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Pelosi Suggests Delaying State of the Union

The Speaker invites the President to the House for the State of the Union address. The Speaker is NOT inviting the President to a public televised event. There is no way she's going to give the orange shitstain is going to walk into HER House, and have a platform to speak to the nation, and in a grand spectacle.
You haven't thought this through, have you? If Nance blocks Trump from giving the SOTU it will show the American people she is attempting to silence the POTUS. Is she afraid they might like what he will say? Afraid she might end up looking petty and partisan at the expense of the people? I hope she tries it.

She's not silencing him. She suggested he revert to the original SOTU, format which is the President put the address in a letter to Congress and they can publish it and the American people can read it.

It takes a lot of security and government workers to set up and broadcast the SOTU, and Nancy refuses to use unpaid labour to give the President this wonderful forum. Her House, her invitation.
First of all, it's not HER house, it belongs to the American people, and don't forget it. Second, the reason she doesn't want him to give it on prime time tv is because she's afraid of him making his case for a wall more effectively than she can make a case against it. She wants him to be heard by as few people as possible while the msm soak the airwaves with her and Chuck's propaganda. You know it and I know it, so don't give me that crap about unpaid labor. She doesn't give a shit about the people not getting paid. She could end this shutdown in 5 minutes if she wanted to.

He already made his case on national TV.... how’d that work out for him?

Well, seeing as how support for the wall has increased, I would say it's working out ok. Nancy knows it too.

And by growing support, you mean there’s still not a poll out there which shows a majority of people want the wall....

That's right and the American people elected Pelosi to put a leash on Putin's lapdog and his free spending ways, and especially, to hold this President accountable for his racist, inhumane, unconstitutional, and morally bankrupt policies towards asylum seekers on the southern border.
That's your worthless opinion, not everyone else's.
If McConnell doesn't think these funding measures will pass the Senate with a veto proof marjority, why won't he bring them to the floor. Pelosi and the House have done THEIR work. Time for McConnell and the Senate to do theirs.
He said he's not gonna bring any bills to the floor that the President won't sign. He didn't say it wouldn't pass the Senate, idiot. Pay attention.
oh yeah the COTUS REQUIRES the POTUS to address Congress each year.


No it doesn't, the phrase used in the Constitution is "from time to time". It does not say "each year".

Secondly Article II Section 3 does not require that the President make an in person address to Congress. For over 100 years the "State of the Union" was transferred to the Congress in writing.


You haven't thought this through, have you? If Nance blocks Trump from giving the SOTU it will show the American people she is attempting to silence the POTUS. Is she afraid they might like what he will say? Afraid she might end up looking petty and partisan at the expense of the people? I hope she tries it.

She's not silencing him. She suggested he revert to the original SOTU, format which is the President put the address in a letter to Congress and they can publish it and the American people can read it.

It takes a lot of security and government workers to set up and broadcast the SOTU, and Nancy refuses to use unpaid labour to give the President this wonderful forum. Her House, her invitation.
First of all, it's not HER house, it belongs to the American people, and don't forget it. Second, the reason she doesn't want him to give it on prime time tv is because she's afraid of him making his case for a wall more effectively than she can make a case against it. She wants him to be heard by as few people as possible while the msm soak the airwaves with her and Chuck's propaganda. You know it and I know it, so don't give me that crap about unpaid labor. She doesn't give a shit about the people not getting paid. She could end this shutdown in 5 minutes if she wanted to.

He already made his case on national TV.... how’d that work out for him?

Well, seeing as how support for the wall has increased, I would say it's working out ok. Nancy knows it too.

And by growing support, you mean there’s still not a poll out there which shows a majority of people want the wall....

I meant exactly what I said, not what you want to THINK I said. Are you stupid or something?
Secondly Article II Section 3 does not require that the President make an in person address to Congress. For over 100 years the "State of the Union" was transferred to the Congress in writing.
And for over 100 years there was no television.
It is not illogical.

There are roughly 800,000 people not getting paid right now.

Assuming their average salary is 50 grand a year, that is $769,230,769 per week that is not being added to the economy.

Actually it about 1.3 million as you would need to include contractors.

Contractors won't be getting back pay either.

oh yeah the COTUS REQUIRES the POTUS to address Congress each year.


No it doesn't, the phrase used in the Constitution is "from time to time". It does not say "each year".

Secondly Article II Section 3 does not require that the President make an in person address to Congress. For over 100 years the "State of the Union" was transferred to the Congress in writing.



I stand corrected, they yearly is more of a tradition than a requirement, however the point stands the Speaker of the House can't prevent the President from speaking at the House.

