Pence: "My son had to remind not to let trump steal the election."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.


This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.

You won't let anyone find out jimboliar. If you ever stopped blasting out your Reichbabble, folks might choose another candidate. But your great campaigning pushes them to vote for Trump.
You really love your Trumpy don't you jimboliar??

This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.

On no not another hearsay thread

This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.

I used to like Mr. Pence, but he got too big for his britches and took a hellofa punch at his boss who made him the Vice President of the United States of America. He's a selfish, intolerant ingrate to the boss who honored him with the second highest office in the land. That just wasn't damn good enough for Pence to allow President Trump do what he does best--convince other people to do what is best for themselves as in building a lasting world peace, cleaning up the oceans so poor people can safely eat unpoisoned-by-plastic-trash that people who dump trash and plastics into the deep blue sea instead of buying matches and burning it in the landfills they live near. Fish in careless areas that do not monitor trashing the seas have lethal bits in their anatomy that can make the poor people who catch fish near the contaminated shore area sickened by. People who toss their garbage over the side of their boats often throw out plastic cups and straws which kill turtles and lodges in fish bodies that when caught and eaten can end a human life since the sharp plastic pieces can rip the gut one too many times.

How stupid are people who trash Trump because he used his skills to lead the Middle East into negotiations for a lasting peace. The selfish creeps that threw the election with boxes and boxes of fake votes favoring Democrats are the ones who should be taken to the shed and spanked, not President Trump who set aside the 3,000 lies a day the left threw at him using Soros-funded former journalists, current liars to blather a false narrative to the American people to disable the good things he did for this nation with lies and negativity never before seen at such a high level since the DNC also fried President Dubya. The Deep State wants to lie its ass off and penalize any truth told by their adversaries in the Republican Party with a flood of lies, charges, a sold out DOJ threat to incarcerate them for the duration, etc., and turn everyday behaviors as being crimes with the lies they invent for that purpose and that purpose only.
I used to like Mr. Pence, but he got too big for his britches and took a hellofa punch at his boss who made him the Vice President of the United States of America. He's a selfish, intolerant ingrate to the boss who honored him with the second highest office in the land.
Pence's loyalty is to the Constitution, not to a dictator wannabe pathological liar.
It is Trump or the New World Order. Biden weighed in on His side of the equation.
We need a New World Order. ~ Biden
We need to make America great. ~ Trump

That is our choice.
What if it winds up being a new world order with America completely in charge, of everything? That would be greater than another Trump term. Seen it already.
Mike Pentz is exhibit A of Donald Trump being completely out of his league. If he couldn't figure out that Pentz, Wray, and Sessions were disasters, he sure as fuck doesn't deserve another chance to make THE SAME ERRORS....
Mike Pentz is exhibit A of Donald Trump being completely out of his league. If he couldn't figure out that Pentz, Wray, and Sessions were disasters, he sure as fuck doesn't deserve another chance to make THE SAME ERRORS....
Well he did great things as president. Now he will clean the shit from DC
Well he did great things as president. Now he will clean the shit from DC

This is another mirage of bs. What happened to the Federal Debt? Was the swamp drained? Are our elections free from fraud? Did Chris Wray clean up the FBI? Is the Murderous Fraud Vax "safe and effective?"

Trump did some good things but overall he was a disaster...

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