Pay Americans $1,000 each to take a coronavirus vaccine

Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.
Lies. Why do you conspiracy theory ass-wipes lie so damn much? Does it make you feel important? What?
Vaccines bargain basement of the medical industry, says Maurice Hilleman, who developed 36 vaccins and who admits AIDS and Cancer causing virusses were added to vaccines

Gepubliceerd op 2 aug. 2012
In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations. He admits that Merck drug company vaccines (Polio) had been deliberately contaminated with SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus from 1953 – 63.

For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals which caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999.

In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. And there is the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading of the AIDS virus in the same manner, as revealed in the video.

At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population, but this shocking video proves that it was deliberately added to the vaccine by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, which was “good science” at that time.

And if that video clip is deleted it is also on Vimeo at this link'
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.

He comes across as a paid shill. No one can be THAT closed-minded, ignorant and always, always, ALWAYS cheerleading for the government and Big Pharma, as opposed to the people, truth, individual rights and justice. But whether he's a liar or an idiot, either way it's disgusting.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.

He comes across as a paid shill. No one can be THAT closed-minded, ignorant and always, always, ALWAYS cheerleading for the government and Big Pharma, as opposed to the people, truth, individual rights and justice. But whether he's a liar or an idiot, either way it's disgusting.
Lol, the irony here is epic.

You kids are hilarious.
The states will be passing laws to protect the public health by denying access to public school and other services as well as businesses not having to employ those who will not take the vaxx.

No one has to take the vaxx: he or she can elect to remain home.

Only Trump wants to rush a vaxx.

Fascist little prick, aren't you?
The states will be passing laws to protect the public health by denying access to public school and other services as well as businesses not having to employ those who will not take the vaxx.

No one has to take the vaxx: he or she can elect to remain home.

Only Trump wants to rush a vaxx.

Fascist little prick, aren't you?
Protecting the public health is fascism, is it? You do not understand political philosophy or the terms. A person's right to privacy ends at his front door when it comes to public health issues. Take the vaxx.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.
Lies. Why do you conspiracy theory ass-wipes lie so damn much? Does it make you feel important? What?
We tell the truth to keep humanity safe and secure from profit seeking, social engineering authoritarians, that care not one whit about common folks.
Last edited:
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.

He comes across as a paid shill. No one can be THAT closed-minded, ignorant and always, always, ALWAYS cheerleading for the government and Big Pharma, as opposed to the people, truth, individual rights and justice. But whether he's a liar or an idiot, either way it's disgusting.

If you tell him his argument are based on logical fallacies, and what does he do? He doubles down on them!!!

Most of us know that the CIA weaponized the term, "Conspiracy Theorist" in their memo; DISPATCH:COUNTERING CRITICISM OF THE WARREN REPORT

We have heard all of his bullshit before.

All he needs to do is come up with sound, rational, reasonable arguments. . . but of course, there are none. . . so what is left? Name calling and fallacies.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
A lot of us have already gotten it, and are immune, we don't need no stinkin' corporate poison.

You do you, we will trust in the creation.

Amen! Not only that, but based on Kill Gates' track record, one would have to be a complete fool to take the vaccine, iyam.
Crazy conspiracy theories are not helpful. Please stop.
When you have nothing, resort to name ad hom and name calling.
Lol, the ones pushing crazy conspiracy theories are the ones who "have nothing". That's what conspiracy theories are all about. They make people like you feel important, informed. Like you're "in the know" instead of left behind like you usually do. It's all about ego stroking, making yourself feel "normal". There are whole books written about it, it's well understood.
You were the one that was shocked and apocalyptic when Trump won.

Damn I remember that thread. . . I thought you needed therapy. :heehee:

I was neither surprised, nor did I give a shit. . . .
It's simple. Get the vaxx or stay home. There is no pharma conspiracy to control you through vaccinations.

. . . oh. . . and fuck off too.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.

He comes across as a paid shill. No one can be THAT closed-minded, ignorant and always, always, ALWAYS cheerleading for the government and Big Pharma, as opposed to the people, truth, individual rights and justice. But whether he's a liar or an idiot, either way it's disgusting.

If you tell him his argument are based on logical fallacies, and what does he do? He doubles down on them!!!

Most of us know that the CIA weaponized the term, "Conspiracy Theorist" in their memo; DISPATCH:COUNTERING CRITICISM OF THE WARREN REPORT

We have heard all of his bullshit before.

All he needs to do is come up with sound, rational, reasonable arguments. . . but of course, there are none. . . so what is left? Name calling and fallacies.
A. You kids should get a room.

