Pedophilia in 2016

The same can be said for those you have mentioned but this is the scary part. Maybe one day, pedophiles will be excused as a normal behavior, just as homosexuality and transgenderism has become.


LGBTs are in fact normal, they just don't fit in with the rich old white male neocon dogma.

Anyone that preys on those too young to make their own informed decisions is in it strictly for control, strictly because they can't relate to people their own age.

They're evil and they're parasites, attaching themselves to helpless children.

Their children? You mean the government's children, right? After all, it's the Progressive left who want the government raising our children with the "proper" values. We're too stupid to raise our own children.

Boss, you're an idiot.

Shut up.
Let's hope that we continue to understand the difference between the two.

At this time, we're giving undue credence to a movement that is increasingly becoming confused about the basic differences between men and women, male and female. If we get to where even that distinction is no longer widely understood, what hope is there for whatever distinction you're referring to?

A lot of people are parents, right and left, doesn't matter. People are going to want to protect their children from predators.

If things continue in the present direction, then in a generation or so, such parents will be demonized as “hateful, pedophobic bigots!!!”
Boss, you're an idiot.

Shut up.

The Progressives have come right out and said as much in recent years. They want control of your children as soon as they reach school age. They don't trust you as a parent to raise your children in the "proper" way.

| National Review

The Left’s model of society is still the model of Marx and Bismarck: one big factory to be managed by experts. The government schools are an assembly line for human widgets, who are in theory there to be taught what the state requires them to know in order to fulfill their roles as workers, administrators, and other bits of human machinery. That is the assumption behind President Obama’s insistence that “if you quit on school, you’re not just quitting on yourself — you’re quitting on your country.” Students are also there to be instructed in the official, unspoken state ideology: submission to official power.

The Left’s organizing principle is control, and the possibility that children might commonly be raised outside of its control matrix is an existential threat from the progressive point of view. Institutions such as free markets and free speech terrify progressives, because they are the result of arrangements in which nobody is in control. Harry Reid and Senate Democrats just tried to repeal the First Amendment because they are horrified that anybody so inclined can broadcast a political message without asking the government’s permission or being subject to official oversight. The states of Ohio and Minnesota went so far as to create “truth” police, secular inquisitions that determined who is allowed to speak and under what circumstances. (Blessedly, these have been thrown out by the courts.) The idea that people could be teaching their children practically anything, without the input of credentialed education experts, is a nightmare. (Never mind that those credentialed experts are intellectual under-achievers, education majors typically having the lowest standardized test scores of any college cohort.) If people discover that they can live without overseers in the matter of education, who knows in which other of life’s endeavors they might be inclined to go their own way?

Professor West of Georgetown is scandalized that parents “have virtually unfettered authority to decide what subjects to teach, what curriculum materials to use,” etc., and, naturally, worries that this will result in parents who teach “from nothing but the Bible.” (Question: What is the opposite of “unfettered”?) She is particularly offended that in some states, home-schooling families are not even required to notify the authorities of their intent to home-school — as if they could manage their own families any way they saw fit, as if they didn’t need permission. The Left’s war on school choice is mostly about money, but its jihad against home-schooling is about power.

And there you have it. So, I am not an idiot and I don't have to shut up. You're the idiot and you need to shut up.
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

You may as well get ready for it... it's coming. Get over being uptight. What you call 'molesting' other people call 'love' and you need to accept that, Chris. Your ancestors married at age 12. In ancient Greece, children as young as 8 or 9 were "mentored" by adult males and it was a "right to passage" into adulthood. These practices only fell out of favor when the Puritan mindset permeated western society a couple hundred years ago. You're clinging to religious fanaticism.

I'm speaking, of course, sardonically, on behalf of those who will push for this nonsense. I don't support it and most decent people don't support it... but 20 years ago, most decent people didn't support homosexuality being legitimized into law through marriage. Our culture and morality is being eroded rapidly. You've been a part of bringing that about and whenever you finally discover what you've unleashed, it will be far too late for any of us to stop it.
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

There are some insane, immoral, depraved things now being practiced openly, that only a generation or so ago, would have seemed equally unimaginable;that most of us were just as sure no one would ever be OK with.

I'm sorry about your hatred towards gays, but that is two consenting adults. Nobody is okay with grown ups molesting their children! Get real!
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

The point you've missed is the changing definition of 'molestation' ..... and what constitutes a 'kid'. On another on-going thread we are discussing the age at which someone is considered an adult in a court of law. Two 12-year-old girls are being charged as adults in an attempted murder trial. This means that eventually 12 years could be considered 'adulthood' and fair game for sexual predators.
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

The point you've missed is the changing definition of 'molestation' ..... and what constitutes a 'kid'. On another on-going thread we are discussing the age at which someone is considered an adult in a court of law. Two 12-year-old girls are being charged as adults in an attempted murder trial. This means that eventually 12 years could be considered 'adulthood' and fair game for sexual predators.

