Pence: "My son had to remind not to let trump steal the election."

The appeal will not be heard until 2025. A conviction will give voters a reason to vote against trump. No one wants a criminal or a felon as president. Well, except you, cause you are a cult member.
Only one cult brownshirt.....Sieg Heil jimboliar!
Again, you are such a dimbulb....all this baloney just makes Trump more popular and will gain him votes. Those of us who will vote for him don't have posters of him hanging from our ceiling, or a Trumpy blowup doll like you do jimboliar. Your obsession is what gets him elected and you just keep right on campaigning for him nonstop.
Are you stupid or somethin Forrest??
The appeal will not be heard until 2025. A conviction will give voters a reason to vote against trump. No one wants a criminal or a felon as president. Well, except you, cause you are a cult member.
The Slow Hoser giving you a thumbs up......
...should tell you how whacked you are.
Pence did the right thing under tremendous pressure.

He deserves credit for that if nothing else
Pence did the right thing under tremendous pressure.
Yeah that, he did.
Tremendous pressure.
Hell, he was right there in the building ----with his wife and daughter ----while hundreds were screaming "Hang Mike Pence".
What must he have been thinking? What was all of the family thinking?

Did his wife and daughter think that this is what they signed onto when Mike, husband and father, accepted the invitation by Don Trump to join the Trump campaign team......and the Vice Presidency?
Those will be moments that must have been deep-lasered into their psyche. For years to come.
The betrayal by the boss, Trump. The viciousness and betrayal by the same people who days before were true-blue supporters of Pence.

What a day that must have been for that whole family.

Pence would have done the right thing but his handlers at CIA are very persuasive .
And it was the RWNJ Fringies that the Pence family must have been deeply frightened of. They could hear the screams for Mike's execution by the Fringies (or as some nincompoop fringie poster has offered this chatroom ---World Economic Forum Secret Agents.)

The Pence family there, on site.....Dad, Mom, Daughter ....had every reason to fear the violent fringie MAGA's screaming for his execution ..... his assassination.
Yeah that, he did.
Tremendous pressure.
Hell, he was right there in the building ----with his wife and daughter ----while hundreds were screaming "Hang Mike Pence".
What must he have been thinking? What was all of the family thinking?

Did his wife and daughter think that this is what they signed onto when Mike, husband and father, accepted the invitation by Don Trump to join the Trump campaign team......and the Vice Presidency?
Those will be moments that must have been deep-lasered into their psyche. For years to come.
The betrayal by the boss, Trump. The viciousness and betrayal by the same people who days before were true-blue supporters of Pence.

What a day that must have been for that whole family.

And it was the RWNJ Fringies that the Pence family must have been deeply frightened of. They could hear the screams for Mike's execution by the Fringies (or as some nincompoop fringie poster has offered this chatroom ---World Economic Forum Secret Agents.)

The Pence family there, on site.....Dad, Mom, Daughter ....had every reason to fear the violent fringie MAGA's screaming for his execution ..... his assassination.
Trump did not 'choose' Pence.
The illusion that the incoming president gets to choose every member of his cabinet has been going on a long time.
Tell me you think Barack Obama chose Hillary Clinton his to be Secretary of State, after the way her campaign attacked him in 07 --08.
Steve Mnuchen stayed on along with many Bush cabinet members
And last thing I'm going to say about this this morning is whoever started the chant to hang Mike Pence was probably an FBI agent...... just like Ray Epps the one who kept yelling "we've got to go into the capitol.!"

This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.


How stupid are you?

Have you seen the video of Pence saying anything being alleged by ABCNews?

I knew long before election day the the democrats were going to steal it using absentee ballots

And didnt need trump to tell me

How stupid are you?

Have you seen the video of Pence saying anything being alleged by ABCNews?

I knew long before election day the the democrats were going to steal it using absentee ballots

And didnt need trump to tell me
Because Trump knowing he was going to lose said that over and over

And of course you bought into it


Trump did not 'choose' Pence.
Oh, I dunno 'bout that. Don Trump had a determinative vote on who would be his VP.
If he objected to Pence......would Pence have gotten the assignment?

whoever started the chant to hang Mike Pence was probably an FBI agent
Well, kudos to prolific poster OtherMike. At least at this time he ain't joining some other nincompoops on this chatroom who allege that it was World Economic Forum secret operatives who attacked the Capitol....and maybe (?) started up the assassinate Pence chanting.

So good on you OtherMike.
I used to like Mr. Pence, but he got too big for his britches and took a hellofa punch at his boss who made him the Vice President of the United States of America. He's a selfish, intolerant ingrate to the boss who honored him with the second highest office in the land. That just wasn't damn good enough for Pence to allow President Trump do what he does best--convince other people to do what is best for themselves as in building a lasting world peace, cleaning up the oceans so poor people can safely eat unpoisoned-by-plastic-trash that people who dump trash and plastics into the deep blue sea instead of buying matches and burning it in the landfills they live near. Fish in careless areas that do not monitor trashing the seas have lethal bits in their anatomy that can make the poor people who catch fish near the contaminated shore area sickened by. People who toss their garbage over the side of their boats often throw out plastic cups and straws which kill turtles and lodges in fish bodies that when caught and eaten can end a human life since the sharp plastic pieces can rip the gut one too many times.

How stupid are people who trash Trump because he used his skills to lead the Middle East into negotiations for a lasting peace. The selfish creeps that threw the election with boxes and boxes of fake votes favoring Democrats are the ones who should be taken to the shed and spanked, not President Trump who set aside the 3,000 lies a day the left threw at him using Soros-funded former journalists, current liars to blather a false narrative to the American people to disable the good things he did for this nation with lies and negativity never before seen at such a high level since the DNC also fried President Dubya. The Deep State wants to lie its ass off and penalize any truth told by their adversaries in the Republican Party with a flood of lies, charges, a sold out DOJ threat to incarcerate them for the duration, etc., and turn everyday behaviors as being crimes with the lies they invent for that purpose and that purpose only.
That is probably why a bunch of Trump traitors wanted hang him.
You won't let anyone find out jimboliar. If you ever stopped blasting out your Reichbabble, folks might choose another candidate. But your great campaigning pushes them to vote for Trump.
You really love your Trumpy don't you jimboliar??
How odd that what someone else says would push you into voting for a criminal.
Gotta love the features on those base model humans.
Obama's FBI tried to overthrow the 2016 election.

They wanted to lock up a three-star General --Michael Flynn the Director of National Intelligence appointed by Obama twice..... so why was he suddenly as dangerous as Putin.... can anyone tell me that?
You are way behind the curve. How embarrassing for you.


This is a felony waiting to happen. But the repubs are so scared of trump that they will continue to drool over him right up until he is convicted.

Your posts get more ridiculous every day. Do you think you are convincing anyone with this nonsense?

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