Paul Ryan's Office Calls Cops On Jobless Protesters

So No democrat has ever Called the Cops on Protesters that got out of hand? Why does it matter if there Jobless or not?

U guys are a joke.
He is charging 15 Bucks FOR ONE FUCKING Day as part of a Republican Party Fund Raiser. Obama Charges 5 Grand a plate just for the chance to talk to him. Of Course charging 15 Bucks on one Day of the Year is legal. It's called a fucking Fund Raiser. You fucking Idiot. Anyone who does not want to Contribute can talk to him on the other 364 Days in a year.

You guys are raging asshole Hippocrates.
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He is charging 15 Bucks FOR ONE FUCKING Day as part of a Republican Party Fund Raiser. Obama Charges 5 Grand a plate just for the chance to talk to him. Of charging 15 Bucks on one Day of the Year is legal. It's called a fucking Fund Raiser. You fucking Idiot. Anyone who does not want to Contribute can talk to him on the other 364 Days in a year.

You guys are raging asshole Hippocrates.


[ame=]Hippo That Lives In A House - YouTube[/ame]
He is charging 15 Bucks FOR ONE FUCKING Day as part of a Republican Party Fund Raiser. Obama Charges 5 Grand a plate just for the chance to talk to him. Of charging 15 Bucks on one Day of the Year is legal. It's called a fucking Fund Raiser. You fucking Idiot. Anyone who does not want to Contribute can talk to him on the other 364 Days in a year.

You guys are raging asshole Hippocrates.

15 bucks? You call that a "fundraiser"? You can't be serious. It costs more than that to rent the hall.

In 2009, Ryan had lots of town halls. But that was before his plan to end medicare came out. Watch the town halls where he is heckled. Looks like no one in the room, except Ryan, is under 60. Hardly wild Democrats with an "agenda".

You right wingers. You only see what you want to. You only hear what you "imagine".
It's also unbelievable that he is charging $15 to attend his one town hall event in his district this summer on September 6. Why would an elected official be charging his constituents to attend such a meeting? Is that even legal?

Paul Ryan's Office Calls Cops On Jobless Protesters

of course it's legal.

they call them *fundraisers*, unless you're trying to score some kind of points, then you call them *town hall style* meetings, and bang on the offending pol for having the effrontery to charge admission.

like this....

barney frank had a *town hall style* meeting with wall street brokers, and charged a minimum $1000/head up to over $5000.

Mr. Frank Goes to Wall Street -

oh, the humanity! :rofl:
One would think that Ryan would issue "vouchers" to unemployed constituents so they could attend his meeting.
One would think that Ryan would issue "vouchers" to unemployed constituents so they could attend his meeting.

one would think the layabouts would be engaged in looking for employment or a new trailer park in which to set up their mobile meth lab.
Only the Tea Party would stomp on a Protestor's head and then demand an Apology!

[ame=]2010 Elections, Rand Paul, BP & Head Stomping: Accidents Happen - YouTube[/ame]
What's the difference between Ryan's fundraiser and say a $30,800/plate fundraiser for the DNC attended by President Obama?

Obama's Red Rooster fundraising bash pulls in $1.5 million for Democratic National Committee - New York Daily News

President Obama rolled into Harlem on Tuesday night for his first major Democratic dinner-for-dollars of the 2012 campaign season.

After a whirlwind day in the city, Obama attended the swank $30,800-a-plate soiree with 50 fat cats at the new Red Rooster restaurant on Lenox Ave.

The cash bash raked in a cool $1.5 million for the Democratic National Committee.

or a $4600/plate fundraiser for the Clintons?

Buffett, at Clinton Fund-Raiser, Says Congress Favors the Rich - Bloomberg

This is what Congress in its wisdom did,'' Buffett told several hundred Clinton supporters in a Manhattan hotel ballroom, after a $4,600-a-plate dinner with the two and a $1,000 a ticket cocktail party reception. ``The 400 of us pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning- ladies for that matter.

Well, except for affordability that is?

Did you guys complain about those?

one would think the layabouts would be engaged in looking for employment or a new trailer park in which to set up their mobile meth lab.

I find this particulary offensive coming from a board mod. How do you know they are "layabouts"? How do you know they aren't looking for employment - otherwise, why would they be protesting at Ryan's office? How do you know they aspire to trailer parks? How do you know they have "mobile meth labs"?
one would think the layabouts would be engaged in looking for employment or a new trailer park in which to set up their mobile meth lab.

I find this particulary offensive coming from a board mod. How do you know they are "layabouts"? How do you know they aren't looking for employment - otherwise, why would they be protesting at Ryan's office? How do you know they aspire to trailer parks? How do you know they have "mobile meth labs"?

Same way you know that the Tea party are all racist, all terrorists, all supporters of Hitler. Same way you know that gun owners are all terrorists that all Republicans cling to God and their guns. Should I go on?
Same way you know that the Tea party are all racist, all terrorists, all supporters of Hitler. Same way you know that gun owners are all terrorists that all Republicans cling to God and their guns. Should I go on?

Lame and irrelevant - since I don't "know" all those things.
Same way you know that the Tea party are all racist, all terrorists, all supporters of Hitler. Same way you know that gun owners are all terrorists that all Republicans cling to God and their guns. Should I go on?

Lame and irrelevant - since I don't "know" all those things.

So you are going to claim you never generalize about the right?
one would think the layabouts would be engaged in looking for employment or a new trailer park in which to set up their mobile meth lab.

I find this particulary offensive coming from a board mod. How do you know they are "layabouts"? How do you know they aren't looking for employment - otherwise, why would they be protesting at Ryan's office? How do you know they aspire to trailer parks? How do you know they have "mobile meth labs"?

Same way you know that the Tea party are all racist, all terrorists, all supporters of Hitler. Same way you know that gun owners are all terrorists that all Republicans cling to God and their guns. Should I go on?

Thanks, but have you seen Lakhota make such statements?

She's too new here and I have not read enough of her posts to have stuck that kind of a label on her. Other libs absolutely, but I don't know her well enough to make that statement.

And Lakhota, if you are a he and not a she, forgive me, there was no intention to offend with that statement.


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