Pelosie on FOX News Sunday... Ducking and Doging Responsibility.

She has no problem making Americans suffer and is in no hurry to return us to prosperity and freedom. She preaches misery, she needs misery in order to be successful. With a $24k freezer stocked with $13 pints of ice cream, doesn’t even a few Democrat supporters question her intentions or call her out on her hypocrisy?

The “But Trump...” retort is only going to get you so far.
Pelosie wants us tor remain locked down for the foresable future.... Let that sink in for a bit... She wants the US to implode..

That's ^ flat out Goofy.

Her goal is to make Trump a one term president... Everything she does is to that end, even if it means killing Americans..
I'd love to watch Hannity tear into that lying pompous bitch on live. TV instead of a leftie commie punk like Cris Wallace. Wouldn't that be a show?
Come on Hannity
That guy gives the kid glove treatment to Lindsey graham
Nazi would rip that rush wannabe a new one
Pleosie shows she it totally clueless about Coronvirus...

When confronted with her own words she cringed and they blamed Trump for her words... And then she lies through her ass about everything... What a worthless piece of shit. Blaming everyone else for democrat incompetence...

Democrats are in full damage control mode now... Pelosie hasnt been seen on FOX since 2017....

Nancy isn't the commander and chief. That's Trump's job. Trump sat and waited and waited to institute the proper travel bans and restrictions that would have protected the United States until late March when it was too fucking late. Now we have 40,265 dead, rising by over 2,000 a day, schools all shut down and much of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, where the had responsible leadership, a female President, they instituted all their travel bans and restrictions immediately on January 20, 2020, bans and restrictions that applied to EVERY COUNTRY not just China.

THE RESULT: TAIWAN only has 6 deaths from covid-19. The virus is contained, which has allowed schools to remain open as well as more sectors of the economy.
Pleosie shows she it totally clueless about Coronvirus...

When confronted with her own words she cringed and they blamed Trump for her words... And then she lies through her ass about everything... What a worthless piece of shit. Blaming everyone else for democrat incompetence...

Democrats are in full damage control mode now... Pelosie hasnt been seen on FOX since 2017....

Nancy isn't the commander and chief. That's Trump's job. Trump sat and waited and waited to institute the proper travel bans and restrictions that would have protected the United States until late March when it was too fucking late. Now we have 40,265 dead, rising by over 2,000 a day, schools all shut down and much of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, where the had responsible leadership, a female President, they instituted all their travel bans and restrictions immediately on January 20, 2020, bans and restrictions that applied to EVERY COUNTRY not just China.

THE RESULT: TAIWAN only has 6 deaths from covid-19. The virus is contained, which has allowed schools to remain open as well as more sectors of the economy.
China travel ban was in Jan, Sport.
Pleosie shows she it totally clueless about Coronvirus...

When confronted with her own words she cringed and they blamed Trump for her words... And then she lies through her ass about everything... What a worthless piece of shit. Blaming everyone else for democrat incompetence...

Democrats are in full damage control mode now... Pelosie hasnt been seen on FOX since 2017....

Nancy isn't the commander and chief. That's Trump's job. Trump sat and waited and waited to institute the proper travel bans and restrictions that would have protected the United States until late March when it was too fucking late. Now we have 40,265 dead, rising by over 2,000 a day, schools all shut down and much of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, where the had responsible leadership, a female President, they instituted all their travel bans and restrictions immediately on January 20, 2020, bans and restrictions that applied to EVERY COUNTRY not just China.

THE RESULT: TAIWAN only has 6 deaths from covid-19. The virus is contained, which has allowed schools to remain open as well as more sectors of the economy.
Trumps COIVD-19 Initial response was on January 17 BEFORE WE HAD EVEN ONE REPORTED CASE IN THE US... It was in the form of warnings and precautions for persons traveling abroad. January 31 he place the travel ban after we contracted just ONE known case. Tell me how he was to respond faster with the available information at the time. You liars are so predictable...

Tiwan was a close proximity nation and they had over 100 cases identified... But you keep putting up straw men that keep getting burned.
Pleosie shows she it totally clueless about Coronvirus...

When confronted with her own words she cringed and they blamed Trump for her words... And then she lies through her ass about everything... What a worthless piece of shit. Blaming everyone else for democrat incompetence...

Democrats are in full damage control mode now... Pelosie hasnt been seen on FOX since 2017....

Nancy isn't the commander and chief. That's Trump's job. Trump sat and waited and waited to institute the proper travel bans and restrictions that would have protected the United States until late March when it was too fucking late. Now we have 40,265 dead, rising by over 2,000 a day, schools all shut down and much of the economy shut down.

But in TAIWAN, where the had responsible leadership, a female President, they instituted all their travel bans and restrictions immediately on January 20, 2020, bans and restrictions that applied to EVERY COUNTRY not just China.

