Pay Americans $1,000 each to take a coronavirus vaccine

Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.

Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
They can stick my dose straight up thier asses
I am not the "top," "leading," "expert," "world's formost," etc etc epidemiologist who just discovered vitamins are good for you as Fraud Fauci recently did, but from what I understand the only actual vaccine that was real was for smallpox. The concept was to inject a very weak variation of smallpox and the body was then immune from the harsher version. Fraud Fauci needs to return to his 40 year crusade to find a vaccine for AIDS which has about the same impact on normal people as the Kung other words zero.

By the way vaccines are NOT safe and effective. A sister in law took a flu shot some years back, became paralyzed a few days after. Thankfully, she fully recovered after a few weeks. The human body's immune system either works or it doesn't. Injecting shit to "prevent" disease is rolling the dice for serious side effects.
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I am not the "top," "leading," "expert," "world's formost," etc etc epidemiologist who just discovered vitamins are good for you as Fraud Fauci recently did, but from what I understand the only actual vaccine that was real was for smallpox. The concept was to inject a very weak variation of smallpox and the body was then immune from the harsher version. Fraud Fauci needs to return to his 40 year crusade to find a vaccine for AIDS which has about the same impact on normal people as the Kung other words zero.

By the way vaccines are NOT safe and effective. A sister in law took a flu shot some years back, became paralyzed a few days after. Thankfully, she fully recovered after a few weeks. The human body's immune system either works or it doesn't. Injecting shit to "prevent" disease is rolling the dice for serious side effects.
Thier was just a situation in africa where they were using a polio vaccine and it started spreading

It was a weak version in the vaccine that went wild

Hold on ill find it
Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
Well their depopulation movement is in affect. They are starting at the bottom and moving on up. You know that many of the homeless and drug addicts are going to be first in line.


An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine for providing acquired immunity through an RNA containing vector, such as lipid nanoparticles.[1]

Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines are intended to induce the production of antibodies which will bind to potential pathogens. The RNA sequence codes for antigens, proteins that are identical or resembling those of the pathogen. Upon the delivery of the vaccine into the body, this sequence is translated by the host cells to produce the encoded antigens, which then stimulate the body’s adaptive immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen.

Another form of the mRNA vaccination is one in which the mRNA encodes for a fully human IgG antibody. In this form, the mRNA codes for antibodies that are identical or resembling those of the antibodies found in a patient with a prior history of potent immunity.[2]

Of particular import.....

" Currently, there are no RNA vaccines approved for human use "


Yet they want to rush this through without proper testing? Not a chance.
The only one that I know of that is vocal about rushing a vaccine is President Trump. Who else is pushing this risky business?

Shove it and your $1000 where the sun doesn't shine...........7th strain of Corona and we destroyed small business.........up yours Gates and the Globalist machine.

Understanding adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is important for vaccine development, interpreting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pathogenesis, and calibration of pandemic control measures. Using HLA class I and II predicted peptide “megapools,” circulating SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells were identified in ∼70% and 100% of COVID-19 convalescent patients, respectively. CD4+ T cell responses to spike, the main target of most vaccine efforts, were robust and correlated with the magnitude of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA titers. The M, spike, and N proteins each accounted for 11%–27% of the total CD4+ response, with additional responses commonly targeting nsp3, nsp4, ORF3a, and ORF8, among others. For CD8+ T cells, spike and M were recognized, with at least eight SARS-CoV-2 ORFs targeted. Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.
The states will be passing laws to protect the public health by denying access to public school and other services as well as businesses not having to employ those who will not take the vaxx.

No one has to take the vaxx: he or she can elect to remain home.

Only Trump wants to rush a vaxx.

An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine for providing acquired immunity through an RNA containing vector, such as lipid nanoparticles.[1]

Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines are intended to induce the production of antibodies which will bind to potential pathogens. The RNA sequence codes for antigens, proteins that are identical or resembling those of the pathogen. Upon the delivery of the vaccine into the body, this sequence is translated by the host cells to produce the encoded antigens, which then stimulate the body’s adaptive immune system to produce antibodies against the pathogen.

Another form of the mRNA vaccination is one in which the mRNA encodes for a fully human IgG antibody. In this form, the mRNA codes for antibodies that are identical or resembling those of the antibodies found in a patient with a prior history of potent immunity.[2]

Of particular import.....