Hilarious, liberals sue to say that the Secret Service can't keep unruly pricks out of the White House but then argue that Pelosi can keep the President out of the Capitol Building LOL
***Mods, please move this to the appropriate “catch all forum” if necessary. I don’t know if you guys are still doing that or not****

In a letter, House Speaker Pelosi asked the President to re-consider the date for the SOTU.

View attachment 240444

Terrible idea.


I dunno. I say cancel the state of the union. put the TSA agents on 4 day work weeks this week. 3 next, 2 the following. Same for NASA, the NSA, Homeland, the Military. As long as folks are calling this a shut down lets make it mean shut down.


Your response is elegant.

Can we start using another term for the shutdown then?

Slavery for essential employee days?

Wind down?

Small government month?

Shutting down more of the government is as dumb an idea as shutting down part of the government.

I did see where some folks (on Twitter) are toying with the idea of having “targeted walk outs” of TSA agents at major airports in red states as a way of putting pressure on the lawmakers from those states.

Whether there is any truth to that; I don’t know. But it would be interesting to see what voters in Georgia think of 9 hour delays at Hartsfield or 6 hour delays in Phoenix. They miss their flights home to see their parents or miss their connector out of Salt Lake due to the shutdown.

I don’t think anyone in line can blame the TSA workers for not working while not getting paid. Also I think these are the types of people who will be very vocal with their congress critters.
They would just bring in local PD to do the checks while the TSA agents were listed as AWOL from work. They could be fired for the action.

I have a friend who works for TSA. She was on Facebook today, complaining that no one else understands what she's going through, because she HAS to work, but she's not getting paid. While I sympathize that it's a bitch of a downside to have built into your job, I also remember that she did the same song and dance the last shutdown, AND the one before that. Which makes me wonder why every one of these seems to catch her by surprise and totally unprepared.
The Speaker invites the President to the House for the State of the Union address. The Speaker is NOT inviting the President to a public televised event. There is no way she's going to give the orange shitstain is going to walk into HER House, and have a platform to speak to the nation, and in a grand spectacle.
You haven't thought this through, have you? If Nance blocks Trump from giving the SOTU it will show the American people she is attempting to silence the POTUS. Is she afraid they might like what he will say? Afraid she might end up looking petty and partisan at the expense of the people? I hope she tries it.

She's not silencing him. She suggested he revert to the original SOTU, format which is the President put the address in a letter to Congress and they can publish it and the American people can read it.

It takes a lot of security and government workers to set up and broadcast the SOTU, and Nancy refuses to use unpaid labour to give the President this wonderful forum. Her House, her invitation.
First of all, it's not HER house, it belongs to the American people, and don't forget it. Second, the reason she doesn't want him to give it on prime time tv is because she's afraid of him making his case for a wall more effectively than she can make a case against it. She wants him to be heard by as few people as possible while the msm soak the airwaves with her and Chuck's propaganda. You know it and I know it, so don't give me that crap about unpaid labor. She doesn't give a shit about the people not getting paid. She could end this shutdown in 5 minutes if she wanted to.

That's right and the American people elected Pelosi to put a leash on Putin's lapdog and his free spending ways, and especially, to hold this President accountable for his racist, inhumane, unconstitutional, and morally bankrupt policies towards asylum seekers on the southern border. Ms. Pelosi is doing what she was elected to do.

The American people blame Trump and the Republicans for this shut down. If McConnell doesn't think these funding measures will pass the Senate with a veto proof marjority, why won't he bring them to the floor. Pelosi and the House have done THEIR work. Time for McConnell and the Senate to do theirs.

"The American people" didn't elect Pelosi. The people of California's 12th Congressional District did. The entire rest of the country is just stuck with her.
oh yeah the COTUS REQUIRES the POTUS to address Congress each year.


No it doesn't, the phrase used in the Constitution is "from time to time". It does not say "each year".

Secondly Article II Section 3 does not require that the President make an in person address to Congress. For over 100 years the "State of the Union" was transferred to the Congress in writing.



I stand corrected, they yearly is more of a tradition than a requirement, however the point stands the Speaker of the House can't prevent the President from speaking at the House.

Hilarious, liberals sue to say that the Secret Service can't keep unruly pricks out of the White House but then argue that Pelosi can keep the President out of the Capitol Building LOL

Yes, actually, she can. The President has no more right to enter, let alone speak in, the House chamber than anyone else does.
Fairly certain the Secret Service and the Capitol Hill police are both still getting paid and on the job.

Secret Service are under the Treasury Dept which has not been funded. They are working with no pay. Capitol Police could be different as they would be funded under the DC Appropriations bill.

" The current shutdown is a partial one affecting roughly 800,000 federal employees. Roughly half of them are on furlough, while the other half, whose jobs are considered essential to public health and safety, must report to work even though Congress has not appropriated the funds to pay them. This category includes the Secret Service agents who protect the president and his family, "

Why Unpaid Federal Workers Don't Strike in a Shutdown - The Atlantic

Are Secret Service required to take a bullet for Trump when they are not being paid?
That's not quite true. The President has provided cogent arguments in support of the smart fence and the Democrats have provided nothing of substance to support their opposition to it. In fact, the Democrats did not take a hard turn against it until Trump was nominated.