That is what people have been saying for quite a while now. It's not going to happen. No parents are going to be okay with that, and most adults ARE parents.
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

The point you've missed is the changing definition of 'molestation' ..... and what constitutes a 'kid'. On another on-going thread we are discussing the age at which someone is considered an adult in a court of law. Two 12-year-old girls are being charged as adults in an attempted murder trial. This means that eventually 12 years could be considered 'adulthood' and fair game for sexual predators.

That is what people have been saying for quite a while now. It's not going to happen. No parents are going to be okay with that, and most adults ARE parents.

What do parents have to do with the law???????
..... What you call 'molesting' other people call 'love' and you need to accept that, Chris. Your ancestors married at age 12. ....
Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin. Oh them crazy white folks!


No need to cite that famous example, Chris can research her own family heritage and I guarantee, she will find a great grandparent who was married at an unusually early age. Just over a century ago, people routinely got married as young as 12 and 13... you were considered an "old maid" if you were female and unmarried at 18.

The reason the age of consent rests where it does today is religious morality. That is being systemically destroyed in America. Chris wants to cling to "rules of decency" when those rules have been turned on their ear already. All it takes is redefining terms of "consent" and "adult" to make all kinds of things happen. If we can redefine "marriage" we can certainly redefine ANY term to fit our desires.
..... Just over a century ago, people routinely got married as young as 12 and 13... you were considered an "old maid" if you were female and unmarried at 18 ...... All it takes is redefining terms of "consent" and "adult" to make all kinds of things happen. If we can redefine "marriage" we can certainly redefine ANY term to fit our desires.
Precisely. This is the "A to Z" of the whole matter and it is necessary to understand that before we can debate the 'Whos' and 'Whys' and 'WTHs'.
..... What you call 'molesting' other people call 'love' and you need to accept that, Chris. Your ancestors married at age 12. ....
Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13-year-old cousin. Oh them crazy white folks!


No need to cite that famous example, Chris can research her own family heritage and I guarantee, she will find a great grandparent who was married at an unusually early age. Just over a century ago, people routinely got married as young as 12 and 13... you were considered an "old maid" if you were female and unmarried at 18.

The reason the age of consent rests where it does today is religious morality. That is being systemically destroyed in America. Chris wants to cling to "rules of decency" when those rules have been turned on their ear already. All it takes is redefining terms of "consent" and "adult" to make all kinds of things happen. If we can redefine "marriage" we can certainly redefine ANY term to fit our desires.

People married that early because they tended to die before they made it to 40.
A lot of these people have children too. Nobody is going to be okay with people molesting kids! WTH?

There are some insane, immoral, depraved things now being practiced openly, that only a generation or so ago, would have seemed equally unimaginable;that most of us were just as sure no one would ever be OK with.

I'm sorry about your hatred towards gays, but that is two consenting adults. Nobody is okay with grown ups molesting their children! Get real!

I'm sorry that you've foolishly allowed yourself to be so caught up in the evil and madness of this damaged culture, that you think that standing for reason and decency constitutes “hatred”. You will surely live to see your own view about child molestation similarly condemned, unless this trend is reversed.
oh great

delta4embassy is back and digging right back into the pedo topic
That is what people have been saying for quite a while now. It's not going to happen. No parents are going to be okay with that, and most adults ARE parents.

It is now the law, in California, that if a male student at a public school claims to “identify as female”, the school is required to treat h'orsh'/it as such,and allow h'orsh'/it access to the girls' restrooms, locker rooms, showers, and so on. Similar laws and precedents are being set all across the country, and one state attracted a great deal of hatred and criticism for passing a law to oppose this sickness.

As recently as a decade ago, would you have thought we'd ever see this; or would you have insisted that nobody would ever stand for it, especially the parents of girls who might be forced to share such facilities with sick male perverts?

We've allowed the perverts to redefine “marriage” to include a sick, homosexual mockery thereof. We've allowed them, even, to redefine male and female. If we allow this to stand, then there's nothing to stop them from changing law and definitions, that make open targets of children. It's what happens when you let perverts have their way; and if you keep drawing a line and confidently insisting that the perverts will be content to stop at that line, then you're a fool.
It's what happens when you let perverts have their way; and if you keep drawing a line and confidently insisting that the perverts will be content to stop at that line, then you're a fool.

Oh Bob... stop being such a fuddy-duddy! Can't you understand this is just about two people who LOVE each other? How does it harm your relationship in any way to allow child marriages? If both parties agree and that's what they want to do, who are you and I to tell them they can't?


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