" Currently, there are no RNA vaccines approved for human use "


Yet they want to rush this through without proper testing? Not a chance.
The only one that I know of that is vocal about rushing a vaccine is President Trump. Who else is pushing this risky business?

Educate yourself. Start with Fauci.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
My only issue with vaccines is if people do not want them or they do not want their children poisoned by them they should have every right to refuse them without any reservation what so ever.

Why are you lying trying to make people believe such a thing? If you want to have yourself shot up with a toxic concoction of whatever the flavor of crap is being put into a vaccine at any given moment I have no issue with that. I do take issue with you or anyone else trying to claim that vaccines are safe, not full of shit from whatever was cooked up at the lab up to including aborted baby cells and animals tissue and non toxic.

Grow up. Children are NOT poisoned with vaccines. Would you prefer that polio still ravage the world? Measles, Pertussis, or any of a dozen other diseases?

What a guy! Wishing death on millions of people.
Feed your line of crap and your pharmaceuticals to someone else.
Since the 1950s, the number of recommended and required vaccine shots has gone up by close to 414%. Now there are dozens of shots per year on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) vaccine schedule – not just for children but for adults as well. How the Vaccine Schedule in the U.S. Has Evolved Since the 1950s

Seek help!

In SEVENTY YEARS we have more vaccines. WOW! You do realize that if we had 2 recommended and required vaccines in 1950, a 414% increase would mean we have 8.28 recommended and required vaccines today?

Why do you demand that tens of millions of people, the world over, die from preventable illnesses prematurely?

In 1950 our life expectancy in the US was 67.23 years. In 2020 it is 78.81.
I do not demand anything other than everyone's God given right to tell you and vaccines manufacturers to keep you shit to yourself. You must believe that vaccines manufacturers have the right to force medicate everyone with diseases and the fact is you don't.
1955 Recommended vaccines: – DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis). – Smallpox. – Polio (OPV)
1986 - 2019 vaccines.PNG

snippet---According to the clinical trial documents of HAVRIX Study 231 released by GSK in 2013, over 62 percent of trial participants receiving HAVRIX alone, nearly 58 percent of trial participants receiving HAVRIX in combination with MMR and varicella vaccine, and over 66 percent of participants receiving MMR and varicella vaccine followed by HAVRIX at Day 42, experienced an adverse reaction in the first 30 days following vaccination.16 Of the 1,241 children who participated in this clinical trial, 51, or 4 percent, experienced a serious adverse event following vaccination, with half of those serious reactions occurring in children who received HAVRIX in combination with the MMR and varicella vaccine.17 In the United States, the hepatitis A vaccine is routinely administered with the MMR, varicella, and pneumococcal vaccines, in accordance to the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule.18
Details on the serious adverse events that occurred during HAVRIX Study 231 remain unknown, as the information was redacted by GSK prior to release. The document, however, reports that one serious adverse reaction, a diagnosis of autism following vaccination with HAVRIX in combination with the MMR and varicella vaccine, “was considered by the investigator to have a possible causal relationship to vaccination.” 19
The states will be passing laws to protect the public health by denying access to public school and other services as well as businesses not having to employ those who will not take the vaxx.

No one has to take the vaxx: he or she can elect to remain home.

Only Trump wants to rush a vaxx.
That is as good as your bullshit that 'no one can be in business for themselves if they do not accept and embrace your queerdom'.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.

Amen! Not only that, but based on Kill Gates' track record, one would have to be a complete fool to take the vaccine, iyam.
Crazy conspiracy theories are not helpful. Please stop.

It's not my problem that you are ignorant and trusting of crooks in government and Big Pharma. Willful ignorance is a sad thing. :dunno:
Hilariously ironic for someone like you to accuse me of willful ignorance.

You people ar dangerously insane. The re-education camps are gonna so busy in 2021....
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.

Amen! Not only that, but based on Kill Gates' track record, one would have to be a complete fool to take the vaccine, iyam.
Crazy conspiracy theories are not helpful. Please stop.
When you have nothing, resort to name ad hom and name calling.
Lol, the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories are the ones who "have nothing". That's what conspiracy theories are all about. They make people like you feel important, informed. Like you're "in the know" instead of left behind like you usually do. It's all about ego stroking, making yourself feel "normal". There are whole books written about it, it's well understood.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?

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