Pawns in their game.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As the arrow of time proceeds things have a way of coming full circle. A wonderful song written in 1963 by Bob Dylan comes to mind. Dylan was a sort of musical Norman Rockwell and like Rockwell he had a genius for capturing the essence of his time only with music instead of a paintbrush. His song was “Only a pawn in their game” about the murder of Medgar Evers, a civil rights worker who was shot in the back by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the White Citizens Council. The poignant message in Dylan’s song was that Beckwith was not to blame because he was really just an indoctrinated useful idiot caught up in the machinery of southern politics. The real culprits, those pulling the strings, were the privileged political leadership dividing the people to keep their power.

The choices in this election have never been clearer-one racist party against a party that seeks to unite the people and bring back prosperity. Incredibly the racist party’s convention made no attempts to hide its racism. The prominent black faces and ubiquitous Negro spiritual atmosphere dominating the Democratic Convention demonstrated what can only be called a conscious prostitution of a people based on the color of their skin to raise a scared, obedient political mob to secure an automatic vote. Political power is a coveted treasure and history is replete with sinister examples of clever leadership using fear and misinformation to lead a fooled group into an ethnic crusade against a political enemy much like Beckwith’s south.

One must understand that the Democratic Party’s appropriation of racism as a political tool is even worse than empirical racism because standard racism is aboveboard on its face. The premeditated malice and dark utilitarian nature of appropriated racism elevates racism to a more sophisticated level not comprehended by most people. We often see the effects long before the cause. By passively and subliminally inciting minority factions against a politically manufactured status quo, a fabricated struggle can be synthesized under the banner of victimization-the same victimization Beckwith was imbued with. This is a phenomenon that’s instrumental to a political machine fighting to keep its grip on the power structure but it often results in bloodshed and chaos as we are seeing in our cities as we speak. It cannot be understated that our police are the uniformed Medgar Evers for the black Lives Matter movement which is emerging as the most strident example of appropriated racism.

Dylan may have been warning us about what the Democratic Party is doing in much the same way Orwell warned us about “newspeak” which is what we call today political correctness where good Is bad and white is black. Let’s apply this to part of Dylan’s song:

But the poor black man's used in the hands of them all like a tool

He's taught in his school

From the start by the rule

That the laws are with him

To protect his black skin

To keep up his hate

So he never thinks straight

'Bout the shape that he's in

But it ain't him to blame

He's only a pawn in their game.

Yes, those blacks targeting the police cannot be blamed as the source of the carnage, they’ve been pimped out to do the bidding of a political leadership that finds them useful but really cares only about maintaining the privileged and protected station it can’t keep without ninety percent of the black vote. Hillary Clinton’s relationship to black Americans is not that of a leader fighting for their rights-it’s more like a madam running a brothel. To a lesser extent the same holds true for Hispanics and illegal immigrants which is why voter ID laws are being fought with a vengeance. The Democratic machine knows it can’t win without stacking the election with illegal votes.

The good news is that people are waking up. They are tired of being pawns in the game.
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America's early history of slavery certainly existed but as mentioned the arrow of time proceeds and slavery ended with our Civil war. It is interesting to note that nearly all resistance to the equality of negro citizens was nested in the Democratic Party until the Great Society when government began to take on the role of a Robin Hood using taxation to railroad bad policy into the mainstream. Since then a veritable industry of economic, ideological and political intervention has produced an orphaned, squabbling society stuck in a quagmire of division, discord and separation. No nation can prosper under these conditions. Only government can grow stronger and larger until the measure of equality is calculated in widespread misery. "Us against them" cannot continue if we are to survive as a free nation. We need to move in a new direction and that takes courage.
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Racism not only exists, it exists everywhere. It is the mechanism by which individuals are stripped of the distinction that makes them unique and reduces them to a faceless component of a group. It is likely an instinctive element of the human psyche that goes back the caves. Racism is not only ubiquitous it is reciprocal so there are no humans immune to it and none that are unaffected by it. The worst examples are permanently etched in the tablets of human history from the Holocaust to ethnic cleansing and yes, slavery. No one denies it exists and no honest person can cast the first stone at a racist. But the fear and ignorance of genuine racism can be a handy implement in the hands of those who get on a horse and vow to lead the oppressed to a promised land that doesn't exist and never existed in a holy war against a political rival. A war started by smearing that rival with the accusation of racism and fighting a war not against the racism itself but against the rival that threatens to unseat them.

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