Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Republicans swear they love this:


But all of their policies prove they hate this:


And they really, really hate this:


Their policies tell us exactly what their words mean.
You know Ryan wasn't telling Colored people to have more children, they have plenty
Republicans swear they love this:


But all of their policies prove they hate this:


And they really, really hate this:


Their policies tell us exactly what their words mean.

You’re the ones in favor of chopping all of the above into pieces of meat to be thrown in the trash or sold for body parts.
That’s the most sensible thing I’ve heard Ryan say in a long time.

no doubt white supremacists think so.

Inside the mind of a white hating liberal folks! Having more white babies is racist!

calling white supremacist what they are, is not hating white people.

damn, you people are stupid. i can assure you i don't hate myself. nor do i feel guilt or anything else white supremacists tell themselves. i just happen to be a decent person....

unlike white supremacists

So America is “racist” if we want to limit immigration to people like us (Europeans) and to multiply our own numbers. Meanwhile Israel isn’t racist for only allowing Jews to immigrate and to keep a policy of not allowing Arab Muslims to gain any real political power.
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!

Isn't he a Catholic? May he practices the rhythm method
Why should Americans have more babies when the entire Republican Party is into destroying all helps for parents? Places like Norway and Sweden, and even the UK, provide all sorts of assistance to would-be, and actual parents. No one is railroaded out of employment for the "sin" of having a child through natural processes in these countries. The U.S. needs to create a society of respect for those procreating, not kick out those who are pregnant or breast-feeding an infant. You cannot encourage people to do something, and then exclude them from society for actually doing it.
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!

Great! That will also increase the terrorists gaining access to our country! It's a win-win for libtards!
"hatred of innocent babies" is defunding CHIP in exchange for enriching corporations.

CHIP covers 9 million kids. Its funding expired this weekend.

Why should that be the federal government's concern?

The UNITED states of America has been in wars, not movie wars like your icon denotes, real ones. A healthy populace is a productive populace. See The US Constitution, Adams/Jefferson correspondence.

Please quote the Constitution where healthcare is mentioned. CHIP should be a state-funded program since it is state administered. That is all.
Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies
"I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country," said the father of three.
Aaron Rupar Dec 14, 2017, 4:33 pm
During a news conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged American women to have more babies, saying their lack of procreation was stunting economic growth.

“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.

Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”

“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”

Paul Ryan says American women need to have more babies

Ryan is right. Any economist will tell you that we need a larger population in order to have robust economic growth.

And since prosperous nations tend to have declining birth rates, then the obvious solution is to increase immigration.

Why not allow in more immigrants? Maybe go to 2 million per year!
You hit the nail on the head.

More like someone drove a nail into his head.

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