Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Who is doing that? Biden won the election, the electoral votes were certified and he was sworn in as president.

There was never any actual threat to that process. Right?
If The Don had his way, he would bring in the military to stay in office. CAN YOU BELEIVE WE ARE SAYING THIS IN AMERICA?

trump is trying to turn the US into an Autocracy with him as president for life.
Do you see some possible way of reversing the results of the election for president at least?
That ship has sailed. As with any crime, investigation is key. The guilty always oppose investigation. After these audits, heads will rightfully roll. Perhaps, as a result, some sort of "removal from office of the party in violation" will be implemented to prevent this sort of fraud in the future.
When you can’t dispute another’s contention then try to dismiss them as a cult member.
Racist, white supremacist, cultist, on and on and on with the name call is Lib 101 and All that libbies can bring to the table
and what really hurts....they words are all true.
How is a House investigation needed?


If there is a criminal aspect


it belongs to the FBI and Justice Department.

they are investigating as well. as they should. but certainly not alone.

The House itself has no powers of enforcement and no power to compel any evidence to support or deny their 'insurrection' fantasy.


Investigations & Oversight​


The constitutional framers assumed that Congress would conduct investigations as the British House of Commons conducted them. James Wilson of Pennsylvania, a future Supreme Court Justice and Convention delegate, wrote in a 1774 essay that members of the Commons were considered “grand inquisitors of the realm. The proudest ministers of the proudest monarchs have trembled at their censures; and have appeared at the bar of the house, to give an account of their conduct, and ask pardon for their faults.” When the U.S. House convened in 1789, it established an early set of select committees, such as Rules and Ways and Means, to structure the legislative process including investigations.

Subpoena Power and Contempt​

The House has compelled the attendance of witnesses since 1795, when it investigated an attempt to bribe Members. Indeed, early cases of congressional subpoena and contempt powers focused on the abuse or discredit of the House itself. Robert Randall, a real estate speculator, had tried to purchase what is now Michigan from the federal government and share the proceeds with Members of Congress who approved the sale. As a result, Randall was the first individual held in contempt of Congress. The House Sergeant-at-Arms was authorized to arrest him and bring him before the House, where he was reprimanded and placed in a local jail for a week.

The House reformed and routinized its subpoena and contempt powers during the 19th century. Initially, it had authorized the Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest those disregarding the orders of the House and bring them before its Membership. After an 1857 case involving a reporter for the New York Times who was held in contempt for not divulging his sources for a report concerning potential bribery of House Members, Congress passed the forbearer to the current law on contempt (2 USC §194). In that law, the failure of a witness to answer “any question pertinent” to a congressional investigation would prompt an investigation by the Department of Justice, as well as potential fines and jail time.
Investigations & Oversight | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

you're welcome for the education.
That ship has sailed. As with any crime, investigation is key. The guilty always oppose investigation. After these audits, heads will rightfully roll. Perhaps, as a result, some sort of "removal from office of the party in violation" will be implemented to prevent this sort of fraud in the future.
I agree if you are talking about January 6th. The Presidency has been decided. There have been multiple indepedent audits. Over 60 courts have ruled the trump and his thugs are full of shit. End of the Game.....get over it.e
Who is doing that? Biden won the election, the electoral votes were certified and he was sworn in as president.

There was never any actual threat to that process. Right?
Of course there was never any threat to it, that's the point. We had how many months of really bad optics the democrats created over something that was never a threat to the process. Think of it this way. Suppose the rioters HAD "stopped the process". For how long? A day or two and it's all back to normal.

I find it amusing that the same administration that sneeringly maintains it cannot be overthrown because it has F-15's and nukes cowers in fear of a relative handful of unarmed people caught up in a riot.
If The Don had his way, he would bring in the military to stay in office. CAN YOU BELEIVE WE ARE SAYING THIS IN AMERICA?

trump is trying to turn the US into an Autocracy with him as president for life.
I don't recall seeing you in the meeting. How do you know this? Think, because TRUMP! WAS in charge of the military and if he really wanted them to overthrow the government, he could have called them out. Of course they wouldn't have done it, but we'd have known about it. He didn't, so there's that.
rightwinger Not so. She called for and formed the committee all by herself.

Her hatred of Trump out weighs any legitimacy that there may have at one time been.
Republicans were offered co-sponsorship of the investigation they were nearly unanimous in rejecting it.

They have no complaint that Pelosi now gets approval over the select committee
Looks like Pelosi is moving forward with her select committee.
raw (2).gif

A committee with no legitimacy, clout or meaning. So pathetic, she has to hand pick a few RINO Trump haters to complete the fraud of a committee whose outcome we already know in advance.

Nancy's equivalent of how the KKK used to try, convict and string up blacks in the south in 5 minutes.

Piglousi runs her committees like she runs her sham impeachments! Decision made in advance at the onset then work to justify the position! :auiqs.jpg:
They needed to find someone that is still not buying into the Big LIe. It was just a matter of checking repub congress people to see who doesn't have orange lips.

there were some 60 (R) reps that voted to uphold the constitution. kevin chose to put 2 humpers on the committee for only one reason.

to distract distort & deflect from the truth.
there were some 60 (R) reps that voted to uphold the constitution. kevin chose to put 2 humpers on the committee for only one reason.

to distract distort & deflect from the truth.
So is she going to impeach Trump again?

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