He should emulate that guy who snarled something about getting Usama "dead or alive"....... Shortly before announcing that he wasn't " that concerned"

Except that's not what happened.....OBL was long gone into Pakistan and we needed them for resupply into Afghanistan.....not that you'd know what I'm talking about.
Talk to the tape, Tom

Obama sure is soft on those guys.

You sure don't ask for much.

Is there any point in trying to explain this to you and yours once again?

I haven't heard it so go ahead and roll with "Inchoate Rage Psalm 43"

No, thanks.

I would rather be called a coward or a hypocrite than take my time writing out a lengthy explanation to you. Someone else, I may.

But since you've done it before, why not just cut & paste an oldie but goodie?
Talk to the tape, Tom

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan. We couldn't chase him in there at the time and ISI had him hidden anyway. So why keep dwelling on him? Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.
Did FDR get into the religion of the Italians or the Germans?
Obama sure is soft on those guys.

You sure don't ask for much.

Is there any point in trying to explain this to you and yours once again?

I haven't heard it so go ahead and roll with "Inchoate Rage Psalm 43"

No, thanks.

I would rather be called a coward or a hypocrite than take my time writing out a lengthy explanation to you. Someone else, I may.

But since you've done it before, why not just cut & paste an oldie but goodie?

Well, ok, I can do that.

I posted this one a few weeks ago and almost no one cared or responded. I am used to that. But, it does pertain pretty directly to what we are discussing. CandyCorn thought Obama showed us conservatives just how much of a great warrior and commander he is against radical Islam because he has had a few drones in the air and now a fighter killing. And I say he has no choice but to do something. Anyway, here was my earlier post --- hope you enjoy my rant.

The gall of Obama, the gullibility of liberal Americans

Big shot President Zero yesterday chided Donald Trump for being cruel towards Muslims wanting to enter the USA. Then he chided right wing Americans and media for making a big deal out of his refusal to ever call terrorism what it is --- Islamic Terrorism. And he gave some lame reasoning which CNN fell over itself they were so giddy to show why we were all so worked up over nothing. Yes, thanks CNN, for pointing out that our suspicions about this black president with the black past and his inexplicable reluctance toward Islamic terrorism and the like was all much ado about nothing. I guess it’s like you tell us, i.e. we don’t like him because he is black.


How did this story receive almost no coverage from the enemy in our midst, the left wing media? Obama DHS scrubs records of hundreds of Muslim terrorists How dare this traitor in the oval office and his administration make such demands on the Homeland Security records and other security offices to wipe clean the records and data on suspected Muslim subversives? How dare the media walk away from that story?!!

Then we are scolded by liberal media sources, pundits and know-it-all posters on these boards that because we are conducting drone strikes on ISIS that proves president zero is doing great things to fight Islamic terrorism and we have no argument. Well I say as president he is forced to at least keep up appearances, because if he did not at least do that much we probably could not tell the difference between him and Moammar Gadhafi.

Consider that this jackass would not even talk to his generals in Afghanistan the first three months of his first term. Then he went against all of their recommendations. Then he demoralized our troops and he reduced our fighting capacity in numerous ways. Then he constantly ignored further recommendations in Iraq. He Then I am sure he has done the same with domestic terrorism intelligence --- ignored it or went against it. He lets enemies of the state out of Guantanamo so they can resume plotting against the U.S. Then he trades five known big time Islamic terrorists for one traitor of the U.S. army, Berghahl. (Well vetted idiots.) Then he and his staff ignored the pleadings of those in high risk areas like Benghazi. Then he had the gall to lie to play the American public for a bunch of idiots telling us about this horrific youtube video that sent the attack in Benghazi in motion. (And the media still has a tingle down their leg for him.)

Then he refused to march with European leaders and the leaders of Israel and even Palestine against Islamic terrorism when asked to do so in Paris. Instead he hid under his desk. Then he refuses to make the connection between the teachings of Islam, the evil on goings in mosques in this country, will not admit we are taking risks allowing thousands of (admitted) unvetted muslims into this nation, chastises Israel on numerous occasions, chastises Christians at a national prayer breakfast for feeling so smug or better than ISIS and their atrocities against Christians, draws lines in sand not worth crap, never has a press conference explaining our policies towards ever growing Islamic terrorism, and will not ever call it what it is ---> TERRORISM BASED ON THE KORAN OR MUHAMMAD WITH DESIGNS FOR DESTROYING THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING AMERICA!

