Peaceful Muslim attacks homeowner with American flag

Is she dangerous? Lol. Attacking a complete stranger :wtf:
making assumptions, aren't you?
Nope. People who walk into your front garden, uproot your flag pole and start attacking you with it are dangerous.
If the American flag is offensive to the burqa wearing Bach she can get the hell out of the country.

How do you know it's offensive to her?

Never mind, you don't.
Why would she rip it down?
A flag pole makes a good weapon
maybe the 'victim' referred to her as a 'burqa wearing Bach' so the woman thought beating her over the head with the american flag might remind her that in america we have religious liberty
Why, bitches can't wear burqas? That is so obviously untrue. Besides, a burqa is not a religion.

dumb, dumb, dumb

people are IDENTIFIED by their faces-----for more than a million years. There is a significantly large part of the RIGHT PARIETAL cortex of the HUMAN brain devoted to RECOGNITION OF FACES.
Covering the face should be OUTLAWED in
human societies (inability to recognize a face because of brain damage has a NAME----prosopagnosia. It is named condition because it is important in the science --neurology)
Yeah right! That woman should have run that flagpole up the attackers ass.
wtf are you gibbering about?

i can promise you that the 'victim' wasn't just sitting in her garage minding her own business

Do you have inside information ?
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Why shouldn't she be? If the white Christian woman had attacked the black Muslim she damn sure would have been and everyone knows it.
really? given what we know right now if the roles had been reversed there'd be no reason for hate crime charges.
this is so odd, i thought when you become a legal citizen of the United States, there is some proof of loyalty, uhhhmm, kinda silly i guess, but just to show you appreciate being here. They usually also top it off with a ceremony where they say the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Guess this lady when out for doughnuts during the flag ceremony. The problem here is not having non whites as new citizens , the problem is a total disrespect and lack of emphasis on legal immigration and why its even important. For the people who want us to be a world and country without borders I guess this type of incident will be welcomed as a necessary step to help us feel less 'entitled'
no doubt my fellow posters have been WAITING with BATED BREATH for my (irosie) response.
Here it is------the nut swinging the flag and pole is described as bearing a FACE RAG. Incidents such as these support my contention that face rags MUST BE OUTLAWED-----the bomb on ass sluts and the flag pole swingers have made that law NECESSARY

She probably had bad teeth and bad breath, I might have preferred the face rag actually.
maybe the 'victim' referred to her as a 'burqa wearing Bach' so the woman thought beating her over the head with the american flag might remind her that in america we have religious liberty
Yeah right! That woman should have run that flagpole up the attackers ass.
wtf are you gibbering about?

i can promise you that the 'victim' wasn't just sitting in her garage minding her own business

Do you have inside information ?
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Its possible the white woman may have looked at her wrong, who knows, but its no excuse to attack someone on their property. There is no excuse. lack of assimilation causes these problems.
You and most other conservatives are a menace to society, prone to violent outburst and fits of inappropriate rage and anger, compelling to you blindly attack those whom you fear.

You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid
Yeah right! That woman should have run that flagpole up the attackers ass.
wtf are you gibbering about?

i can promise you that the 'victim' wasn't just sitting in her garage minding her own business

Do you have inside information ?
nope. just instinct. i could very well be wrong, but if my back was against the wall and i had to make a guess I'd say there's more to the story we don't know and that the 'victim' doesn't have entirely clean hands

There may be more to the story, maybe the neighbor has been taunting the woman over time.
Thing is though, once you physically assault someone you're going to be the one who pays the legal price.

According to what I just read, the victim is mad that the woman has not been charged with a hate crime.

Its possible the white woman may have looked at her wrong, who knows, but its no excuse to attack someone on their property. There is no excuse.
who said there was an excuse?
lack of assimilation causes these problems.
getting into stupid fights is as american as baseball and apple pie
You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid
How the fuck do you know that she did? What proof do you have?
You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid

Did the attacker have kids? Really link it.
All these assholes are showing their bigotry against the white woman while they call others bigots. It's just too damn funny.
You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid

maybe flying an American flag in her front yard makes the American woman suspect to you. That seems to be the feeling I get from most liberals here. A US flag in the front yard means probably republican, trump supporter/ racist. if there is violence, It must be a reaction to racism.

if the American woman had attacked the other woman or her kids, you could bet this would be a huge story right now. The muslim woman or her family would have called the authorities. Not buying this made up excuse
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.

Once again. How do you know that the other woman didn't attack her or her kids first.

That's the problem with bigotry. It makes fact irrelevant and bigots sound stupid

maybe flying an American flag in her front yard makes the American woman suspect to you. That seems to be the feeling I get from most liberals here. A US flag in the front yard means probably republican, trump supporter/ racist. if there is violence, It must be a reaction to racism.

if the American woman had attacked the other woman or her kids, you could bet this would be a huge story right now. The muslim woman or her family would have called the authorities. Not buying this made up excuse
Yeah for You. I think you hit the nail on the head. Moronic liberals always support evil lawbreakers over white Christians. Never fails.

Police: Woman in Burka attacks Lawrenceville family with American flag
All these assholes are showing their bigotry against the white woman while they call others bigots. It's just too damn funny.
please, explain
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
All these assholes are showing their bigotry against the white woman while they call others bigots. It's just too damn funny.
please, explain
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
All these assholes are showing their bigotry against the white woman while they call others bigots. It's just too damn funny.
please, explain
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story
OH really? People don't just behave like that? You sure? Then what provoked the Muslims in San Bernadino? It must be a white Christians fault. How about the Boston bombing? Again a white Christian must have said something to piss them off. Oh! Well, in San Francisco that white young lady must have provoked the illegal into shooting her. You sound very stupid.
All these assholes are showing their bigotry against the white woman while they call others bigots. It's just too damn funny.
please, explain
Read the thread. Figure it out.
so much bigotry you can't even point it out...
From you first. The white Christian must have done something to provoke the attack. You felt it in yer gut. Good thing your bigoted ass isn't a judge juror and executioner. You are just a bigoted moron.
It's not bigoted. people just don't behave like that, but they do respond to insults and provocation.

that doesn't mean the attacker couldn't have just been a crazy - but the whining over 'hate crime' charges makes me think there's mre to it.

and there almost always is more to a story

Theres a possibility the white woman provoked first, but we haven't seen that. There a lot of other probabilities as well.

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