Pay Americans $1,000 each to take a coronavirus vaccine

See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.
A lot of you tRumplings are liars too. 2% of the country has had a confirmed infection.

1.4% of the 2% has died. You people look stupid here.
You're off by more that double. It's slightly over 3%>

Not true, but fine. 3% is less than ANY flu. You people are afraid of your own shadows. You want to hide and cower?
You want to wear masks and take an unproven vaccine?
But you can GFYS when you try to make everyone else bow to your cowardice.
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See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.
I've had it and tested positive for the anti-bodies, but my primary care and the health department say I am still subject to get it again. How long did your primary care physician say you would be protected? A lot of common colds are a corona virus. Never heard of anybody immune to common colds before.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.

What kind of moron volunteers to test a rushed vaccine?

You’re proud of being a lab rat?
Somebody's gotta do it.

Sounds like a good job for some murderers/rapists doing life in prison.

That would make way more sense but it’d hurt your little liberal feelings.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.
A lot of you tRumplings are liars too. 2% of the country has had a confirmed infection.

1.4% of the 2% has died. You people look stupid here.
You're off by more that double. It's slightly over 3%>

Not true, but fine. 3% is less than ANY flu. You people are afraid of your own shadows. You want to hide and cower?
You want to wear masks and take an unproven vaccine?
But you can GFYS when you try to make everyone else bow to your cowardice.
Regular flu kills, 30-40,000 in a flu season (about 6 or 7 months) this Covid-19 has killed about 198,000 since January and does not appear to be confined to a cool weather season. Good luck to your and your theory.
I dont have a problem with taking a vaccine. Those who cry about them seem pretty misinformed.

I'd want to know more about this one specifically though
Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
I'm in one of the studies. I already got one and didn't even get paid for it.
Any way under the sun to know if you got the vaccine or the placebo?
Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.

Nope, tax everyone $1,000.00 if they do not wish to take the vaccine. Use the proceeds to help pay for those who get sick.

Sign me up, I'll be in the first wave.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.
A lot of you tRumplings are liars too. 2% of the country has had a confirmed infection.

1.4% of the 2% has died. You people look stupid here.
You're off by more that double. It's slightly over 3%>

Not true, but fine. 3% is less than ANY flu. You people are afraid of your own shadows. You want to hide and cower?
You want to wear masks and take an unproven vaccine?
But you can GFYS when you try to make everyone else bow to your cowardice.
Another lie. Flu mortality in the US. tends to run below 1/10 of a percent.

Are you just making this crap you go along or is someone feeding you these lies?
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.
I've had it and tested positive for the anti-bodies, but my primary care and the health department say I am still subject to get it again. How long did your primary care physician say you would be protected? A lot of common colds are a corona virus. Never heard of anybody immune to common colds before.
Seriously doubt he got tested. He had the sniffles and decided it was the virus so he's invulnerable now.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.

What kind of moron volunteers to test a rushed vaccine?

You’re proud of being a lab rat?
Somebody's gotta do it.

Sounds like a good job for some murderers/rapists doing life in prison.

That would make way more sense but it’d hurt your little liberal feelings.
Oh look, a tRumpling in favor of unconstitutional punishment I. Prison. Why am I not surprised.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
What's with the name calling? I think your real problem is that he doesn't seem to be experiencing any problems from the vaccine or anything else for that matter.
How do you know if it got the vaccine or the placebo?

Regardless as per name calling just calling it an idiot as this what it has called me and truthfully it fits to a tee in the case of this one.

I should care what you think as much as you care what I think. I think you guys make up a lot of shit in your minds to justify your own ignorance.

My only issue with vaccines is if people do not want them or they do not want their children poisoned by them they should have every right to refuse them without any reservation what so ever.
Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
I'm in one of the studies. I already got one and didn't even get paid for it.
Any way under the sun to know if you got the vaccine or the placebo?
Not until the trial is over.
If you want a vaccine.....take your vaccine:dunno:

Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
I'm in one of the studies. I already got one and didn't even get paid for it.
Any way under the sun to know if you got the vaccine or the placebo?
Not until the trial is over.
Good luck to you Crepitus. Continue taking care of yourself, in a clear headed, conservative manor, knowing, like the guy said "It ain't over til it's over.
My only issue with vaccines is if people do not want them or they do not want their children poisoned by them they should have every right to refuse them without any reservation what so ever.

Why are you lying trying to make people believe such a thing? If you want to have yourself shot up with a toxic concoction of whatever the flavor of crap is being put into a vaccine at any given moment I have no issue with that. I do take issue with you or anyone else trying to claim that vaccines are safe, not full of shit from whatever was cooked up at the lab up to including aborted baby cells and animals tissue and non toxic.

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