Ok, now that that’s done, all you lovers of the democrat party can have your LOL moment and go vote for another criminal who makes a mockery of you and I.
Obama sure is soft on those guys.

You sure don't ask for much.

Is there any point in trying to explain this to you and yours once again?

I haven't heard it so go ahead and roll with "Inchoate Rage Psalm 43"

No, thanks.

I would rather be called a coward or a hypocrite than take my time writing out a lengthy explanation to you. Someone else, I may.

But since you've done it before, why not just cut & paste an oldie but goodie?

Well, ok, I can do that.

I posted this one a few weeks ago and almost no one cared or responded. I am used to that. But, it does pertain pretty directly to what we are discussing. CandyCorn thought Obama showed us conservatives just how much of a great warrior and commander he is against radical Islam because he has had a few drones in the air and now a fighter killing. And I say he has no choice but to do something. Anyway, here was my earlier post --- hope you enjoy my rant.

The gall of Obama, the gullibility of liberal Americans

Big shot President Zero yesterday chided Donald Trump for being cruel towards Muslims wanting to enter the USA. Then he chided right wing Americans and media for making a big deal out of his refusal to ever call terrorism what it is --- Islamic Terrorism. And he gave some lame reasoning which CNN fell over itself they were so giddy to show why we were all so worked up over nothing. Yes, thanks CNN, for pointing out that our suspicions about this black president with the black past and his inexplicable reluctance toward Islamic terrorism and the like was all much ado about nothing. I guess it’s like you tell us, i.e. we don’t like him because he is black.


How did this story receive almost no coverage from the enemy in our midst, the left wing media? Obama DHS scrubs records of hundreds of Muslim terrorists How dare this traitor in the oval office and his administration make such demands on the Homeland Security records and other security offices to wipe clean the records and data on suspected Muslim subversives? How dare the media walk away from that story?!!

Then we are scolded by liberal media sources, pundits and know-it-all posters on these boards that because we are conducting drone strikes on ISIS that proves president zero is doing great things to fight Islamic terrorism and we have no argument. Well I say as president he is forced to at least keep up appearances, because if he did not at least do that much we probably could not tell the difference between him and Moammar Gadhafi.

Consider that this jackass would not even talk to his generals in Afghanistan the first three months of his first term. Then he went against all of their recommendations. Then he demoralized our troops and he reduced our fighting capacity in numerous ways. Then he constantly ignored further recommendations in Iraq. He Then I am sure he has done the same with domestic terrorism intelligence --- ignored it or went against it. He lets enemies of the state out of Guantanamo so they can resume plotting against the U.S. Then he trades five known big time Islamic terrorists for one traitor of the U.S. army, Berghahl. (Well vetted idiots.) Then he and his staff ignored the pleadings of those in high risk areas like Benghazi. Then he had the gall to lie to play the American public for a bunch of idiots telling us about this horrific youtube video that sent the attack in Benghazi in motion. (And the media still has a tingle down their leg for him.)

Then he refused to march with European leaders and the leaders of Israel and even Palestine against Islamic terrorism when asked to do so in Paris. Instead he hid under his desk. Then he refuses to make the connection between the teachings of Islam, the evil on goings in mosques in this country, will not admit we are taking risks allowing thousands of (admitted) unvetted muslims into this nation, chastises Israel on numerous occasions, chastises Christians at a national prayer breakfast for feeling so smug or better than ISIS and their atrocities against Christians, draws lines in sand not worth crap, never has a press conference explaining our policies towards ever growing Islamic terrorism, and will not ever call it what it is ---> TERRORISM BASED ON THE KORAN OR MUHAMMAD WITH DESIGNS FOR DESTROYING THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING AMERICA!

Ok, now that that’s done, all you lovers of the democrat party can have your LOL moment and go vote for another criminal who makes a mockery of you and I.

You do good work. :thup:
Talk to the tape, Tom

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan. We couldn't chase him in there at the time and ISI had him hidden anyway. So why keep dwelling on him? Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

So this

Except that's not what happened.....

was a lie...

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan.

