Peaceful Muslim attacks homeowner with American flag

please, explain
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
yep. i think she antagonized the other woman. i think that's the most likely way this story makes sense.
no doubt my fellow posters have been WAITING with BATED BREATH for my (irosie) response.
Here it is------the nut swinging the flag and pole is described as bearing a FACE RAG. Incidents such as these support my contention that face rags MUST BE OUTLAWED-----the bomb on ass sluts and the flag pole swingers have made that law NECESSARY
Why don't we just STOP allowing nonwhite invaders into the US.Go back to the pre 1965 immigration rules.

Stop all this non-white race mixing multicultural chit and the problems that go with it will go away.

White supremacist loser. :cuckoo:

I am more of a pro-white activist who is proud of his white traditions, heritage and culture and who wants to protect and save our values and way of life. If being proud and having pride in your race is considered to be racist well too bloody bad. Up your kiester :asshole:.
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
yep. i think she antagonized the other woman. i think that's the most likely way this story makes sense.
Correct. You will be anti white Christian at every opportunity even without evidence that the white woman provoked the Muslim. It's how you libtard brain works. Got it.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
yep. i think she antagonized the other woman. i think that's the most likely way this story makes sense.
Correct. You will be anti white Christian at every opportunity even without evidence that the white woman provoked the Muslim. It's how you libtard brain works. Got it.
so I'm bigoted against myself?
I think the white Christian antagonized the black Muslim because she lived and flew an American flag and because that's the way they do things in Africa!
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
yep. i think she antagonized the other woman. i think that's the most likely way this story makes sense.
Correct. You will be anti white Christian at every opportunity even without evidence that the white woman provoked the Muslim. It's how you libtard brain works. Got it.
so I'm bigoted against myself?
You are no Christian. You are a bigoted liar.
one of us does.

you understand that this is not an act of terrorism, right?
I understand you think the white Christian caused it. You are a moron from the left.
yep. i think she antagonized the other woman. i think that's the most likely way this story makes sense.
Correct. You will be anti white Christian at every opportunity even without evidence that the white woman provoked the Muslim. It's how you libtard brain works. Got it.
so I'm bigoted against myself?
You are no Christian. You are a bigoted liar.
liar? I'd like to see you back that up.

and I'll have to let the people at my church know that I'm not a Christian. they'll be surprised
Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid

maybe flying an American flag in her front yard makes the American woman suspect to you. That seems to be the feeling I get from most liberals here. A US flag in the front yard means probably republican, trump supporter/ racist. if there is violence, It must be a reaction to racism.

if the American woman had attacked the other woman or her kids, you could bet this would be a huge story right now. The muslim woman or her family would have called the authorities. Not buying this made up excuse
Yeah for You. I think you hit the nail on the head. Moronic liberals always support evil lawbreakers over white Christians. Never fails.

Police: Woman in Burka attacks Lawrenceville family with American flag

It's always funny when he stupidest people on the board (like willow unit) insult others' intelligence.

But please keep posting bigoted trash when you haven't a clue about the facts, loon
The victim's facebook page was posted in one article: Dami Arno | Facebook

She doesn't sound like she's wrapped to tight either and she is glorifying in the attention she is getting.
wtf are you gibbering about?

i can promise you that the 'victim' wasn't just sitting in her garage minding her own business

Do you have inside information ?
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.

what is it that we know right now that would allow a "white" woman to bop a Niqabi slut on the head with a flag pole. Rosie wants to know-------she lives near TWO muzzie enclaves and has ACCESS to flag poles
Do you have inside information ?
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.

what is it that we know right now that would allow a "white" woman to bop a Niqabi slut on the head with a flag pole. Rosie wants to know-------she lives near TWO muzzie enclaves and has ACCESS to flag poles
you are a hateful woman.
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.

what is it that we know right now that would allow a "white" woman to bop a Niqabi slut on the head with a flag pole. Rosie wants to know-------she lives near TWO muzzie enclaves and has ACCESS to flag poles
you are a hateful woman.

I am not the person advocating the LEGALITY of people attacking other people with flag poles -------It never occurred to me to do so on ETHICAL GROUNDS------that it is LEGAL is news to me
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid

maybe flying an American flag in her front yard makes the American woman suspect to you. That seems to be the feeling I get from most liberals here. A US flag in the front yard means probably republican, trump supporter/ racist. if there is violence, It must be a reaction to racism.

if the American woman had attacked the other woman or her kids, you could bet this would be a huge story right now. The muslim woman or her family would have called the authorities. Not buying this made up excuse
Yeah for You. I think you hit the nail on the head. Moronic liberals always support evil lawbreakers over white Christians. Never fails.

Police: Woman in Burka attacks Lawrenceville family with American flag

It's always funny when he stupidest people on the board (like willow unit) insult others' intelligence.

But please keep posting bigoted trash when you haven't a clue about the facts, loon
Well neither does the other moron you stupid bitch! Did you miss that? It's pure conjecture that the white woman provoked the attack. You got that moron? No! You are so fucking stupid you will never get it. Racist piece of shit.
There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.

what is it that we know right now that would allow a "white" woman to bop a Niqabi slut on the head with a flag pole. Rosie wants to know-------she lives near TWO muzzie enclaves and has ACCESS to flag poles
you are a hateful woman.

I am not the person advocating the LEGALITY of people attacking other people with flag poles -------It never occurred to me to do so on ETHICAL GROUNDS------that it is LEGAL is news to me
you are apparently a hateful woman with an active imagination.

nobody has said the attack was either legal or ethical
Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.

what is it that we know right now that would allow a "white" woman to bop a Niqabi slut on the head with a flag pole. Rosie wants to know-------she lives near TWO muzzie enclaves and has ACCESS to flag poles
you are a hateful woman.

I am not the person advocating the LEGALITY of people attacking other people with flag poles -------It never occurred to me to do so on ETHICAL GROUNDS------that it is LEGAL is news to me
you are apparently a hateful woman with an active imagination.

nobody has said the attack was either legal or ethical

there was a piece of shit who mocked the victim of the bitch with the flag pole for complaining that the crime was not UPPED to the level of hate crime

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