Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

The women's movement has made great gains in the last few years. Nancy and the women of the House set that movement back years by proving women can not govern without letting out of control emotions make bad decisions. Nancy needs to go and all members of Congress that cannot keep emotions under control, and let them affect their decisions, need to go.

You nailed it. Sad but true PROGS, while supporting women is worthy, most of them aren't capable of important positions. After all, why do you think PROG narratives, actions, failures and snowflakes have become the normal?
The US codes does not prohibit the destruction of copies government records
What is the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
not what Nancy had in her hands
How do you know?
What ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
Here is what is required by the Constitution...
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union....

And, what ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
I was hoping she pulled his hair or something like you'd see on Jerry Springer.
That would have been more honest than the petty snubs being displayed by both.

I have no doubt she's bitter, frustrated, and angry enough to slap, scratch, and pull hair, but she's not quite stupid enough to think he wouldn't punch her out if she did.
The US codes does not prohibit the destruction of copies government records
What is the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
not what Nancy had in her hands
How do you know?
What ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
Here is what is required by the Constitution...
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union....
And, what ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?

You really suck at reading. Nothing in there about an original record, nothing even says it has to be in writing.

you are trying way too hard and just making yourself look like the mindless partisan drone that you are.
I was hoping she pulled his hair or something like you'd see on Jerry Springer.
That would have been more honest than the petty snubs being displayed by both.

I have no doubt she's bitter, frustrated, and angry enough to slap, scratch, and pull hair, but she's not quite stupid enough to think he wouldn't punch her out if she did.

She has made the narrative about her instead of Trump and his speech. That is just what she was trying to do
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display
You folks are in no position to judge anything since Trump is the hands down worst prez in the history of the country. Baby Donald set the tone by refusing to shake Pelosi's hand. Then giving a SOTU full of lies and campaign slogans. Geesh, what a piece of shit.

I agree the blob is a piece of shit whose only contribution to the world will be the fertilizer his lifeless body eventually becomes. But Pelosi has delivered nothing but embarrassment and failure to the Democrats. While probably being quite the fundraiser for the Republicans.

Wow. She must be really pissing you off.
What is the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
not what Nancy had in her hands
How do you know?
What ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
Here is what is required by the Constitution...
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union....
And, what ---is--- the official, original record of the SotU, as required by the constitution?
You really suck at reading. Nothing in there about an original record,....
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display

Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.

This was a calculated move on her part.

Wow...some trophy.

I'm going to have to start being nicer to you. Mind you, I still think your entire worldview is wrong and nuts, but I have to respect your intellectual honesty.
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.

The original are the words the president spoke during the address.

you really are this stupid, I thought it was just an act.
in fact acquittal is not an EXONERATION-----it is just a matter of a finding
of "not guilty"-------which can be based only on some level of question as
to actual guilt

....which President Trump never was.

No crime.
No evidence.
No witnesses.
The 1st partisan political Impeachment.
How did she not know that her attempt to show contempt for Trump's "unfitness" actually looked like sore loser syndrome?
Blinded by Hate...and the heat she is taking for her Constitutionally Illegitimate Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.

Stunning display of Trump Derangement Syndrome, for a long-time politician to miscalculate a public display to that extent.
No, that look on her face was that of an actor playing out a part.
It was the look of a failed Speaker who realizes she may have just lost a Democrat majority House AGAIN and felt the need to do something in an attempt to seem like she was justified in her Constitutionally illegitimate admitted politically biased House Impeachment, the 1st political Impeachment - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - in US history.

How did she not know that her attempt to show contempt for Trump's "unfitness" actually looked like sore loser syndrome?

The botox has made her brain dead.

How can you tell she uses Botox?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

The optics are terrible. Any dignity left she had as Speaker of the House went out the door with her ripping up the President’s speech on the House floor. She got her ass licked with Impeachment and looked like a petulant child that did not get her way.

Censure would be a waste of time. She screwed herself and her Party with that act.

When he refused to shake her hand, it showed what a nasty vindication person he is, he stooped really low with all his lies, it was a show.

The 4 more years at the start, was all set up. Rush coming out and stating he had cancer was all planned, the military man coming home was all planned, he was probably wounded or was sent home, I infer that the spouse of the man knew he was coming home.

It was all a show.

like the Apprentice.
He was already turning away when she artificially shot her hand out. She staged it.

Under the circumstances, I could hardly blame him even if he did it on purpose.
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.

The original are the words the president spoke during the address.

you really are this stupid, I thought it was just an act.

Words are an original document now? Interesting
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.
The original are the words the president spoke during the address.
Prove this to be true.
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.

The original are the words the president spoke during the address.

you really are this stupid, I thought it was just an act.

Words are an original document now? Interesting

There is no original document, there is only a record of what was said added to the national registry.

you people are trying way to fucking hard here.

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