B. Trying to use logic on tRumplings is a waste of time, so unusually don't bother.
Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
Keep the 1,000, and just give me the vaccine.
See there ^^^ they don't have to pay idiots to take vaccines as they will anyhow.
Doin' my part to save the world.

But you go ahead and sit there with your thumb up your ass, it's cool. I got this.
You have your vaccine so you are supposedly safe from us who do not get the vaccine or wear a mask. So shut up and don't complain about others
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

There barely enough to go around with tRump running for re-election.
Should be enough for those who want it.
Don't bother posting that bullshit at me. None of it is true. Vaccines are a safe and affective way to prevent the spread of diseases. Dumbasses like you are why we can't eliminate some of these things.
I've never had a vaccine and overall for my age I'm pretty healthy other than chemical exposure damage. If I had not been so healthy the chemical exposure would have most likely killed me. My grandparents lived to be almost 100 and neither ever had a vaccine. My mom never had a bad case of the flu until she got a flu vaccine that her doctor recommended to her; she won't last as long as her parents due to the chemicals and big pharma but she's still hanging in at 83 pretty well. Vaccines have never been safe and Mercks top doctor did an interview how how all the children were given SV-40 with those polio shots. Cancer never was predominate in my family either but both of my 40+ year old children have had cancer and they were victims of those polio shots with SV-40- SO Go fuck yourself and then go find a swift river to jump in and clean yourself up real good.
Vaccines are safe and effective. Stop spreading false information.
Your saying that the charts and information from the CDC and VAERS is false information?
You're saying they prove vaccines are not safe or effective?
Studies and VAERS Reports prove that vaccines are not safe for everyone. And by the way if you do not like what I post you are free to put me on ignore because your "please" calling the truth "lies" bullshit doesn't cut it with me.
"Please stop posting crazy conspiracy theories" is a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up you crazy asshole, you're getting people killed".

Which would you prefer I use?
I really do not care which one you use as you are nothing more than a liar and a fear monger. Vaccines for babies, flu and other treatable diseases is absolute crap science for a buck and putting aborted baby cells, animal cells and toxins into those vaccines and giving them to the unsuspecting and unaware is an abomination; so again 'GFY and find a nice swift river to jump into and wash yourself thoroughly' as you have a terrible stench that surrounds you.

He comes across as a paid shill. No one can be THAT closed-minded, ignorant and always, always, ALWAYS cheerleading for the government and Big Pharma, as opposed to the people, truth, individual rights and justice. But whether he's a liar or an idiot, either way it's disgusting.

If you tell him his argument are based on logical fallacies, and what does he do? He doubles down on them!!!

Most of us know that the CIA weaponized the term, "Conspiracy Theorist" in their memo; DISPATCH:COUNTERING CRITICISM OF THE WARREN REPORT

We have heard all of his bullshit before.

All he needs to do is come up with sound, rational, reasonable arguments. . . but of course, there are none. . . so what is left? Name calling and fallacies.
A. You kids should get a room.

B. Trying to use logic on tRumplings is a waste of time, so unusually don't bother.

See how stupid he is?

He assumes that anyone who disagrees with him must automatically love Trump? :auiqs.jpg:

No, the reason you don't try any logical arguments. . . is because the TEE VEE hasn't given you any, and the government schools never taught you critical thinking. . duh.

The states will be passing laws to protect the public health by denying access to public school and other services as well as businesses not having to employ those who will not take the vaxx.

No one has to take the vaxx: he or she can elect to remain home.

Only Trump wants to rush a vaxx.

Fascist little prick, aren't you?
Protecting the public health is fascism, is it? You do not understand political philosophy or the terms. A person's right to privacy ends at his front door when it comes to public health issues. Take the vaxx.
You are a poster child for why we need the 2nd shove the vaccine up your ass ........

Ever seen pulp fiction.........lmao
I'll take a small dose of the corona common cold .....and remind my t cells about the corona.......

Want the vaccine.........enjoy................enough of this mickey mouse BS.

Public health experts are increasingly concerned about the possibility that a coronavirus vaccine will be successfully developed but not enough Americans would be willing to receive it.

About 70% of a population being vaccinated represents the threshold needed for herd immunity, which dramatically slows the spread of viruses.

Given the potential problem, an expert from the Brookings Institution suggests that the government pay Americans $1,000 each to take the vaccine.

“If we don’t get herd immunity, we’re not getting our economy back and we’re not getting our society and our lives back,” Robert Litan, an economist who served in the Clinton administration and the Brookings scholar who authored the report, told Yahoo Finance (video above). “If you paid $1,000 a person — so for a family of four you’re talking $4,000. In these hard times, that’s a lot of money and I think a lot of people would take the vaccine for $1,000.”

I'll pass.
no thank you I'll pass

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