Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

"hatred of innocent babies" is defunding CHIP in exchange for enriching corporations.

CHIP covers 9 million kids. Its funding expired this weekend.

Why should that be the federal government's concern?

The UNITED states of America has been in wars, not movie wars like your icon denotes, real ones. A healthy populace is a productive populace. See The US Constitution, Adams/Jefferson correspondence.

Please quote the Constitution where healthcare is mentioned. CHIP should be a state-funded program since it is state administered. That is all.

Please quote the Constitution where an AR-15 or inside toilets are mentioned, but the federal government still has regulations for both of them.
The general welfare clause covers it; otherwise "common defense" would apply only if all 50 states were threatened with attack.
Leave it to the crazy radical left to interpret the call to respect human life as "women need to have more babies". Do lefties really believe this stuff?
The general welfare clause covers it; otherwise "common defense" would apply only if all 50 states were threatened with attack.

You are confused.

Such a broad interpretation of the general welfare clause has never been used, except for people who want to expand the federal government's power and control.

It's says "promote". It does not say "require".
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
How is he wrong?
Democrats are so mean that they even hate innocent babies
It's not Democrats that want to fuk over innocent children. It's the GOP. Haven't you been keeping up?
Got another thread going with lefties saying it’s good to steal from the poor.
You're saying Republicans feel it's "good" to steal from the poor?

We already know that. The GOP tax bill already outlined what we now know is self evident.
We should be investing in education in our current children.

We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

I find it strange that someone would tag this post as funny.

We already see what you describe.

And it's funny ???

Births to Unmarried Women - Child Trends
Republicans swear they love this:


But all of their policies prove they hate this:


And they really, really hate this:


Their policies tell us exactly what their words mean.

You’re the ones in favor of chopping all of the above into pieces of meat to be thrown in the trash or sold for body parts.
Refusing to allow women control of their own bodies is especially awful if you are not a women to begin with.

But the real question to the GOP is "Why don't you show at least the same amount of affection for the born?"

The born even have the added advantage of being cute.

Why no GOP concern for the born?

Why won't they answer?
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

Yea that makes a lot of sense...

Bring in more muslims and others

that won't assimilate.....

You liberals have no common sense.
Republicans swear they love this:


But all of their policies prove they hate this:


And they really, really hate this:


Their policies tell us exactly what their words mean.

You’re the ones in favor of chopping all of the above into pieces of meat to be thrown in the trash or sold for body parts.
Refusing to allow women control of their own bodies is especially awful if you are not a women to begin with.

But the real question to the GOP is "Why don't you show at least the same amount of affection for the born?"

The born even have the added advantage of being cute.

Why no GOP concern for the born?

Why won't they answer?

They have answered repeatedly.

The real question is why don't you listen.

And I am starting to believe it might also be.....why don't think instead of just posting left-wing drivel.
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

Yea that makes a lot of sense...

Bring in more muslims and others

that won't assimilate.....

You liberals have no common sense.
If Republicans won't support the women having babies now, then why should the have more babies?

Seems quite an obvious question.

The Republican party is a threat to school lunches for hungry kids

President Trump wants dramatic cuts to children's education and health programs to fund corporate tax breaks

Why not just have more corporations? Seems the GOP likes them more.
This is completely anecdotal, but I think it shows some interesting trends.

My father was born in the 1921s. He had 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Of those 4 sisters, only one had any children and she had 1. My Dad had 2 children, and my uncles had 4 and 2 respectively, so there were me and 8 cousins, for a total of 9.

Two of my cousins died young with no offspring. My brother and another 2 cousins have no children. I have 3 children, another 2 of my cousins have two each, and one has only 1.

The end result is that of the 7 children in my Dad's family, we replaced them with 9 cousins with only 8 children among those.

That is a net of one human being in 100 years. We went 7 to 9 to 8. That's not much growth.

My wife was an only child, so with her parents gone, that leaves a net of -1, which cancels out the +1 from my family.

We simply are not growing anymore.

I have 3 grandchildren so far, and of those 9 cousins, we are replacing them with 6 grandchildren from our generation. That's a net of -3.

The problem is real folks!

. .
We should be investing in education in our current children.

We do. But academic studies show that education outcome to be primarily driven by parental involvement.

With sky rocketing illegitimacy, we are going to have a problem with education.

Not to mention possible race based achievement gaps.

anti-choice, anti-birth control religious zealots really shouldn't talk about illegitimacy. but it's a choice that most millennials are making.

the best contraindicator of unwed motherhood is education. you want women not to have kids out of wedlock, send them to college.
Why Are So Many Millennials Having Children Out of Wedlock?

con train dic a tor.......

That's a funny word you came up with....
We should be investing in education in our current children.
But we already pay more per student than any other country in the world except for maybe Sweden and they are not at the top of world academic performance either. More money is definitely not the answer.
This is completely anecdotal, but I think it shows some interesting trends.

My father was born in the 1921s. He had 2 brothers and 4 sisters. Of those 4 sisters, only one had any children and she had 1. My Dad had 2 children, and my uncles had 4 and 2 respectively, so there were me and 8 cousins, for a total of 9.

Two of my cousins died young with no offspring. My brother and another 2 cousins have no children. I have 3 children, another 2 of my cousins have two each, and one has only 1.

The end result is that of the 7 children in my Dad's family, we replaced them with 9 cousins with only 8 children among those.

That is a net of one human being in 100 years. We went 7 to 9 to 8. That's not much growth.

My wife was an only child, so with her parents gone, that leaves a net of -1, which cancels out the +1 from my family.

We simply are not growing anymore.

I have 3 grandchildren so far, and of those 9 cousins, we are replacing them with 6 grandchildren from our generation. That's a net of -3.

The problem is real folks!

. .
If Republicans spent money taking care of unwanted children instead of punishing the mother for having the child. Instead of taking away a woman's abortion option knowing Republicans will work to make sure she gets no help at all and making sure the child get's no help. Besides Republicans, who does that? Who insists someone acts "moral" while acting completely immoral? If you are going to insist someone live a certain way, then you have to share the consequences.

At least Democrats WANT to help the mother and the child. So how does that make Democrats bad and Republicans good?
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

Yea that makes a lot of sense...

Bring in more muslims and others

that won't assimilate.....

You liberals have no common sense.
If Republicans won't support the women having babies now, then why should the have more babies?

Seems quite an obvious question.

The Republican party is a threat to school lunches for hungry kids

President Trump wants dramatic cuts to children's education and health programs to fund corporate tax breaks

Why not just have more corporations? Seems the GOP likes them more.

Look what you just said...

If Republicans won't support the women having babies now,

then why should the have more babies?

How about you support your own damn babies

and if you can't afford them, then don't have them.

We would all be a lot better off....

You liberals always want someone else to pay for your shit....

If you want it, you pay for it.....

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