THE RESULT: TAIWAN only has 6 deaths from covid-19. The virus is contained, which has allowed schools to remain open as well as more sectors of the economy.

Taiwan belongs to China dumbass, of course they knew ahead of time.
Why? So he can shout over her before she answers a question? That's what you idiots call schooling the libs. What it actually is, is poor interviewing and debate skills. Hannity dropped out of college because he was a dumb ass. He got a job in radio black communications graduates that were more qualified couldn't get. And now he is a nationally syndicated college dropout who gets to run his mouth. This is who you look up to. Him and the fat flunk out Limbaugh. Is it any wonder why the right stays misinformed.

You're a fuckin' idiot.

I hardly "look up" to Hannity. Truth is, while I agree with many of his positions, I can't stand the fucking guy. He irritates the shit out of me. I hate is voice inflection and the fact that he speaks over his guests (liberal OR conservative).

But that does nothing to negate that Pelosi could appear on his show and, thus far, has proven herself to be a coward. If Hannity's so stupid and she's so smart, she should be more than willing to annihilate him.

Truth be told, you don't have a fucking clue as to why he didn't graduate college. But it demonstrates an almost horrifying level of ignorance to say it was because he was a "dumb ass". I won't even allow for the idea that you ever tried to get into NYU, but Hannity did. It's not easy to do as they are highly selective, to wit: there were 85,000 applicants for the class of 2024. Less than 13,000 were accepted.

But, more to the point. In 2008 Hannity signed a five year, $100 million dollar contract. I don't see that as a trait of someone who's a "dumb ass".

Which "black communications graduates" were more qualified than Hannity? I know more than a few people in that business (I was in it myself for a spell in San Diego) and I can tell you that the majority of on-air talent has a degree which has nothing to do with being on the radio. But let's see that list of "black communications graduates" you apparently have access to.

The reality of all of this is that you're aware that you're so intellectually deficient so, instead, you resort to calling him names and making up lies about him.

I've seen, for some time, the scorn and derision with which you get treated here by so many, and I've endeavored to avoid that. But I now understand why you're treated as you are.

You practically fucking beg for it...
trump and his followers continue in the character assassinations for one reason only. Neither trump nor his supporters will admit to the reality of what has become an administration to be seen as one SNAFU after another.

trump's dog and pony shows are not about Covid 19, it is about trying to rescue trump's legacy which has become an impossible task. Watching his sycophants praise him for his leadership is comical, their man-child in the empty suit had wasted weeks protecting his image and failing, and thus causing the usual chaos that defines his presidency; sadly costing many American lives.
trump and his followers continue in the character assassinations for one reason only. Neither trump nor his supporters will admit to the reality of what has become an administration to be seen as one SNAFU after another.

trump's dog and pony shows are not about Covid 19, it is about trying to rescue trump's legacy which has become an impossible task. Watching his sycophants praise him for his leadership is comical, their man-child in the empty suit had wasted weeks protecting his image and failing, and causing the usual chaos that defines his presidency; sadly costing many American lives.
Who has authority to close and open things in the states? Trump or the Governors?

Simple question I'm sure you will dodge.
Where in your link does it discuss her being confronted with her own words?

It seems to talk more about Trump's reaction to her appearance than the actual appearance. Did I miss it?
I missed one of the links...


I don't see where she's blaming Trump for her words. All I hear is her trying to explain her position...

She was deflecting all responsibility to Trump and even downplayed Fuci's involvement... Hypocritical lying bitch she is..

This IS trumps fault.

No it is not... THIS IS CHINA'S FAULT...

No, it is trumps fault. China did not spread the disease here, it happened due to the inaction of this administration. China did not put the virus in New York, or in a nursing home in western Kansas.

So China "put" it in every other country?

God DAMN people are stupid.
trump and his followers continue in the character assassinations for one reason only. Neither trump nor his supporters will admit to the reality of what has become an administration to be seen as one SNAFU after another.

trump's dog and pony shows are not about Covid 19, it is about trying to rescue trump's legacy which has become an impossible task. Watching his sycophants praise him for his leadership is comical, their man-child in the empty suit had wasted weeks protecting his image and failing, and causing the usual chaos that defines his presidency; sadly costing many American lives.
Who has authority to close and open things in the states? Trump or the Governors?

Simple question I'm sure you will dodge.
Rye Catcher why did you disappear?
China did not spread the disease here, it happened due to the inaction of this administration. China did not put the virus in New York, or in a nursing home in western Kansas.
Way to go dumb fuck... You have proven your an idiot..

Had China acted responsibly, they would have not allowed outgoing international flights when they closed the area to internal movement... Their actions allowed the seeding of over 100 nations. Pull your head out of your ass. They knew then how contagious this was because they knew what they were dealing with.

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