Pelosi can’t answer question if 15 week old fetus is human.

She can but she won't and she has the media to cover up and go on as if the question didn't happen. That's the way you deal with the murder of the unborn in a civilized society these days.
killers of the unborn is the title we should use for all democrats .
Can we force someone to donate a kidney if they are the only match that would keep someone else alive?
deflection ! the kidney is not destroyed ... is the unborn killed during an abortion or not ?
She can but she won't and she has the media to cover up and go on as if the question didn't happen. That's the way you deal with the murder of the unborn in a civilized society these days.
killers of the unborn is the title we should use for all democrats .
If you weren't such a dumbass, you would know that about 30% of Republicans are pro-choice & 30% of democrats are not.
fuck all abortionists commie !
Interesting. A couple of days after conception, the fertilized egg travels to the womb where it must attach to the womb wall. Over half the time, it fails and is aborted. Those evil women!
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Can you answer it?

Can any Left winger here answer the question?

No, they can't.

My guess is they don't give a damn, just like the 9 robes that voted for Roe vs. Wade did not give a damn by trying to answer the question.

Instead, they hid behind the notions of constitutional privacy for the woman and completely ignored the personhood of the infant.

Can any rightwinger answer the question?

You are giving one of your Dear leaders a pass to cover up her weakness in leadership. You are holding right wingers on this board to answer a question that a Woman two heartbeats from being President WONT answer.

Here is the answer to the question that Nan should have responded instead of running away from it like a pussy:

“There is considerable debate as to when humanity begins. My view is that it begins at ____ weeks. “

I am not giving her a damn thing. Who knows when life starts, do you know?

I recognized in my response that no one knows when one is first considered human and that the topic is debatable. I am not holding the Speaker of the House accountable for knowing or not knowing definitively. I am challenging the Speaker on yet another piss poor response and lack of leadership instead by giving a non-answer as she typically does with hard questions. I even provided a suggested response that was better than her non-answer and running away from the reporter.

What answer would u have liked for her to have given when you just said no one knows.

Margaret Sanger would be so proud of you.
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Do you really think she wouldn't know? Do you think she would be sucked into that silly godbothering shit?

You're still hung up about a woman's right to her body and think you Jesus junkies should control every womb.
Not any more son. Jesus is shit.
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Can you answer it?

Can any Left winger here answer the question?

No, they can't.

My guess is they don't give a damn, just like the 9 robes that voted for Roe vs. Wade did not give a damn by trying to answer the question.

Instead, they hid behind the notions of constitutional privacy for the woman and completely ignored the personhood of the infant.

Can any rightwinger answer the question?

Is it human?

Well 99% of the time they come out human, the other 1% they come out a centaur.

View attachment 502935

The question isn't about if they are human, unless a woman can give birth to a donkey. You cats are just being stupid. I am asking when does human life begin.
thxs for that tidbit of information, now tell us when life begins.
At conception
For those of you who are Christians, this is what the Bible says,

King James Bible
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

New King James Version
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Now does that mean that you are not a living being until you can actually breath.
thxs for that tidbit of information, now tell us when life begins.
At conception
For those of you who are Christians, this is what the Bible says,

King James Bible
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

New King James Version
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Now does that mean that you are not a living being until you can actually breath.
Thanks Superbad, but women aren't God and they aren't creating the first human in Creation
thxs for that tidbit of information, now tell us when life begins.
At conception
For those of you who are Christians, this is what the Bible says,

King James Bible
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

New King James Version
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Now does that mean that you are not a living being until you can actually breath.
Thanks Superbad, but women aren't God and they aren't creating the first human in Creation
Which means what exactly? So you only take the parts of the Bible that fit your madness.
Which means what exactly? So you only take the parts of the Bible that fit your madness.
I don't need the Bible to tell me that even godless lib women only give birth to human babies

So what they kill in the womb, whenever they kill it, is human
Which means what exactly? So you only take the parts of the Bible that fit your madness.
I don't need the Bible to tell me that even godless lib women only give birth to human babies

So what they kill in the womb, whenever they kill it, is human
According to who, you. Why do you think you should have more say so over a woman's body than she does. So the Gov't should be able to tell a woman when she can't an abortion, but they shouldn't be able to tell you what guns you can own. Smfh.
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Can you answer it?

Can any Left winger here answer the question?

No, they can't.

My guess is they don't give a damn, just like the 9 robes that voted for Roe vs. Wade did not give a damn by trying to answer the question.

Instead, they hid behind the notions of constitutional privacy for the woman and completely ignored the personhood of the infant.

Can any rightwinger answer the question?

You are giving one of your Dear leaders a pass to cover up her weakness in leadership. You are holding right wingers on this board to answer a question that a Woman two heartbeats from being President WONT answer.

Here is the answer to the question that Nan should have responded instead of running away from it like a pussy:

“There is considerable debate as to when humanity begins. My view is that it begins at ____ weeks. “

I am not giving her a damn thing. Who knows when life starts, do you know?

Scientifically life clearly starts at conception.
Do you follow the teachings of the Bible or not.
I try

But if we are held accountable for our sins I’m going to be cleaning toilets for quite some time before I get my own cloud

However at least I will have a cloud without an annoying godless lib in sight
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Can you answer it?

Can any Left winger here answer the question?

No, they can't.

My guess is they don't give a damn, just like the 9 robes that voted for Roe vs. Wade did not give a damn by trying to answer the question.

Instead, they hid behind the notions of constitutional privacy for the woman and completely ignored the personhood of the infant.

Can any rightwinger answer the question?

You are giving one of your Dear leaders a pass to cover up her weakness in leadership. You are holding right wingers on this board to answer a question that a Woman two heartbeats from being President WONT answer.

Here is the answer to the question that Nan should have responded instead of running away from it like a pussy:

“There is considerable debate as to when humanity begins. My view is that it begins at ____ weeks. “

I am not giving her a damn thing. Who knows when life starts, do you know?

Scientifically life clearly starts at conception.

The Speaker chose not to answer with that. She ignored Science.
If you don’t believe it’s human, then why not just say so?

If it isn’t human, what species is it?

Can you answer it?

Can any Left winger here answer the question?

No, they can't.

My guess is they don't give a damn, just like the 9 robes that voted for Roe vs. Wade did not give a damn by trying to answer the question.

Instead, they hid behind the notions of constitutional privacy for the woman and completely ignored the personhood of the infant.

Can any rightwinger answer the question?

You are giving one of your Dear leaders a pass to cover up her weakness in leadership. You are holding right wingers on this board to answer a question that a Woman two heartbeats from being President WONT answer.

Here is the answer to the question that Nan should have responded instead of running away from it like a pussy:

“There is considerable debate as to when humanity begins. My view is that it begins at ____ weeks. “

I am not giving her a damn thing. Who knows when life starts, do you know?

Scientifically life clearly starts at conception.

The Speaker chose not to answer with that. She ignored Science.

She is one step from no longer being scientifically alive herself so........................

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