Pence: "My son had to remind not to let trump steal the election."

Jim Bob its time YOU and your Liberal friends accept that Trump is LOVED world wide and will be elected, unless Liberals have him killed or something. :smoke:
Jim Bob its time YOU and your Liberal friends accept that Trump is LOVED world wide and will be elected, unless Liberals have him killed or something. :smoke:
Normally this is when you would say "Ssshhh....don't give them any ideas..!" but you know every single one of them is wishing for it.
Normally this is when you would say "Ssshhh....don't give them any ideas..!" but you know every single one of them is wishing for it.
There will be mass hit attempts on President Trump. They have to kill him because NO matter what they have done, he is still ticking!
when the pandemic hit

it caught him off guard

Chris Wray
Chris Wray
Chris Wray
Chris Wray

The next President must not pick another zionist fascist W supporter... which is what Trump did JUST THIS YEAR SUPPORTING McCarthy for Speaker, and completely falling hook line and sinker for the false flag hate hoax "Hamas attack" that never happened.

Sorry, too old, too much of a flop the first time, no evidence he has learned from errors of the past...

Vivek is the best candidate by far.
There will be mass hit attempts on President Trump. They have to kill him because NO matter what they have done, he is still ticking!

He's guaranteed to lose the same way he lost in 2020



in charge of "enforcing election integrity"
The idiocy of the Trump die hards is only matched by the mathematical truth of his polls...


He's guaranteed to lose the same way he lost in 2020



in charge of "enforcing election integrity"
We shall see! We shall see! Forget what you hear on the news, let America choose and see where this goes on election day, or should I say election "week" because well, you know all the mail in ballots have to come in ....:th_believecrap:
We shall see! We shall see! Forget what you hear on the news, let America choose and see where this goes on election day, or should I say election "week" because well, you know all the mail in ballots have to come in ....:th_believecrap:

There was fraud in 2020. It cost Trump the election. It was never busted. The same people who did the fraud are all still in power...

But the die hard Trump supporter is CERTAIN that THIS TIME there will be NO FRAUD because Chris Wray will suddenly become an honest patriotic American instead of a Zionist Fascist Traitor...


nominating Trump is political suicide and PRECISELY what the Democrats want....
Chris Wray
Chris Wray
Chris Wray
Chris Wray

The next President must not pick another zionist fascist W supporter... which is what Trump did JUST THIS YEAR SUPPORTING McCarthy for Speaker, and completely falling hook line and sinker for the false flag hate hoax "Hamas attack" that never happened.

Sorry, too old, too much of a flop the first time, no evidence he has learned from errors of the past...

Vivek is the best candidate by far.
Wray was seen at a WEF meeting last year in Switzerland I believe.

Garland . Obama tried to get his deep state ass in the SCOTUS .
And who are these rinos in the house who blocked the impeachment of Mayorkis ?
Pence's loyalty is to the Constitution, not to a dictator wannabe pathological liar.
Trump doesn't dictate, he negotiates deals that benefit everyone. Your party has called Trump liar, impeached him, tried him on the tube with well-paid hoity toity news parrots of the DNC talking points page which tend to incriminate Trump unfairly. For every time they put him to the carpet with over lying, it turns out he was not lying, but he was telling it like it is. President Trump approached his presidency as a responsible good guy. The falsetto narratives of DNC Press minions kept clubbing President Trump over the head with lies, and he kept on telling the truth as ever. The only recent politician who is the pathological liar you project that Trump is sitting in the Oval Office right now having himself an ice cream while Hamas, Chinese bad boys, etc. are pouring through the Biden's welcome mischief yet invisible border. I think I'm gonna be sick. :puke:

I've been a CEO in a business. You want people who facilitate your winning ideas and gifts to the public not backstabbers on disappointing days when you're ignoring a cold or bellyache. Without loyalty, you find it elsewhere if that be the need to feed your staff with good salaries.
A good CEO does all he or she can to benefit the people served by your business, and in Trump's case, the American voters. And he intends to benefit the American people any which way he can. Pence could have just STFU, but instead He used his ego as a shield in his haste to outdo the boss and make him look as bad as possible because his ego was offended. And Trump, like the rest of us, cannot fix stupid. :cranky:
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Which is what makes this migrant invasion so scary.

Going to cash in on it and make t-shirts with Bush's picture saying don't blame me I didn't vote for him written in Arabic
I used to like Mr. Pence, but he got too big for his britches and took a hellofa punch at his boss who made him the Vice President of the United States of America. He's a selfish, intolerant ingrate to the boss who honored him with the second highest office in the land. That just wasn't damn good enough for Pence to allow President Trump do what he does best--convince other people to do what is best for themselves as in building a lasting world peace, cleaning up the oceans so poor people can safely eat unpoisoned-by-plastic-trash that people who dump trash and plastics into the deep blue sea instead of buying matches and burning it in the landfills they live near. Fish in careless areas that do not monitor trashing the seas have lethal bits in their anatomy that can make the poor people who catch fish near the contaminated shore area sickened by. People who toss their garbage over the side of their boats often throw out plastic cups and straws which kill turtles and lodges in fish bodies that when caught and eaten can end a human life since the sharp plastic pieces can rip the gut one too many times. Trump with love in his heart for the American people did all he could to clean up ocean floors offshore this wonderful country. His consideration for the environment is music to the fishes in the sea and lobster lovers. :thup:

How stupid are people who trash Trump because he used his skills to lead the Middle East into negotiations for a lasting peace. The selfish creeps that threw the election with boxes and boxes of fake votes favoring Democrats are the ones who should be taken to the shed and spanked, not President Trump who set aside the 3,000 lies a day the left threw at him using Soros-funded former journalists, current liars to blather a false narrative to the American people on 300 tv stations to disable the good things he did for this nation with press lies and negativity never before seen at such a high level since the DNC also fried President Dubya. The Deep State wants to lie its ass off and penalize any truth told by their adversaries in the Republican Party with a flood of lies, charges, a sold out DOJ threat to incarcerate them for the duration, etc., and turn everyday behaviors as being crimes with the lies they invent for that purpose and that purpose only. They better shape up. :whipg:
Doesn't matter what the "jurors" say all will be overturned on appeal if any guilty verdict is handed down.
Dimtards are evil through and through.
The appeal will not be heard until 2025. A conviction will give voters a reason to vote against trump. No one wants a criminal or a felon as president. Well, except you, cause you are a cult member.

This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.

C'mon Ace. I thought you had a challenge for me
Yes, the challenge is to look at the poll aggregates and not cherry pick. Where you will find trump's approval cratering in late fall and winter of twenty nineteen.

Good luck with your challenge. ;)

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