
US: 44%
Canada: 30%
Australia: 29%
France: 29%
UK: 27%
Italy: 20%
Germany: 18%
Japan: 11%

we need more patriots, not more babies! quality over quantity!
What a stupid thing for Ryan to say.

Republicans don't want to help the babies we have now.

In other words republicans don't want to take care of your children while you sit on your butt all day complaining about how unfair it is that you have to take care of your children. Rather than having someone else do it.
"hatred of innocent babies" is defunding CHIP in exchange for enriching corporations.

CHIP covers 9 million kids. Its funding expired this weekend.

Why should that be the federal government's concern?
View attachment 165985
The government isn't a religion, numskull.

No it isn't. It is the representative of the people. Evidently lots of the people like to thump their bibles, but don't really care much about what is in it.
"hatred of innocent babies" is defunding CHIP in exchange for enriching corporations.

CHIP covers 9 million kids. Its funding expired this weekend.

Why should that be the federal government's concern?

The UNITED states of America has been in wars, not movie wars like your icon denotes, real ones. A healthy populace is a productive populace. See The US Constitution, Adams/Jefferson correspondence.

Please quote the Constitution where healthcare is mentioned. CHIP should be a state-funded program since it is state administered. That is all.

Please quote the Constitution where an AR-15 or inside toilets are mentioned, but the federal government still has regulations for both of them.

Both are unconstitutional.

Toilets are unconstitutional? That explains a lot about you.
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.

Paul Ryan's Net Worth Is Elusive & The House Speaker's Wealth Comes From A Variety Of Sources
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.
You mean no one had any babies before the CHIP program existed?
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.

Paul Ryan's Net Worth Is Elusive & The House Speaker's Wealth Comes From A Variety Of Sources

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.
You mean no one had any babies before the CHIP program existed?

What are you talking about?

Do you guys live to try to trick and mislead people, or do you just have trouble reading and thinking?
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.

How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.

Paul Ryan's Net Worth Is Elusive & The House Speaker's Wealth Comes From A Variety Of Sources

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.
How is Ryan a multi-millionaire? He worked at McDonald's in high school and as a waiter when he was a legislative aide. After that, he was a Congressman.

Of all people in Congress, he is probably one of the most down-to-earth people you could want to know.

Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.

Paul Ryan's Net Worth Is Elusive & The House Speaker's Wealth Comes From A Variety Of Sources

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

Yea that makes a lot of sense...

Bring in more muslims and others

that won't assimilate.....

You liberals have no common sense.
You tards crack me up every time you confirm my assertion this past election was only about Mexicans and Muslims, and nothing to do with conservatism.
Sort of like how every election for Democrats is about fucking over white people and never progressivism....
Between $2.1 million and $7.8 million

That's the number I'm finding for Ryan. Which is pretty respectable, but nothing crazy.

More than enough to raise a big family with if you don't go crazy.

Most millennials, the people who are supposed to be having children right now, can't afford to. Most of us don't have 2 - 8 million in the bank. Many have a net balance of far less than $0.

Link to that info? I find those numbers very hard to believe.

Paul Ryan's Net Worth Is Elusive & The House Speaker's Wealth Comes From A Variety Of Sources

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

The vast majority of that income was his wife's inheritance. Dig a little deeper and he does not compare to even your "average" Congressman. His federal financial disclosure forms show only two investments worth more than $50,000, and tons of smaller ones, plus he owes over $250,000 on his home!

Okay. He's still wealthy. So what does it matter how he compares to other congressmen? I wasn't comparing him to other congressmen; I was comparing him to your average millennial who is struggling just to get by right now.

Ryan is NOT a millennial.

Why make a comparison when there is none?

If you are trying to make a point, try again because you are creeping up on Epic FAIL status.



I've made my point already, pretty clearly. It's not my fault that you're not getting it. I'm not sure how it's possible not to, but ... I guess it's not really my problem.

Why are you comparing apples to oranges? If you are trying to say millennials cannot afford to have children, then just say it! Why bring bullshit about Ryan's finances into the discussion?

I have three children who are all millennials. The older two already have children of their own. How did they manage to pull off the impossible?

He's saying we need to have more children when most of us can't and he can.

That's it. That's the ultra-super-complex point (apparently) that I've been making.

It's not "impossible" to have kids as a millennial, but it's a lot harder when you have college debt. Not everyone has said debt and that's cool, good for those people, but when tuition is as insane as it is right now, don't sit there with your millions and tell people to have kids that they can't afford.

Because if they do, and need government assistance at any point, you know damn well you'd condemn them for that as well.
Ryan, "Have more babies"

Millennials: "Uh, yeah, maybe in 15 years when I'm 40 and my loan debt is finally paid off"

Fund CHIP, and maybe someone will take this bull seriously. I'm sure it's easy to tell people to have more kids when you're a multi-millionaire and can easily afford it yourself.
You mean no one had any babies before the CHIP program existed?

What are you talking about?

Do you guys live to try to trick and mislead people, or do you just have trouble reading and thinking?
You just implied it people can't afford to have a baby without the CHIP program.

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