The POTUS had two years of full control of Congress and did not push for the wall...he waited till the Dems held the House...why is that?
Again, that's simply not true. He has been pushing the smart fence since day one of his presidency, and he tried to reason with the Democrats to no avail, so we now have a shutdown that will last until support for the smart fence, which is steadily growing, forces the Democrats to seek a face saving way of backing down.
Then why didn’t he want the $25 billion Democrats offered him a year ago?
From the first days of his administration, Trump stated that he wanted to find a fair resolution to the so called "Dreamers" and he offered to give them and many more illegals who are already here a path to citizenship in exchange for funding for the fence, but the Democrats insisted he also abandon his plans for immigration reform as a condition for the funding, and that he refused to do. The President laid out his proposal in a State of the Union address, so if all the Democrats wanted was a path to citizenship for the "dreamers" the deal would have been done over a year ago.
Actually, what trump wanted to do was to gut legal immigration...

Trump’s swap: Citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers, legal immigration gutted
Hardly, what he wants to do was to allow people in to who had skills or talents that the US needed and keep people out who had nothing the American people needed and he wants to limit chain immigration to the immediate families of people who were admitted on their own merits rather than allow one green card holder to sponsor hundreds of people who would not otherwise qualify.

If you believe America is responsible for taking care of all the world's poor, then you support the Democrats' opposition to the President' immigration reforms, but if you believe the responsibility of the US government is to protect the interests of the American people, then you support the President's immigration reforms.
Nancy Pelosi is just bitch slapping Doofus Donald and giving the immature little-spoiled brat a lesson in American Constitutional government.
No, Nancy Pelosi just confirmed the Democrats have nothing to offer the American people but lame political gestures.
Nancy Pelosi is just bitch slapping Doofus Donald and giving the immature little-spoiled brat a lesson in American Constitutional government.
No, Nancy Pelosi just confirmed the Democrats have nothing to offer the American people but lame political gestures.
Under her leadership and guidance, the House of Representatives has passed eight (8) legislative bills to end the shutdown or portions of the shutdown and passed them on to the Senate for action. Sen. McConnell has refused to allow them to be voted on even though all accounts and reports indicate they would pass if voted on.
***Mods, please move this to the appropriate “catch all forum” if necessary. I don’t know if you guys are still doing that or not****

In a letter, House Speaker Pelosi asked the President to re-consider the date for the SOTU.

View attachment 240444

Terrible idea.
Why would the speaker NOT want the President to deliver the State of the Union during a government shutdown if such shutdown was a slam dunk for the speaker and a huge disaster for the President?

Methinks Pelosi has some polling figures that she does not like.


But I am just speculating.
just a GUESS but the President Trump will give the Address anywhere he wants and it'll be covered by one and all i ASSUME !!
***Mods, please move this to the appropriate “catch all forum” if necessary. I don’t know if you guys are still doing that or not****

In a letter, House Speaker Pelosi asked the President to re-consider the date for the SOTU.

View attachment 240444

Terrible idea.

LOVE the way she's jerking Trump's chain. She's got him cornered. LOLOLOLOLOL! Love it.
Who do you think she is dealing with? W. Bush! She is small potatoes compared to Tr
Nancy and Shumer should of gave Trump the money in the begining. We would have part of the wall and goverment would've never shut down.

Yea that’s what they will do going forward - roll over and give Trump whatever he wants :rolleyes:
Trump wanted the money last year, he gave in. But said it wouldn't happen again. Anyway the shut down is costing close to the 5 billion he was asking for. So proof democrats don't really care about wasting money. Take over congress and waste billions of dollars, keep it. You will give Trump the presidency in 2020.

Idiot how the fuck is Trump shutting down the government to get what he wants fault of DEMOCRATS?

It's on Trump, as Trump himself clearly said and the costs are ALSO ON HIM.

He is not the king, he does not controll the purse strings and he has NO LEVERAGE to win this. The longer it takes him to realize the more IT WILL COST US.
More and more people are are wanting a wall. Keep it up, please.

A handfull of rightwing nuts think it's worth keep the government shutdown, everyone else thinks it should be opened back up asap, with or without the wall.
Shut it down forever. This is funny. You let Pelosi help to steal tens of trillions of dollars from people with Obamacare. And not a word from those who suffered to pay the extra costs. And the people who voted for him and love socialism didn't even purchase the plans as they were expected to. She did not even have the dignity to leave Congress for that blunder. It tells you how corrupted she is.

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