A few months after Tora Bora, as part of the preparation for war in Iraq, the Bush administration pulled out many of the Special Operations and CIA forces that had been searching for bin Laden in Afghanistan, according to several U.S. officials who served at the time.

Even the drones that U.S. forces depended on to track movements of suspicious characters in the Afghan mountain passes were redeployed to be available for the Iraq war, Lt. Gen. John Vines told The Washington Post in 2006. Once, when Vines’s troops believed they were within half an hour of catching up to bin Laden, the general asked for drones to cover three possible escape routes. But only one drone was available — others had been moved to Iraq. The target got away.

The Washington Post

Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come

You mean to suggest that getting Usama was not as important as continuing a war waged to get Usama?

home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

Right.....because Solyndra cost the equivalent of ONE DAY in Iraqnam.
Obama sure is soft on those guys.

You sure don't ask for much.

Is there any point in trying to explain this to you and yours once again?

I haven't heard it so go ahead and roll with "Inchoate Rage Psalm 43"

No, thanks.

I would rather be called a coward or a hypocrite than take my time writing out a lengthy explanation to you. Someone else, I may.

But since you've done it before, why not just cut & paste an oldie but goodie?

Well, ok, I can do that.

I posted this one a few weeks ago and almost no one cared or responded. I am used to that. But, it does pertain pretty directly to what we are discussing. CandyCorn thought Obama showed us conservatives just how much of a great warrior and commander he is against radical Islam because he has had a few drones in the air and now a fighter killing. And I say he has no choice but to do something. Anyway, here was my earlier post --- hope you enjoy my rant.

The gall of Obama, the gullibility of liberal Americans

Big shot President Zero yesterday chided Donald Trump for being cruel towards Muslims wanting to enter the USA. Then he chided right wing Americans and media for making a big deal out of his refusal to ever call terrorism what it is --- Islamic Terrorism. And he gave some lame reasoning which CNN fell over itself they were so giddy to show why we were all so worked up over nothing. Yes, thanks CNN, for pointing out that our suspicions about this black president with the black past and his inexplicable reluctance toward Islamic terrorism and the like was all much ado about nothing. I guess it’s like you tell us, i.e. we don’t like him because he is black.


How did this story receive almost no coverage from the enemy in our midst, the left wing media? Obama DHS scrubs records of hundreds of Muslim terrorists How dare this traitor in the oval office and his administration make such demands on the Homeland Security records and other security offices to wipe clean the records and data on suspected Muslim subversives? How dare the media walk away from that story?!!

Then we are scolded by liberal media sources, pundits and know-it-all posters on these boards that because we are conducting drone strikes on ISIS that proves president zero is doing great things to fight Islamic terrorism and we have no argument. Well I say as president he is forced to at least keep up appearances, because if he did not at least do that much we probably could not tell the difference between him and Moammar Gadhafi.

Consider that this jackass would not even talk to his generals in Afghanistan the first three months of his first term. Then he went against all of their recommendations. Then he demoralized our troops and he reduced our fighting capacity in numerous ways. Then he constantly ignored further recommendations in Iraq. He Then I am sure he has done the same with domestic terrorism intelligence --- ignored it or went against it. He lets enemies of the state out of Guantanamo so they can resume plotting against the U.S. Then he trades five known big time Islamic terrorists for one traitor of the U.S. army, Berghahl. (Well vetted idiots.) Then he and his staff ignored the pleadings of those in high risk areas like Benghazi. Then he had the gall to lie to play the American public for a bunch of idiots telling us about this horrific youtube video that sent the attack in Benghazi in motion. (And the media still has a tingle down their leg for him.)

Then he refused to march with European leaders and the leaders of Israel and even Palestine against Islamic terrorism when asked to do so in Paris. Instead he hid under his desk. Then he refuses to make the connection between the teachings of Islam, the evil on goings in mosques in this country, will not admit we are taking risks allowing thousands of (admitted) unvetted muslims into this nation, chastises Israel on numerous occasions, chastises Christians at a national prayer breakfast for feeling so smug or better than ISIS and their atrocities against Christians, draws lines in sand not worth crap, never has a press conference explaining our policies towards ever growing Islamic terrorism, and will not ever call it what it is ---> TERRORISM BASED ON THE KORAN OR MUHAMMAD WITH DESIGNS FOR DESTROYING THE WHOLE WORLD INCLUDING AMERICA!

Ok, now that that’s done, all you lovers of the democrat party can have your LOL moment and go vote for another criminal who makes a mockery of you and I.
Yes, thanks CNN, for pointing out that our suspicions about this black president with the black past and his inexplicable reluctance toward Islamic terrorism and the like was all much ado about nothing. I guess it’s like you tell us, i.e. we don’t like him because he is black.

This rings a are at once an idiot and pathologically disturbed...

How dare this traitor in the oval office and his administration make such demands on the Homeland Security records and other security offices to wipe clean the records and data on suspected Muslim subversives

Haney's allegations are so heavily qualified that they can't satisfy the verifiability standards of real news organizations, which would explain why this story is being catapulted exclusively in the Idiotsphere..
Talk to the tape, Tom

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan. We couldn't chase him in there at the time and ISI had him hidden anyway. So why keep dwelling on him? Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

So this

Except that's not what happened.....

was a lie...

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan.

A few months after Tora Bora, as part of the preparation for war in Iraq, the Bush administration pulled out many of the Special Operations and CIA forces that had been searching for bin Laden in Afghanistan, according to several U.S. officials who served at the time.

Even the drones that U.S. forces depended on to track movements of suspicious characters in the Afghan mountain passes were redeployed to be available for the Iraq war, Lt. Gen. John Vines told The Washington Post in 2006. Once, when Vines’s troops believed they were within half an hour of catching up to bin Laden, the general asked for drones to cover three possible escape routes. But only one drone was available — others had been moved to Iraq. The target got away.

The Washington Post

Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come

You mean to suggest that getting Usama was not as important as continuing a war waged to get Usama?

home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

Right.....because Solyndra cost the equivalent of ONE DAY in Iraqnam.

I should start charging to teach you boneheads about life and war. OBL and the Taliban were GONE from Afghanistan....HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? The Afghan campaign wasn't about getting just OBL....we were after al-Qaida. Iraq was about drawing AQ out of hiding and into a fight and they came and they died. Now unless you've got a Visa or Mastercard # you can PM me, this is the end of the lesson.
Talk to the tape, Tom

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan. We couldn't chase him in there at the time and ISI had him hidden anyway. So why keep dwelling on him? Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

So this

Except that's not what happened.....

was a lie...

Again, OBL bribed a northern alliance commander, got out of Tora Bora, fled into Pakistan.

A few months after Tora Bora, as part of the preparation for war in Iraq, the Bush administration pulled out many of the Special Operations and CIA forces that had been searching for bin Laden in Afghanistan, according to several U.S. officials who served at the time.

Even the drones that U.S. forces depended on to track movements of suspicious characters in the Afghan mountain passes were redeployed to be available for the Iraq war, Lt. Gen. John Vines told The Washington Post in 2006. Once, when Vines’s troops believed they were within half an hour of catching up to bin Laden, the general asked for drones to cover three possible escape routes. But only one drone was available — others had been moved to Iraq. The target got away.

The Washington Post

Besides, if Dubya had gotten bin-Laden, you leftists would have declared the war was over and demanded to come

You mean to suggest that getting Usama was not as important as continuing a war waged to get Usama?

home and spend the money on solar rat holes like Solyndra.

Right.....because Solyndra cost the equivalent of ONE DAY in Iraqnam.

I should start charging to teach you boneheads about life and war. OBL and the Taliban were GONE from Afghanistan....HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? The Afghan campaign wasn't about getting just OBL....we were after al-Qaida. Iraq was about drawing AQ out of hiding and into a fight and they came and they died. Now unless you've got a Visa or Mastercard # you can PM me, this is the end of the lesson.


Could I be the promoter of your "Cage Battle of Wits" against Bripat?
I urge you and Bripat not to negotiate for yourselves.....

Haven't you heard? I'm a trillionaire and it's beginning to look like you are nothing but a freeloader. I haven't given you a scholarship to Horn University and yet you've sat in on my classes and thrown spitballs and pulled women's hair. Tawdry behavior, especially for a man of your age and now you're sassing ME! Either PM me a valid Visa or Mastercard number for the services you've already stolen or I'll be forced to..... RELEASE THE HOUNDS!
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